Profile of A.F. Kornelis, founder of B.V. Bixoft.

This profile has been subdivided into the following sections:

Education and background Mainframe DB2 assignments Mainframe Assembler assignments

General data
Born: November 6, 1962
Career start: 1983
Foundation of Bixoft: 1988
Adress: Rogge 9
7261 JA Ruurlo
Phone: +31-6-22755401
Languages: English

Plus a little Spanish, Italian, Danish

Education Classes
-- General  
Gymnasium B Six year grammar school with degrees in Dutch, Latin, English, Mathematics I and II, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
University of Groningen Astronomy (no degree)
Praehep Bookkeeping
Nederlands Studie Centrum  Protection of ideas and know-how
NOVU (=Dutch
  Inventors Association)
From idea to market
Negotiating Professionally
University AMBI IT degrees: I1, I2, B1, B2, T2, P1, P2, S1, (S3), HP3
-- Mainframe  
IBM MVS/ESA introduction
MVS/ESA installation
MVS/ESA design principles
MVS/ESA structure
MVS/ESA system control & tailoring
SMP/E for OS/390
z/OS and OS/390 Facilities
Raet Overview IBM MVS
Principles of JCL for IBM-OS
JCL coding techniques for IBM-OS
The Trainer's Friend Introductions to z/OS Unix
Plus the equivalent of:
SRA Coding Dynamic Subroutines
Coding Reenterable Programs
-- DB2  
ABIS DB2 Overview
SQL Workshop
DB2 Application Performance
DB2 System Performance and Tuning
IT Trends: E-volution, XML and Distributed Applications
Circle DB2 Restart and Recovery
DB2 Installation and Systems Programming
Triton Consulting DB2 UDB for z/OS Application Monitoring & Performance Masterclass
Brainware DB2 UDB for z/OS System Monitoring & Performance Masterclass
KBCE DB2 for z/OS Version 8 Update
DB2 XXL + Surviving the XXL Environment
IBM DB2 V9 for z/OS Transition Workshop
CA DB2 Tuning 2009
Bonnie Baker How to Diagnose and Cure Application Performance Problems
M Consulting Distributed Access to DB2 for z/OS: State of the Art
BMC Mainview for DB2
-- CICS  
SkillSoft CICS Fundamentals
Defining CICS Screens
CICS Application Development
File handling in CICS
Data Mining
-- Other  
HP Introduction to HP 3000
IBM Introduction to neural networks
Quantum Conversations
Agile Explorer
Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner
Sperry Super computers: the fifth generation and artificial intelligence
Tandem Introduction to Tandem architecture
Contentional mBrace for multi-tier Performance-analysis

Hardware Platforms Operating Systems
IBM mainframe VM/CMS, OS/VS1, z/VSE, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390, z/OS
IBM P390 OS/2 and OS/390
IBM AS/400 OS/400
IBM S34 and S36 SSP
R.E.A.L. 16023 DSP RTK-R (Embedded)
PCs Unix, Windows, CTOS, DOS, OS/2
Sperry S80 OS/3
HP 3000 MPE-4
Torch CPN

Programming languages
Macro assembler for IBM mainframes
High Level Assembler for IBM mainframes
Bixoft eXtended
  Assembly language
for IBM mainframes
Assembler for IBM S36
Macro-assembler for Sperry S80
Assembler for the 16023 R.E.A.L. processor (DSP)
Assembler for the 6502 processor
Assembler for the Z80 processor
Cobol 74 for IBM Mainframes, IBM S36, Sperry S80
Cobol 85 for CTOS
PL/I for IBM mainframes
SQL for DB2 on IBM mainframes
SQL and T-SQL for SQL-Server
SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle
SQL for Google BigQuery
JCL for IBM mainframes with OS/VS1, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390
clist for IBM mainframes with OS/390 and z/OS
Rexx for IBM mainframes with VM, OS/390, z/OS
EXEC, EXEC2, XEDIT for IBM mainframes with VM
Forth for IBM mainframes with VM
GAL Generalized Automation Language
RPG/400 for IBM AS/400
CL/400 for IBM AS/400
DDS/400 for IBM AS/400
Query/400 for IBM AS/400
RPG II for IBM S34 and S36
400/RPG for IBM S36
SDA for IBM S34 and S36
OCL for IBM S34 and S36
WSU for IBM S34 and S36
DFU for IBM S34 and S36
C, C++, QuickC on PCs
Basic (various kinds) on PCs
Forth on PC

