Examples of assembler code.

This page contains the following code snippets:

Remark 1:
All samples on this page are no more than examples, and are in no way guaranteed to be free of errors or omissions. You may use (parts of) these code-samples, but it remains in all aspects your own responsibility to test your programs.

Remark 2:
All comments in the code samples are in english. Comments in your sources can of course be in any language you choose. We recommend that you use the language most commonly used in your firm. The same holds of course for all other kinds of documentation as well.

We would like to point out, superfluous though it may be, that standard register assignments are as follows:

Register Function
Register 0 Workregister, mainly used as a parameter
Register 1 Workregister, usually used as a pointer to a parameter-list or a result-field
Registers 2-11 Can be assigned freely within each program
Register 12 Base-register for addressing within the program
Register 13 Pointer to a free save-area
Register 14 Workregister, usually used for return addresses
Register 15 Workregister, used for subroutine-address or (upon return) the return- and reason-codes

Remark 1:
Even though register 0 can be used for storing addresses, it cannot be used to actually address data or program routines.

Remark 2:
The content of register 15, when used for return- and reason-codes, is as follows: X'00SSSRRR', the first byte always being zero, the next three nibbles (SSS) containing the reasoncode, and the last three nibbles (RRR) containing the returncode. Alternatively the reasoncode is often returned in register 0.

Standard subprogram call.

Even the most common way of calling a subprogram is being enforced. Yet it is advised to follow long-standing practices. It improves both readability and maintainability of your programs. The usual convention is:

A save-area consists of 18 full-words (4 bytes each) and adheres to these rules:

Location Content
X'00' Reserved for PL/I
X'04' Pointer to previous save-area (i.e. register 13)
X'08' Pointer to next save-area
X'0C' Register 14
X'10' Register 15
X'14' Register 0
etc. up to register 12

Three code-fragments follow:

  1. The call of a subprogram.
  2. A callable reusable program.
    This example can be used only for reusable and non-reusable programs, but not for reenterable or refreshable programs.
  3. A callable refreshable program.
    This example is meant for reenterable and refreshable programs. Of course it can be used as well for reusable and non-reusable programs.

* Sample of a call to a subprogram.
* We assume the parameter list has been set up
         LA    R1,PLIST            Reg.1 points to parameter-list
         L     R15,=V(SUBPROG)     Address of subprogram in reg.15
         BALR  R14,R15             Fill reg.14 and call subprogram
* Handle the result
         LTR   R0,R15              Save and test returncode
         BNZ   ERROR               Returncode not zero: error-handling
GOOD     EQU   *
*        ...                       Other program-code

ERROR    N     R15,=X'00000FFF'    Remove reasoncode
         L     R15,ERRORS(R15)     Get address of error-routine from
         BR    R15                 And execute error-routine
* Error-routines for handling unexpected results from SUBPROG
* Upon entry reg.0 contains the return- and reason-codes
ERRORS   DC    AL4(GOOD)           Result ok
         DC    AL4(RETCD4)         Returncode 4: warning
         DC    AL4(RETCD8)         Returncode 8: problem
         DC    AL4(RETCD12)        Returncode 12: undefined
         DC    AL4(RETCD16)        Returncode 16: fatal error

* Sample of a callable program (non-reusable or reusable)
* This sample is not usable for re-enterable or refreshable programs.
         USING SUBPROG,R15         Register 15 contains address
         B     START               Skip data
         DC    C'SUBPROG '         Program-name
         DC    C'&SYSDATE'         Date
         DC    C'&SYSTIME'         Time
         DC    C'V1R2.05'          Version number
         DS    0H                  Re-align on halfword-boundary
START    STM   R14,R12,12(R13)     Save registers
         DROP  R15                 No longer needed as base-reg
         LR    R12,R15             Fill reg.12 with base address
         USING SUBPROG,R12         Now use reg.12 as base
         LA    R14,SAVEAREA        Address new save-area
         ST    R13,4(R14)          Point to previous save-area
         ST    R14,8(R13)          Point to next save-area
         LR    R13,R14             R13 points to a free save-area again
*        ...                       Other program-code

EXIT     L     R13,4(R13)          Get address of previous save-area
         LM    R14,R12,12(R13)     Restore all registers (except 13)
         LA    R15,...             Returncode in reg.15
         BR    R14                 Return to caller
         DROP  R12                 Base no longer needed
         LTORG                     All literals
SAVEAREA DS    18F                 Save-area

