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Bixoft has built an extensive macro library, which facilitates structured programming, strong type checking and other enhancements, such as discovery of various types of programming errors during assembly. Because the implemented facilities are quite extensive we call our library Bixoft eXtended Assembly language.
Regretfully the complete description of Bixoft eXtended Assembly language is not yet ready for publication. We are currently working on a public license for our macro library. For the time being the following copyright notice applies:
© Copyright B.V. Bixoft 1999-2001. All rights reserved.
This document contains confidential material and is supplied to you as is, without any warranty whatsoever. All or any of the macros mentioned may or may not work on your particular system or installation. It remains your own responsibility to test the programs generated with them.
Copying - by whatever means - prohibited.
As a preview we have included a short description of all macros supplied with Bixoft eXtended Assembly language. They have been divided into the following four categories:
The purpose of these macros is to make sources more readable, and to render the life of the programmer somewhat easier. All macros mentioned generate reenterable and refreshable code.
Readability and maintainability of your programs are improved by removing most branches from the source level. This reduces the number of unique labels the programmer has to invent. And we all know: the more labels and branches, the more errors while coding and problems with maintenance.
By providing these powerful instructions in an easy-to-understand intuitive format, mimicking that of the IBM-supplied instructions, the productivity of programmers can be quickly boosted while reducing the error-rate by removing many low-level details from the source level of your programs.
Several of the macros described in this section have the same name as IBM-supplied machine instructions. This is done on purpose: these macros replace the like-named instructions. Their syntax and semantics remain unchanged, guaranteeing both upward and downward compatability.
The macros mentioned in this section have been designed to conflict neither with SYS1.MACLIB nor with SYS1.MODGEN, so these macros may either be merged into one of your system macro libraries, or they can be concatenated with them in any order.
Macro Name | Short Description |
BALC | BAL or BALR on condition |
BALE | BAL or BALR on equal |
BALH | BAL or BALR on high |
BALL | BAL or BALR on low |
BALM | BAL or BALR on minus or mixed |
BALNE | BAL or BALR on not equal |
BALNH | BAL or BALR on not high |
BALNL | BAL or BALR on not low |
BALNM | BAL or BALR on not minus or not mixed |
BALNO | BAL or BALR on not overflow or not ones |
BALNP | BAL or BALR on not plus |
BALNZ | BAL or BALR on not zero |
BALO | BAL or BALR on overflow or ones |
BALP | BAL or BALR on plus |
BALZ | BAL or BALR on zero |
BASC | BAS or BASR on condition |
BASE | BAS or BASR on equal |
BASH | BAS or BASR on high |
BASL | BAS or BASR on low |
BASM | BAS or BASR on minus or mixed |
BASNE | BAS or BASR on not equal |
BASNH | BAS or BASR on not high |
BASNL | BAS or BASR on not low |
BASNM | BAS or BASR on not minus or not mixed |
BASNO | BAS or BASR on not overflow or not ones |
BASNP | BAS or BASR on not plus |
BASNZ | BAS or BASR on not pero |
BASO | BAS or BASR on overflow or ones |
BASP | BAS or BASR on plus |
BASZ | BAS or BASR on zero |
BHE | B on High or Equal |
BHER | BR on High or Equal |
BLE | B on Low or Equal |
BLER | BR on Low or Equal |
BLH | B on Low or High |
BLHR | BR on Low or High |
BNHE | B on Not High or Equal |
BNHER | BR on Not High or Equal |
BNLE | B on Not Low or Equal |
BNLER | BR on Not Low or Equal |
BNLH | B on Not Low or High |
BNLHR | BR on Not Low or High |
BXAEPSW | Extract program status word for systems that do not have the EPSW instruction |
CLEAR | Clear a register or an area of storage |
CPY | Copy a field/register to another field/register |
DEC | Decrement a register |
EXCLC | Execute compare logical characters instruction |
EXMVC | Execute move characters instruction |
EXQ | Execute some instruction |
EXSVC | Execute supervisor call instruction |
EXTR | Execute translate instruction |
EXTRT | Execute translate and test instruction |
EXXC | Execute exclusive or characters instruction |
GEN | Generate a replaced machine instruction |
INC | Increment a register |
IPK | Replaces the insert PSW key instruction |
LA | Replaces load address inctruction |
LC | Load character |
LR | Replaces load register instruction |
LT | Load and test |
LTA24 | Load and test 24-bit address |
LTC | Load and test character |
LTH | Load and test halfword |
LTHU | Load and test halfword unsigned |
MVPL | Move parameter list |
SET | Set named value in a field with named values |
SETOF | Turn off a named or unnamed bit |
SETON | Turn on a named or unnamed bit |
STA24 | Store a 24-bit address |
TRT | Replaces translate and test instruction |
The purpose of these macros is to make sources more readable, and to render the life of the programmer somewhat easier. All macros mentioned generate reenterable and refreshable code.