Platform Tools
IBM mainframe TSO, ISPF/PDF, IPCS, SMP/E, Endevor, IDF, RACF, Script/DCF, Printerbox, Roscoe, Librarian, RSCS, Xedit, Spufi, Mainview for DB2, Omegamon/DB2, DB2 Administration Tool, DB2 Automation Tool, AutoMan, Tapeman, Matrix, JZOS, ISPW, z/XDC
IBM AS/400 PDM/400, Query/400, SQL/400, ISDB/400, X-Control, X-reference
IBM S34/S36 POP, FSedit, IDDU, #GSORT, Query/36, SMF/36, DDS, DW36, Link
PC Toad, Teams, Excel, Word, WordPerfect, Lotus-123, Lotus Notes, Easyflow, DW4, Outlook, Powerpoint, CTOS Executive, CTOS Librarian, CTOS Cobol interactive debugger
Other Jira, Subversion, git, github, SQL Power Architect, FrameMaker, Continuus, Various Source generators, mBrace, Box, Slack, Mural, Pycharm

Methods and Techniques
Finite State Machines
Reenterable programming
Refreshable programming

Databases Datacommunication
Google Cloud Platform DDF
Oracle SNA
Lotus Notes

Tasks and Assignments

Period 46: July 2023 through current
Client: BMC
Environment: z/OS
Languages: Rexx, C, High Level Assembler
Tools: SMUF/APTS, ISPW, IPCS, Z/XDC, Git, Jira, Miro, Topaz Workbench for Eclipse
Methods/Techniques: Agile, Scrum, Kanban
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: For a complex conversion project I designed a tree-based architecture for stepwise conversion of configuration data. I implemented the parse tree and the conversion software in Rexx.
For internal infrastructure (RTCS) I extended the module for memory management with 64-bit memory support. In cooperation with management I wrote a roadmap for resolving technical debt in the areas of documentation and testing. And I helped to formulate the arguments for requesting budget for this investment.
I consolidated documentation from various sources and made a plan to make the information findable.
For automated testing of assembler macros I developed a framework/architecture which was well received.

Period 45: October 2022 through June 2023
Client: IBM
Environment: z/OS
Languages: SQL, JCL, Python
Tools: Pycharm, Github, Box, Jira, Mural
Methods/Techniques: Agile, Scrum
Datacom: n.a.
Database: DB2
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: The internal automation department at IBM was creating a brand new cloud hosting environment. I helped refine the architecture, focused on DB2 and its production.
I was involved in defining an architecture for implementing fully automated lifecycle management for infrastructure components and their operational parameters.
Additionally, I started an initiative to define an architecture for application modernization, based on a cafetaria model.

Period 44: April 2022 through September 2022
Client: IBM
Environment: z/OS
Languages: PLX, C++, Bash
Tools: UltraEdit
Methods/Techniques: Agile, Scrum
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: PLX Compiler
Assignment: Maintenance and root cause analysis for IBM's internal PLX compiler. I also helped the JZOS team with root cause analysis for various customer-reported incidents.
JZOS being an interface product between MVS and USS.

Period 43: May 2021 through March 2022
Client: Wholesale company
Environment: Windows
Languages: SQL
Tools: Google Cloud Platform, Striim, Toad, git, SQL Power Architect
Methods/Techniques: Agile, Scrum
Datacom: n.a.
Database: Oracle, Google Cloud Platform/Google BigQuery
Applications: BI suite
Assignment: I helped the BI-team to move the Enterprise Data Warehouse from Teradata to GCP.
I was involved in modelling the new data warehouse, and in setting up our new git environmen in BitBucket.
While combining historical data from multiple tables we found we had several independent timelines in our data. I created a model to correclty combine these independent timelines: "A method for joining data across multiple independent timeframes."
Additionally I helped design the metadata model we used to generate the Data Warehouse.

Period 42: March 2020
Environment: Mainframe
Languages: High Level Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: I collaborated with to include my macro library – which I developed during assignment 23 in 1999-2000 – to their open source collection as file 884.