* Sample of a callable program (refreshable or re-enterable)
* This sample is usable also for reusable or non-reusable programs.
         USING SUBPROG,R15         Register 15 contains address
         B     START               Skip data
         DC    C'SUBPROG '         Program-name
         DC    C'&SYSDATE'         Date
         DC    C'&SYSTIME'         Time
         DC    C'V1R2.05'          Version number
         DC    0H                  Re-align on halfword-boundary
START    STM   R14,R12,12(R13)     Save all registers
         DROP  R15                 No longer needed as base
         LR    R12,R15             Fill reg.12 with base address
         USING SUBPROG,R12         Use reg.12 as base
         LA    R1,PRIVATE_LEN      Amount of storage required
         GETMAIN RU,LV=(R1)        Allocate storage for save-area etc.
* Address of allocated storage now in register 1
         USING PRIVATE,R13         Make storage addressable
         ST    R13,4(R1)           Point to previous save-area
         ST    R1,8(R13)           Point to next save-area
         LR    R13,R1              R13 points to a free save-area again
*        ...                       Other program-code

EXIT     LR    R1,R13              Keep address of our private area
         L     R13,4(R13)          Get address of previous save-area
         LA    R2,PRIVATE_LEN
         FREEMAIN A=(R1),LV=(R2)   Free allocated storage
         LM    R14,R12,12(R13)     Restore all registers (except 13)
         LA    R15,...             Returncode in reg.15
         BR    R14                 Return to caller
         DROP  R12                 Base no longer needed
         LTORG                     All literals
* This dsect describes all variables private to each caller.
*        ...                       Other private variables

Conditional assembly.

The following example shows the application of conditional assembly. First a macro is shown, that tests the contents of the JCL-variable SYSPARM. By this means optimization of the program to be generated and inclusion of debugging code is triggered.
The macro sets two variables that can be tested throughout the program to generate code as desired. Some examples of such logic is given as well. Below please find the following four code fragments:

  1. The macro as described above.
  2. The invocation of the macro.
    This call assigns the global variables &DBG and &OPT their intended values.
  3. The use of these variables to set other variables.
    Here we demonstrate how the variable &DBG can be used to steer the print-option.
  4. The direction of code-generation using the variables.
    Here we demonstrate how the optimization-option can be used in open code.

.* The assembler program (ASMA90) accepts as a JCL-parameter a
.* specification for the variable SYSPARM. The value entered in
.* the JCL will be passed to a global set symbol named &SYSPARM.
.* The value specified in the JCL is passed as a single string.
.* Options are separated from each other with a comma - no spaces.
.* This macro decomposes the string into separate parameters.
.* Then the parameters are checked and handled. 4 different keywords
.* are allowed:
.* - DEBUG  : Generate debugging code (Snap routine etc.)
.* - NODEBUG: Do not generate debugging code
.* - OPT    : Generate an optimized program
.* - NOOPT  : Generate a fully functional program
* Macro CHECKPRM tests JCL-variable SYSPARM and sets two global
* variables to reflect the contents of SYSPARM:
* &DBG is set on to include debugging code, off to omit this code
* &OPT is set on to generate optimized code, off for fully
*      functional code.
         GBLB  &DBG,&OPT
&DBG     SETB  0                   Default: no debug code
&OPT     SETB  1                   Default: full optimization
         AIF   ('.&SYSPARM' EQ '.').EXIT
* First we split the SYSPARM string into substrings
         LCLC  &P(5)               Array to contain substrings (parms)
         LCLA  &I,&N,&X
&I       SETA  0                   Character index for &SYSPARM
&N       SETA  1                   Next position to extract
&X       SETA  1                   Parameter counter (indexes array &P)
&I       SETA  &I+1                Increment character index
         AIF   (&I GT K'&SYSPARM.LOOP1X         End-of-string?
         AIF   ('&SYSPARM'(&I,1) NE ',').LOOP1  End-of-substring?
.* Put substring into array &P
&P(&X)   SETC  '&SYSPARM'(&N,&I-&N)             Extract substring
&N       SETA  &I+1                Set ptr to start of next substring
&X       SETA  &X+1                Increment substring counter
         AGO   .LOOP1              Go check next character
.LOOP1X  ANOP                      Exit point for loop1
&P(&X)   SETC  '&SYSPARM'(&N,&I-&N) Extract last substring
.* Check validity of the keywords (now in array &P)
&I       SETA  0                   Index into array &P
&I       SETA  &I+1                Increment parameter pointer
         AIF   (&I GT &X).LOOP2X   Done? (&X contains nr of parameters)
         AIF   ('.&P(&I)' EQ '.').LOOP2          Skip empty parameter
         AIF   ('.&P(&I)' EQ '.OPT').OPT         Enable optimization
         AIF   ('.&P(&I)' EQ '.NOOPT').NOOPT     Disable optimization
         AIF   ('.&P(&I)' EQ '.DEBUG').DEBUG     Include debug logic
         AIF   ('.&P(&I)' EQ '.NODEBUG').NODEBUG Omit debugging logic
.* Invalid value: issue warning and continue
         MNOTE 4,'Invalid SYSPARM operand: &P(&I)'
         AGO   .LOOP2              Go check next parm
&OPT     SETB  1
         MNOTE 0,'Optimized coding will be generated'
         AGO   .LOOP2
&OPT     SETB  0
         MNOTE 0,'Fault tolerant coding will be generated'
         AGO   .LOOP2
&DBG     SETB  1
         MNOTE 0,'Debugging code will be included'
         AGO   .LOOP2
&DBG     SETB  0
         MNOTE 0,'Debugging code will be excluded'
         AGO   .LOOP2
.LOOP2X  ANOP                      Exit point for loop2
.EXIT    ANOP                      Exit point for empty SYSPARM