Readability and maintainability of your programs are improved by taking some of the chores of programming out of the hands of the programmer. The error rate is further reduced by implementing stronger type checking than the assembler does itself, and by checking for violations of program structure logic.
By providing these powerful directives in an easy-to-understand intuitive format, mimicking that of the IBM-supplied directives, the productivity of programmers can be quickly boosted while reducing the error-rate by removing many low-level details from the source level of your programs. Due to compaction techniques the number of base registers required can be reduced, without a programming effort, freeing up registers for other uses.
Several of the macros described in this section have the same name as IBM-supplied assembler directives. This is done on purpose: these macros replace the like-named directives. Their syntax and semantics remain unchanged, guaranteeing both upward and downward compatability.
The macros mentioned in this section have been designed to conflict neither with SYS1.MACLIB nor with SYS1.MODGEN, so these macros may either be merged into one of your system macro libraries, or they can be concatenated with them in any order.
Macro Name | Short Description |
CHKLIT | Check validity of a numerical value |
CHKMAP | Check parameters for MAPxxxxx-macros |
CHKNUM | Check whether a string is a valid number |
CHKREG | Check whether a string is a valid register |
CMDTXT | Create command text |
DC | Define constant |
DCL | Declare a sub-structure, a field with named bits, or a field with named values |
DCOVR | Specify overrides for DC instruction |
DISSECT | Dissect a parameter into its constituent parts |
DROP | Drop base register |
DROP0 | Define internal macro DROP_REG |
DS | Define storage |
DSOVR | Specify overrides for DS instruction |
EJECT | Start a new page |
EJECTOVR | Specify overrides for EJECT instruction |
END | End assembly |
EQU | Equate symbol |
EQUOVR | Specify overrides for EQU |
EQUREG | Assign available register |
EXTRN | Define external label |
EXTRNOVR | Specify overrides for EXTRN instruction |
GENMAPS | Set up control block DSECTs |
LABEL | Define a label |
LTORG | Create literal pool |
NESTCB | Include a control block in a containing area |
OPSYNS | Replace instructions with macros |
POP | Restore saved USING or PRINT status |
PUSH | Save current USING or PRINT status |
RDATA | Define remote data |
RLTORG | Create remote literal pool |
SPACE | Space listing |
SPLIT | Split a parameter string into its constituent parts |
SYSPARM | Analyze content of &SYSPARM |
TRTAB | Generate translate table |
USE | Set an area of storage addressable or declare a register occupied |
USEDREGS | Report availability of registers |
USING | Set an area of storage addressable |
The purpose of these macros is to make sources more readable, and to render the life of the programmer easier. All macros mentioned generate reenterable and refreshable code.
Readability and maintainability of your programs are improved by taking some of the chores of programming out of the hands of the programmer. The error rate is further reduced by implementing stronger type checking than the assembler does itself, and by checking for violations of program structure logic.
By providing these powerful macros in an easy-to-understand intuitive format, the productivity of programmers can be quickly boosted while reducing the error-rate by removing many low-level details from the source level of your programs. Due to compaction techniques the number of base registers required can be reduced, without a programming effort, freeing up registers for other uses.
The macros mentioned in this section have been designed to conflict neither with SYS1.MACLIB nor with SYS1.MODGEN, so these macros may either be merged into one of your system macro libraries, or they can be concatenated with them in any order.