Period 41: January 2013 through April 2021
Client: Wholesale company
Environment: Windows
Languages: SQL, PL/SQL
Tools: Toad, Subversion
Methods/Techniques: Agile, Scrum
Datacom: n.a.
Database: Oracle
Applications: OMS, PIM, StockStats, EzDM, DOM, Cassandra
Assignment: Maintenance/renewal of internal applications and interfaces. Inform and teach on PL/SQL related topics. I acted as lead programmer in the PL/SQL guild.
In April 2017 I was elected as a member in the Works Council.
I architected a framework for detecting database changes and communicating them between independent applications. Using this framework I designed and built an implementation to connect two different ERP systems with each other and with the product information system.
At a later stage communication between our primary ERP system and Oracle Financials was added. To support all required code I developed a code generator.
I also designed and built a generic message handler, providing a single point of control/monitoring for all the databases and applications we were managing.

Period 40: May 2006 through December 2012
Client: Independent Software Vendor
Environment: Windows
Languages: SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Database: SQL-Server, Oracle
Applications: Our own application suite
Assignment: Implement our products for our customers.
Build and maintain tailor-made components in our application suite.
First-line support for all out applications.
Design and development of a new generic reporting engine.
Improving the cooperation between the DotNet code and the code in the database: Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers.

Period 39: May 2006 through Today
Client: z390
Environment: Windows
Languages: Java, High Level Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: various
Assignment: z390 is an open-source project that offers a Java-based platform for developing programs in High Level Assembler and in Cobol. z390 offers not only the assembler/compiler, but also a linker, a run-time engine with Cics and VSAMcomponents, and a language for scripting regression tests.
For years I have acted as coordinator for the international team of volunteering developers. In this role I helped the team to adopt git for version management.
The RT scripting language was built by me.
I played a major role as lead architect while designing our VSAM-implementation.
Obviously I also did my share of maintenance on the java code that implements the core z390 functionality.

Period 38: April 2010 through April 2011
Client: Independent Software Vendor
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: GAL (Generalized Automation Language), Assembler
  1. AutoMan
  2. TapeMan
  3. Matrix
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Create a European agency for Exspans.
Training Business Development at VentureLab Twente.
Define marketing and sales for Exspans products.

Period 37: September 2010 through December 2010, intermittently
Client: Course institute
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: SQL
Tools: TSO, ISPF/PDF, Spufi
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Database: DB2
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Teaching courses DB2 Database Administrator, SQL Performance, SQL Workshop, Advanced SQL.

Period 36: December 2006 through March 2010
Client: Government: Dutch Tax Agency
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: Rexx, SQL, JCL
Tools: TSO, ISPF/PDF, Spufi, Omegamon/DB2, DB2 Administration Tool, DB2 Automation Tool
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: DDF
Database: DB2
  1. ETM - Enterprise Tax Management, based on
  2. CC&B - Customer Care and Billing, by SPL Worldgroup
  3. ConfigLab, also by SPL Worldgroup
SPL Worldgroup currently is part of Oracle.
Assignment: Senior Database Administrator, as well as infrastructure specialist.
In order to replace various existing debt management systems ETM was bought - a multi-tier application with a planned database size of 10 TeraBytes and high availability and performance requirements. Therefore ETM had to be implemented on multiple Parallel Sysplexes with DB2 DataSharing Environments.
I supervised - albeit on an informal basis - the DBA team and supported management. I revised various documents relating to the architecture of the infrastructure to be used.
My DBA-team implemented DB2 subsystems, application environments and ConfigLab environments. These environments we managed with tools I designed and built.
I was responsible for trouble-shooting DB2 including performance aspects.
I wrote a course "Introduction to DB2 for mainframe" and taught it twice.
Apart from project-related tasks I was asked by the managment of the DB2 infrastructure support group to write a document "Guide-lines for the use of DB2" - a document that is to define directives for the entire organisation. Under my presidency it has been revised and refined with the colleagues responsible for the overall DB2 infrastructure.
I helped create a Proof-of-Concept for OUBI (Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence) implementation, that was to supplement the ETM application.
I helped to alter the installation procedure for our ETM-implementation to comply with Endevor requirements.