* The global &DBG controls debug/nodebug assembling options
* - When &DBG = 1 then debugging is active
* The global &OPT controls optimization
* - When &OPT = 1 then optimization takes place
* - When &OPT = 0 then fault tolerance will be included
         GBLB  &DBG,&OPT
         CHECKPRM                  Check &SYSPARM to set &DBG and &OPT
         ...                       Here the coding follows.

* Now set printing options
         GBLC  &PRT                Controls print option
&PRT     SETC  'NOGEN'             Default to nogen
         AIF   (NOT &DBG).NOGEN    Debugging active?
&PRT     SETC  'GEN'               Yes: generate full listing
         PRINT &PRT                Activate print option

* This piece of code moves data, as specified by a move control element
* The data to be moved can be up to 32767 bytes long.
* R6 now points to the move-control element.
* R8 will be used as a source pointer, R9 containing the length.
* R10 will be used as the destination pointer.
          USING MOVECTL,R6         Make move control area addressable
          L     R8,MCRECPTR        Point to start-of-record
          AH    R8,MCRECOFS        Add offset to relevant data
          LH    R9,MCDATLEN        Load length of data
          L     R10,MCDEST         Point to destination area
* Now to move the data we would normally code an MVCL-instruction,
* since MCDATLEN can specify any amount of data up to 32767 bytes.
* Since it is known that currently no MOVECTL-element specifies a
* length of more than 256, we can optimize the code by using an MVC
* in stead of an MVCL.
          AIF   (&OPT).OPTMOVE
          LR    R11,R9             Target-length always eq. Source-len
          MVCL  R10,R8             Move the data
          AGO   .MOVEDONE
          BCTR  R9,R0              Decrement length by 1 for MVC
          EX    R9,MOVEDATA        Execute MVC-instruction
          B     MOVEDONE
MOVEDATA  MVC   0(0,R10),0(R8)     Move the data
          DROP  R6                 MOVECTL no longer needed

Self-modifying code.

This example serves as an illustration only. Normally we would very strongly recommend never to implement self-modifying code because it renders your programs non-reenterable, and because it makes programs very hard to read and maintain.
Two code-fragments follow:

  1. An initialization-routine.
    This routine is executed only once by changing the branch-condition at the start of the routine.
  2. Printing in two columns.
    This example shows a very ugly solution for the two-column printing problem, which makes of changing the opcode of an instruction. The opcode is changed from SH to AH and vice versa, making the column pointer switch to and fro.
    A much better solution would be to allocate a buffer, large enough to accommodate all lines for a page. Then one might fill all of the left column - top to bottom - before filling the rightmost column. Most end-users prefer such vertically listed information.

*        ...                       Setup addressability etc.
INIT     BC    X'00',INITDONE      This branch is a branch-never
         OI    INIT+1,X'F0'        Make previous branch a branch-always
*        ...                       Initialization code goes here
INITDONE EQU   *                   End of initialization routine

         L     R1,LINEPTR          Get last-used pointer into LINE
SETPTR   SH    R1,=H'50'           Switch to other column (initial: SH)
         XI    SETPTR,X'01'        Change AH to SH, or vice versa
         ST    R1,LINEPTR          Store updated pointer
         MVC   0(40,R1),DATA       Move data into print-line
         ...                       Other coding for printing the line
LINE     DC    CL133' '
         DS    0F                  Re-align on fullword boundary
LINEPTR  DC    AL4(LINE+67)        To start printing the data in the
*                                  left column, we pretend the last
*                                  move was to the right-hand column.

Reentrant dataset processing.

To process a VSAM dataset one needs both an ACB and an RPL. In the example below we show how to create an ACB and an RPL in a reentrant program. You may assume that all named storage locations have been allocated dynamically and that these are addressable by use of a DSECT.