Macro Name | Short Description |
ABND | Abend program by means of an ABND service routine |
ABNDPGM | Generate an ABND service routine |
BEGSR | Beginning of subroutine |
CASE | Specify condition for multi-way logic |
DBG | Debugging operations |
DO | Start of a DO loop. Do WHILE and DO UNTIL take a condition. |
ELSE | Alternative or default branch after IF or CASE |
ENDCASE | Ends a case structure (multi-way logic) |
ENDDO | End a do loop |
ENDIF | End of an if structure |
ENDSR | End of subroutine |
EXSR | Execute subroutine |
EXSR0 | Define internal macro EXSR_ADD_ENTRY |
GLUE | Call with change in Amode |
GOTO | Branch if specified condition is met |
IF | Specify condition in 2-way logic by specifying a condition |
IF$ | Generate code for condition testing |
IF$ALC | Sub-macro of IF$, allocates a register |
IF$LS | Sub-macro of IF$, loads a signed value |
IF$LU | Sub-macro of IF$, loads an unsigned value |
LEAVE | Terminate DO loop if specified condition is met |
LOOP | Force next iteration of DO loop if specified condition is met |
NTCR | Named token creation |
NTDL | Named token deletion |
NTRT | Named token retrieval |
PGM | Program entry logic |
PGM0 | Define internal macro CHK_STACK |
RETRN | Return from program |
RWTO | WTO with remote parameter list |
SETMODE | Set mode of operation |
SETMODE0 | Define internal macro SAVE_PSWKEY |
SNAPHDR | Create a header for use by SNAP |
SNAPNTRY | Create SNAP entry |
The purpose of these macros is to make sources more readable, and to render the life of the programmer easier. All macros mentioned generate DSECTs only.
Readability and maintainability of your programs are improved by taking some of the chores of programming out of the hands of the programmer. The error the assembler does itself.
By providing these powerful macros in an easy-to-understand intuitive format, the productivity of programmers can be quickly boosted while reducing the error-rate by removing many low-level details from the source level of your programs.
The macros mentioned in this section have been designed to conflict neither with SYS1.MACLIB nor with SYS1.MODGEN, so these macros may either be merged into one of your system macro libraries, or they can be concatenated with them in any order.
The following table lists all control blocks that are currently mapped by Bixoft eXtended Assembly language. This means that named bits and values can be referenced in conditions without having to specify the base field name. Also these control blocks can be included into data areas using the DCL macro. It does not mean that the IBM-supplied mapping macros are being replaced, rather the macros in this section create a shell around them to add functionality as mentioned above.
Control Block Acronym | Mapping Macro | Short Description |
MAPBITS | BIT equateS | |
MAPEQU | EQUates of registers, bits, and masks | |
MAPLMASM | Latch Management equates for ASseMbler | |
MAPREGS | REGister equateS | |
ABEP | MAPABEP | ABend Exit Parameter list |
ACB | MAPACB | Access Control Block |
ACEE | MAPACEE | ACcessor Environment Element |
ACT | MAPJCT | Accounting Control Table |
ADSR | MAPADSR | Symptom Record sections 1 and 2 |
ADSRCMPS | MAPADSR | Symptom Record section 2.1 |
ADSRDBST | MAPADSR | Symptom Record primary symptom string |