Period 35: February 2007 through December 2007, intermittently
Client: Manufacturing / Wholesale
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/VSE
Languages: High Level Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: Reentrant Programming
Datacom: TCP/IP
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Programmer
I modified various assembler programs. An exit for CA/XCOM had to be made reentrant. An exit for TCP/IP had to be enhanced with a connection to the SAF (RACF) interface.

Period 34: April 2007 through May 2007
Client: Service Provider / Software house
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: High Level Assembler
Methods/Techniques: JSP
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: Salary processing
Assignment: Teacher
This assignment was a follow-up to assignment 33. I trained a team of assembler programmers. Modules: Assembler Basics; Interfaces and Debugging; z/Architecture; Assembler Macros.
I also developed a certification test/exam for assembler programmers.

Period 33: November 2006 through March 2007
Client: Service Provider / Software house
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: High Level Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: Salary processing
Assignment: Consultant
I assisted the client's bid team to acquire an outsourcing deal for a large assembler application for the processing of salaries.

Period 32: July 2006 through September 2006
Client: Course institute
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: Cobol, JCL, SQL
Methods/Techniques: JSP, PSD
Datacom: n.a.
Database: DB2
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Teacher, instructor.
I have given a 90-day course for a class of fresh Cobol-programmers. Topics covered by me included: data set organization, structured programming, Cobol, TSO/ISPF, JCL, Cobol, VSAM, DB2, SQL for DB2, CICS for Cobol programmers, DB2 for Cobol programmers.

Period 31: March 2006 through June 2006
Client: Independent Software Vendor
Environment: IBM mainframe with z/OS
Languages: High Level Assembler
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable and refreshable programming, Structured programming
Datacom: DDF
Database: DB2
Applications: Gupta
Assignment: Managing Programmer.
Within the development team I was responsible for the day-to-day business, for the targets, for the designs, and for meeting all deadlines.

Period 30: December 2002 through June 2006, intermittently
Client: Various
Environment: IBM mainframe with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Teacher / Instructor.
Taught a ten-day course "Assembler for Beginners", including basic design techniques for assembler programming. Concluded with a custom-built group assignment.
Taught a five-day course "Assembler for COBOL and PL/I programmers".
Taught a three-day course "Reading dumps in an LE-environment".
Redesigned existing DB2 courses to improve quality and usability.

Period 29: August 2001 through February 2006
Client: IT-infrastructure sevices company
Environment: IBM mainframe with OS/390 and z/OS
Languages: High Level Assembler, clist, SQL
Tools: TSO, ISPF/PDF, SMP/E, Powerpoint
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable and refreshable programming, ITIL, Prince2
Datacom: DDF
Database: DB2
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Systems programmer.
Documented various systems exits and assembler programs prior to assuming responsibility for all maintenance regarding those exits and programs. The exits related a.o. to MQseries, Printway, SMF.
Established and coordinated a DB2-expertise group.
Assumed responsibility for all DB2 subsystems (their number has grown from 18 to 35) on 13 LPARs.
Migrated a customer successfully from DB2 V3 to DB2 V6.
Installed DB2 V7 (SMP/E etc.) and successfully migrated 18 subsystems from DB2 V6 to DB2 V7.
Installed 7 new subsystems.
Wrote and taught a 3-day course: "DBA starter for DB2 on mainframe" to students of the "Hogeschool van Amsterdam".
Participated in insourcing a client with 9 subsystems on 4 LPARs.
Designed and implemented a more efficient means for managing all subsystem parameters for all those subsystems. Gave a presentation on this topic at the Dutch DB2 User Group meeting of October 2005, which was well received.
Next to these activities I was continuously responsible for performance monitoring and for solving any occurring incidents and problems, answering questions from customers, help them search for solutions, giving performance-related advice, etc.
A.o. co-authored the design of the DB2-implementation of a performance critical OAM-based application for daily addition of circa 2 GB of data.

Period 28: July 2001
Client: Insurance company
Environment: IBM mainframe with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable and refreshable programming
Datacom: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer.
Successfully designed and built authorized programs (a user SVC and resource manager (RESMGR) routines) for a German insurance company.