SUBROUTN STM   R14,R12,12(R13)       Save all registers
         LA    R1,SAVEAREA           Address new save-area
         ST    R13,4(R1)             Point to previous save-area
         ST    R1,8(R13)             Point to next save-area
         LR    R13,R1                Reg.13 points to a free save-area
* First we allocate storage for ACB and RPL
         GETMAIN RC,LV=IFGACBLV+IFGRPLLV Request storage for ACB + RPL
         LTR   R15,R15             Getmain was ok?
         BNE   ERROR16             Error is handled elsewhere
         ST    R1,ACBPTR           Store pointer to ACB
         LA    R1,IFGACBLV(R1)     Point to RPL-part of area
         ST    R1,RPLPTR           Store pointer to RPL
* Allocate storage for a workarea
         GETMAIN RC,LV=4096,BNDRY=PAGE Request storage for workarea
         LTR   R15,R15             Getmain was ok?
         BNE   ERROR16             Error is handled elsewhere
         ST    R1,WORKPTR          Store pointer to workarea
* Create PLIST for GENCB ACB in getmained area.
* No returncode is provided for this GENCB.
         SR    R6,R6               Wipe register 6
         IC    R6,SHRPOOL           to contain shrpool-number
         L     R7,WORKPTR          Point to workarea for creating PLIST
         GENCB BLK=ACB,            Generate PLIST for GENCB ACB        *
               AM=VSAM,            Access method                       *
               WAREA=(R7),         Location for generated ACB          *
               LENGTH=IFGACBLV,    Max length for generated ACB        *
               DDNAME=(*,DDNAME),  GENCB ACB is to copy DDNAME         *
               SHRPOOL=(S,0(R6)),  Shrpool-nr varies from 0 to 15      *
               MACRF=(KEY,DFR,SEQ,SKP,SIS,NSR), Options for this ACB   *
               BUFND=8,            Minimum nr of data buffers          *
               BUFNI=1,            Minimum nr of index buffers         *
               RMODE31=ALL,        Buffer and control blocks above 16M *
               MF=(L,WORKAREA,GENACBLV) Generate PLIST in WORKAREA
* Now create the ACB, using the PLIST in WORKAREA
         GENCB BLK=ACB,MF=(E,(R7)) Generate ACB using PLIST in WORKAREA
         LTR   R15,R15             ACB generated?
         BNZ   ERROR17             Error is handled elsewhere
         DROP  R7                  WORKAREA no longer needed
* Create PLIST for GENCB RPL in getmained area.
* No returncode is provided for this GENCB.
         SR    R6,R6               Clear register
         IC    R6,KEYLV             to contain key length
         L     R7,ACBPTR           Point to ACB
         LH    R8,RECDLV           Specify record length
         L     R9,RPLPTR           And point to location for gen'ed RPL
         L     R10,WORKPTR         Re-address workarea
         GENCB BLK=RPL,            Generate PLIST for GENCB RPL        *
               AM=VSAM,            Access method                       *
               WAREA=(R9),         Location for generated RPL          *
               LENGTH=IFGRPLLV,    Max length for generated RPL        *
               ACB=(R7),           Specify ACB-address for RPL         *
               AREA=(S,RECDPTR),   Specify data-area for records       *
               AREALEN=4,          Length of data-area                 *
               ARG=(S,KEYPTR)      Specify key location                *
               KEYLEN=(S,0(R6)),   And key length in bytes             *
               ECB=(S,ECBPTR)      Specify ECB-address                 *
               RECLEN=(R8),        And record length                   *
               OPTCD=(KEY,SEQ,ASY,NUP,KGE,GEN,LOC), Options for RPL    *
* Now create the RPL, using the PLIST in WORKAREA
         GENCB BLK=RPL,MF=(E,(R10)) Generat RPL using PLIST in WORKAREA
         LTR   R15,R15             RPL generated?
         BNZ   ERROR18             Error is handled elsewhere
* Now that we have created both ACB and RPL, we can open the dataset
         L     R2,=AL4(VSAMOPEN)   Get address of list-form open
         MVC   WORKAREA(VSAMOPLV),0(R2) Copy to work-area
         L     R2,ACBPTR           Reload ACB-pointer
         OPEN  ((R2)),MF=(E,(R10)) Open ACB with modifiable PLIST
         LTR   R15,R15             Dataset opened successfully?
         BNZ   ERROR19             Error is handled elsewhere
* Return from subroutine
         L     R13,4(R13)          Get address of previous save-area
         LM    R14,R12,12(R13)     Restore all registers (except 13)
         BR    R14                 Return to mainline
* Default list-form of open-macro
VSAMOPEN OPEN  (0),                ACB-address not yet known           *
               MODE=31,            Enable 31-bit addressing            *
               MF=L                Generate only PLIST

Remarks? Questions? More information? Select the topic of your choice or e-mail us with your questions.


Example of a standard subprogram call.
Example of conditional assembly.
Example of self-modifying code.
Example of reentrant dataset processing.


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