ADSRROSD | MAPADSR | Symptom Record secondary symptom string |
ADSR5ST | MAPADSR | Symptom Record section 5 |
ADYENF | MAPADYEN | DAE Event NotiFication parameter list |
AE | MAPAE | Virtual Storage Manager Allocated Element |
ASCB | MAPASCB | Address Space Control Block |
ASEO | MAPASEO | Address Space crEation Output area |
ASMPOOLS | MAPASMVT | Auxiliary Storage Manager cell POOL controller |
ASMVT | MAPASMVT | Auxiliary Storage Manager Vector Table |
ASSB | MAPASSB | Address Space Secondary Block |
ASVT | MAPASVT | Address Space Vector Table |
ASXB | MAPASXB | Address Space eXtension Block |
BASEA | MAPBASEA | Master Scheduler Resident Data Area |
BASEX | MAPBASEA | Master Scheduler Resident Data area eXtension |
BDW | MAPDCB | Block Descriptor Word |
BXASAVE | MAPSAVE | Extended SAVE area |
CAMLOC | MAPCAM | CAMlst LOCate results |
CAMLOCVOL | MAPCAM | CAMlst LOCate VOLume entry |
CAMLST | MAPCAM | CAMLST parameter list |
CDE | MAPCDE | Contents Directory Entry |
CIBHDR | MAPCIB | Command Input Buffer HeaDeR |
CIBX | MAPCIB | Command Input Buffer eXtension |
COM | MAPCOM | COMmunication area |
CQE | MAPCQE | Console Queue Element |
CSCB | MAPCSCB | Command Scheduling Control Block |
CSCX | MAPCSCB | Command Scheduling Control block eXtension |
CVT | MAPCVT | Communications Vector Table |
CVTVSTGX | MAPCVT | CVT Virtual SToraGe eXtension |
CVTXTNT1 | MAPCVT | CVT os-os/vs common eXTension |
CVTXTNT2 | MAPCVT | CVT os/vs1-os/vs2 common eXTension |
DCB | MAPDCB | Data Control Block |
DCBE | MAPDCBE | Data Control Block Extension |
DDRCOM | MAPDDRCO | IOS Dynamic Device Reconfiguration COMmunication area |
DECB | MAPDECB | Data Event Control Block |
DESB | MAPDES | DirEntry Services Buffer header |
DESD | MAPDES | DirEntry Services member Data descriptor |
DESL | MAPDES | DirEntry Services name List |
DESN | MAPDES | DirEntry Services Name record |
DESP | MAPDES | DirEntry Services Parmlist |
DESR | MAPDES | DirEntry Services Reason codes |
DESRCS | MAPDES | DirEntry Services Return CodeS |
DESX | MAPDES | DirEntry Services eXit plist |
DOCNTFLD | MAPDOTU | Dynamic Output length/parameter FieLD |
DOCNTLST | MAPDOTU | Dynamic Output LiST of text unit pointers |
DOCNUNIT | MAPDOTU | Dynamic Output text UNIT |
DSAB | MAPDSAB | Data Set Association Block |
DSABANMI | MAPDSAB | DSAB Alternate NaMe Information block |
DSABQDB | MAPDSABQ | DSAB Queue Descriptor Block |
DSCB1 | MAPDSCB1 | Data Set Control Block - format 1 |
DSCB2 | MAPDSCB2 | Data Set Control Block - format 2 |
DSCB3 | MAPDSCB3 | Data Set Control Block - format 3 |
DSCB4 | MAPDSCB4 | Data Set Control Block - format 4 |
DSCB5 | MAPDSCB5 | Data Set Control Block - format 5 |
DST | MAPDES | Direntry services Screen Table |
ECB | MAPECB | Event Control Block |
ECBE | MAPECB | Event Control Block Extension |
ECVT | MAPECVT | Extended Communications Vector Table |
EMDSECT1 | MAPS99 | Dynalloc parameter list to IEFDB476 |
EMDSECT2 | MAPS99 | Dynalloc message buffer area |
EMDSECT3 | MAPS99 | Dynalloc message buffer area array |
EPAL | MAPEPAL | External Parameter Area for Locate SWA manager |
EPAX | MAPEPAL | eXtended EPAL |
EVNT | MAPEVNT | EVeNTs control block |
FRRPL | MAPFRRPL | Function Recovery Routine Parameter area |
FRRS | MAPFRRS | Function Recovery Routine Stack |