Period 27: May 2001 through June 2001
Client: B.V. Bixoft
Environment: IBM P390 with OS/2 and OS/390, resp. PC with Windows
Languages: High Level Assembler, resp. HTML
Tools: TSO, ISPF/PDF, resp. WordPerfect
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable and refreshable programming
Datacom: Internet/WWW
Applications: BIXXAMS, resp. Bixoft website
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer, resp. site-builder.
Continued the BIXXAMS project (see period 23), especially Bixoft eXtended Assembly language. Also updated and extended Bixoft's website.

Period 26: April 2001
Client: IT-company of a bank
Environment: IBM mainframe (9672) with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable programming
Database: n.a.
Applications: Middleware - printerbox
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer.
Completely rewrote two widely used programs for writing to the bank's central electronic archive, creating 31-bit reentrant code. Also successfully implemented several functional changes and created a glue module for transparent implementation.

Period 25: July 2000 through March 2001
Client: Manufacturer of Digital Signal Processors
Environment: PC with Unix, Embedded systems with RTK-R
Languages: Perl, C, Assembler for the 16023 R.E.A.L. processor
Tools: FrameMaker, Continuus
Methods/Techniques: Finite State Machines
Database: n.a.
Applications: Voice Recognition
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer.
Worked with english, german and french colleagues. Successfully modified the design for the Finite State Machines for the voice recognition application, designed the processes and process-interactions, including synchronization of parallel processes. Created various Perl-scripts and modules for simulation, code generation, testing, etc. Applied maintenance to the C reference program and successfully wrote and tested various parts of the assembler code.

Period 24: March 2000
Client: Software house
Environment: IBM mainframe with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: IMS
Applications: Insurance
Assignment: Assembler consultant.
Gave pre-sales advice to an India-based software house, planning to do a large assembler-to-COBOL conversion for a major insurance company in Germany.

Period 23: April 1999 through July 2000
Client: B.V. Bixoft
Environment: IBM P390 with OS/2 and OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler, Bixoft eXtended Assembly language
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable and refreshable programming
Database: n.a.
Applications: BIXXAMS
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer.
Designed and developed a middleware package that makes data conversions transparent to the application software. The following subjects have been addressed: Started tasks, SVCs and space switching PC-routines, SRBs, recovery, dataspace management and cross memory, serialization (using latches).
Conferred with various prospects. Conducted a feasibility study and developed a business plan, which won three nominations and two prizes in the 'New Venture 2000' business plan contest.
Also created Bixoft eXtended Assembly language with advanced macros.

Period 22: July 1999
Client: Insurance company
Environment: IBM mainframe with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Assembler consultant and teacher.
Developed and taught an 'assembler for beginners' course, including a hands-on training.

Period 21: January 1999 through March 1999
Client: B.V. Bixoft
Environment: PC with Windows
Languages: C, C++
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: C/C++ designer and programmer.
While preparing the BIXXAMS project (see period 23) gained some experience with designing and building C++ applications.

Period 20: January 1998 through December 1998
Client: IT-company of a bank
Environment: IBM mainframe (9672) with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Tools: TSO, ISPF/PDF, Endevor, Lotus Notes
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: Lotus notes
Applications: Various
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer.
The systems programming department was responsible for a large variety of assembler programs, ranging from exits and tool-like programs to applications. Co-designed the documentation database - which was implemented in lotus notes - and co-designed an appropriate Endevor environment. Then documented all programs (in lotus notes) and inserted them into Endevor.

Period 19: July 1998 through August 1998
Client: IT training company
Environment: IBM AS/400 with OS/400
Languages: Query/400, RPG/400
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: DB/400
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Teacher.
Taught two workshops/courses: Query/400 (two days) and basics of RPG/400 (five days).

Period 18: September 1997 through December 1997
Client: Independent Software Vendor, focused on the mainframe-market
Environment: IBM mainframe with OS/390
Languages: High Level Assembler
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable and refreshable programming
Database: n.a.
Applications: CVO - Command Verification Option for RACF commands
Assignment: Assembler designer and programmer.
The existing program was executed as a command shell or as a subprogram. It also had to be capable of being called as a command exit. Completely restructured existing assembler code and macros to this end. Also checked for refreshability errors and changed addressability to AMODE 31. Updated and completed all documentation as well.

Period 17: July 1997 through August 1997
Client: B.V. Bixoft
Environment: PC with Windows
Languages: HTML and Javascript
Tools: WordPerfect
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Datacom: Internet/WWW
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Web designer and builder.
Designed and built the Bixoft website, both in Dutch and in English. Also created an abbreviated version in French, German and Frysian.