GVT | MAPGVT | Global Resource Serialization Vector Table |
GVTX | MAPGVTX | Global Resource Serialization Vector Table eXtension |
IHSA | MAPIHSA | Interrupt Handler Save Area |
IOB | MAPIOB | Input/Output Block |
IOQ | MAPIOQ | IOS Queue element |
IOQE | MAPIOQ | IOS Queue element Extension |
IOSB | MAPIOSB | I/O Supervisor Block |
IOSX | MAPIOSX | I/O Supervisor block eXtension |
JCT | MAPJCT | Job Control Table |
JCTX | MAPJCTX | Job Control Table eXtension |
JESCT | MAPJESCT | JES Communication Table |
JESMNTBL | MAPJESCT | JES MouNTaBLe device class table |
JFCB | MAPJFCB | Job File Control Block |
JFCBE | MAPJFCBE | Job File Control Block Extension for 3800 |
JFCBX | MAPJFCBX | Job File Control Block eXtension |
JSCB | MAPJSCB | Job Step Control BLock |
LCT | MAPLCT | Linkage Control Table |
LDA | MAPLDA | VSM Local Data Area |
LLE | MAPLLE | Load List Element |
LPDE | MAPLPDE | Link Pack Directory Entry |
NTCRPL | MAPIEANT | Named Token CReate Parameter List |
NTDLPL | MAPIEANT | Named Token DeLete Parameter List |
NTRTPL | MAPIEANT | Named Token ReTrieve Parameter List |
OC24 | MAPOCPL | Open/Close parameter list (24-bit mode) |
OC31 | MAPOCPL | Open/Close parameter list (31-bit mode) |
ORE | MAPORE | Operator Reply Element |
OUCB | MAPOUCB | ResOurces manager User Control Block |
PCCA | MAPPCCA | Physical Configuration Communication Area |
PDAB | MAPPDAB | Parallel Data Access Block |
PDS | MAPPDS | Partitioned DataSet directory entry |
PDS2 | MAPPDS | Partitioned DataSet (extended) direntry |
PEL | MAPPEL | Parameter Element List (ENQ/DEQ/RESERVE) |
PMAR | MAPPMAP | Program Management Attribute Record |
PMARA | MAPPMAP | PMAR - load module extension |
PMARL | MAPPMAP | PMAR - program object extension |
PMARR | MAPPMAP | PMAR - internal extension |
PRB | MAPPRB | Program Request Block |
PRM_READ_BUFFER | MAPPRMLB | PaRMlib services BUFFER for member READ |
PSA | MAPPSA | Prefixed Storage Area |
PSL | MAPPSL | Page Service List entry |
PVT | MAPPVT | Real Storage Manager Page Vector Table |
PVTEXT | MAPPVT | Real Storage Manager Page Vector Table EXTension |
PVTVVTAB | MAPPVT | Real Storage Manager Page Vector VDAC TABle |
QCB | MAPQCB | Global Resource Serialization Queue Control Block |
QEL | MAPQEL | Global Resource Serialization Queue ELement |
QHT | MAPQHT | Global Resource Serialization Queue Hash Table header |
QHTENT | MAPQHT | Global Resource Serialization Queue Hash Table ENTry |
RB | MAPRB | Request Block |
RCTD | MAPRCTD | Region Control Task Data area |
RDW | MAPDCB | Record Descriptor Word |
RMCT | MAPRMCT | System Resources Manager Control Table |
RMPL | MAPRMPL | Resource Manager Parameter List |
RMPLP2 | MAPRMPL | Pointer to userparm for resmgr routine |
RPL | MAPRPL | Request Parameter List |
RPL6 | MAPRPL | RPL extension for LU 6.2 |
RQE | MAPRQE | EXCP Request Queue Element |
RTMW | MAPRT1W | RTM1 save/Work area |
RT1TRECC | MAPRT1W | RTM1 RECursion Control data |
RT1W | MAPRT1W | RTM1 Work area |
SCCB | MAPSCCB | Service Call Control Block |
SCCBCP | MAPSCCB | SCCB CPu information entry |
SCCBHSA | MAPSCCB | SCCB HSA information entry |
SCCBMPF | MAPSCCB | SCCB MPF information entry |
SCT | MAPSCT | Step Control Table |
SCTX | MAPSCTX | Step Control Table eXtension |
SCVT | MAPSCVT | Secondary Communications Vector Table |
SCW | MAPDCB | Segment Control Word |
SDW | MAPDCB | Segment Descriptor Word |
SDWA | MAPSDWA | System Diagnostic Work Area |
SDWANRC1 | MAPSDWA | SDWA Non-ReCordable extension 1 |
SDWANRC2 | MAPSDWA | SDWA Non-ReCordable extension 2 |
SDWANRC3 | MAPSDWA | SDWA Non-ReCordable extension 3 |
SDWAPTRS | MAPSDWA | SDWA PoinTeRS extension block |
SDWARC1 | MAPSDWA | SDWA ReCordable extension 1 |
SDWARC2 | MAPSDWA | SDWA ReCordable extension 2 |
SDWARC3 | MAPSDWA | SDWA ReCordable extension 3 |
SIOT | MAPSIOT | Step Input/Output Table |
SMCA | MAPSMCA | SMf Control tAble |
SMDE | MAPSMDA | System Managed Directory Entry basic section |
SMDE_FD | MAPSMDA | SMDE hfs File Descriptor section |
SMDE_PNAME | MAPSMDA | SMDE Primary NAME section |
SNAPLIST | MAPSNAP | SNAP storage LIST entry |
SRB | MAPSRB | Service Request Block |
SSDR | MAPSSDR | SubSystem Options Block extension for Dynamic device Reconfiguration |
SSL | MAPSSL | Short page Service List |
SSOB | MAPSSOB | SubSystem Options Block |
SSRB | MAPSSRB | Suspended Service Request Block |
STCB | MAPSTCB | Seconary Task Control Block |
SVCURT | MAPSVCE | SVC Update Recording Table entry |
SVRB | MAPSVRB | SuperVisor Request Block |
SVT | MAPSVT | Supervisor Vector Table |
S99RB | MAPS99 | Dynalloc Request Block |
S99RBP | MAPS99 | Dynalloc Request Block Pointer |
S99RBX | MAPS99 | Dynalloc Request Block eXtension |
S99TUFLD | MAPS99 | Dynalloc request Text Unit FieLD |
S99TUNIT | MAPS99 | Dynalloc request Text UNIT |
S99TUPL | MAPS99 | Dynalloc request Text Unit Pointer List |
TAXE | MAPTAXE | TSO Terminal Attention eXit Element |
TCB | MAPTCB | Task Control Block |
TCCW | MAPTCCW | EXCP Translation Control Block |
TCT | MAPTCT | SMF Timing Control Table |
TIOENTRY | MAPTIOT | Task I/O Table Entry |
TIOTHDR | MAPTIOT | Task I/O Table HeaDeR |
TIOTPOOL | MAPTIOT | Task I/O Table POOL entry |
TQE | MAPTQE | Timer Queue Element |
TTRN | MAPPDS | Track, Record, iNdicator field |
TTRX | MAPPDS | Track, Record, available field |
UCB | MAPUCB | Unit Control Block |
UCBOCR | MAPUCB | UCB extension - Optical Character Reader |
UCBPDCTA | MAPUCB | UCB extension - Channel to channel Adapter |
UCBUCS | MAPUCB | UCB extension - Universal Character Set |
UCB3540X | MAPUCB | UCB extension - 3540 |
UCB3800X | MAPUCB | UCB extension - 3800 printer |
UCM | MAPUCM | Unit Controle Module definition |
UCMEFEXT | MAPUCM | UCM individual device Entry Fixed EXTension |
UCMEIL | MAPUCM | UCM Event Indication List |
UCMEPEXT | MAPUCM | UCM indiv. device Entry Pageable EXTension |
UCMFEXTA | MAPUCM | UCM Fixed EXTension bAse |
UCMFSAVE | MAPUCM | UCM Fixed extension SAVE area |
UCMLIST | MAPUCM | UCM List of individual device entries |
UCMPEXTA | MAPUCM | UCM Pageable EXTension bAse |
VRA | MAPVRA | Variable Recording Area in SDWA |
VSL | MAPVSL | Virtual Subarea List entry |
WQE | MAPWQE | WTO Queue Element |
WQESYAR | MAPWQE | WQE saved SYstem id-ARray |
WTOPL | MAPWTOPL | Write To Operator Parameter List |
XSB | MAPXSB | eXtended Status Block |
XSRB | MAPSRB | eXtended Service Request Block |
Remarks? Questions? More information? Select the topic of your choice or e-mail us with your questions.
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