Period 16: December 1994 through June 1997
Client: Public utility
Environment: IBM AS/400 with OS/400
Languages: RPG/400, CL/400, DDS/400
Tools: PDM/400, Query/400, SQL/400, ISDB/400, X-Control, X-reference, WordPerfect
Methods/Techniques: SDM, ITIL
Database: DB/400
Datacom: WAN, EDI
Applications: VIS (Sales Information System), Agenda (Job scheduling system), TA-menu (Dynamic menu-system)
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer, application manager.
Added a module to VIS for analyzing debtor's accounts, combining pertinent data from over 20 datasets.
Subsequently aided the applications management department, where lack of manpower had caused an enormous back-log. Helped to re-create the department with a colleague, later managed the department.
Cleaned up and restructured various testing and development environments. Created procedures for testing changed programs and taking them into production. Implemented X-control and X-reference and created various add-ons. Also automated various procedures and at a later stage took responsibility for software quality control.
As applications manager aided in preparing a connection to the GBA (local government's population administration), including realization. To this end implemented Civilty's BRS-Globit, with various interfaces.

Period 15: October 1994 through November 1994
Client: Software house, focused on local government
Environment: PC with CTOS, DOS
Languages: Mbp Cobol 85
Tools: CTOS Executive, CTOS Librarian, CTOS Cobol interactive debugger, WordPerfect
Methods/Techniques: SDM
Database: ISAM 2, ISAM 3
Applications: GBA (local government's population administration)
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
Certain mutations in the administration were to trigger spontaneous generation of an overview of all people living at the address concerned at that particular moment in time. Created the technical design and all required program code.

Period 14: November 1993 through April 1994
Client: Bank
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP; IBM AS/400 with OS/400
Languages: RPG/400, 400/RPG, RPG II, Assembler/36, SDA, OCL, CL
Tools: POP, FSedit, Query/36, PDM/400, Query/400, SQL/400, WordPerfect, Lotus-123
Methods/Techniques: JSP, Jade
Datacom: SNA, MSRJE
Applications: Financing system; decentralized inquiry and mutation entry. Automatic operator.
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
After completion of the previous assignment (period 13) all applications had to be ported to the AS/400 platform. Verified for each program that a matching source existed. For some programs 'reverse' repaired the sources. Then ported all programs and made them native whenever required. Amongst others replaced an assembler exit by an RPG/400 module.
The automatic operator - used amongst others for automatic list recognition, logging and distribution - was converted to native RPG/400 too.

Period 13: February 1993 through October 1993
Client: Bank
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP
Languages: 400/RPG, RPG II, SDA, WSU, DFU, OCL
Tools: POP, FSedit, #GSORT, SMF/36, Query/36, WordPerfect, Lotus-123
Methods/Techniques: Jade
Datacom: SNA, MSRJE
Applications: Financing system; decentralized inquiry and mutation entry.
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
Client of period 11 had been merged with current client. After integration of both banks it appeared both that production was lagging, and that several datasets had been corrupted.
Took responsibility for breaking in a few new employees and restarting production. Subsequently repaired the damaged datasets.
Then designed and developed an automatic operator, which took care of sending jobs (using MSRJE), receiving and digesting the results of these jobs, checking for correctness, etc. This set of programs also took care of recognizing, logging, distributing and archiving (for reprinting) of lists and reports.

Period 12: January 1993.
Client: B.V. Bixoft
Environment: PC with DOS, OS/2
Languages: QuickC, C
Tools: WordPerfect
Methods/Techniques: Jade
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
Based upon study of literature a system was designed and built for constructing efficient neural networks. To this end several experiments were undertaken with techniques for software evolution.

Period 11: October 1991 through September 1992
Client: Bank
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP
Languages: 400/RPG, RPG II, Cobol, SDA, WSU, DFU, OCL
Tools: POP, FSedit, IDDU, DDS, #GSORT, SMF/36, Query/36, Easyflow, DW4, DW36, Lotus-123
Methods/Techniques: Jade
Datacom: SNA, MSRJE
Applications: Financing system; decentralized inquiry and mutation entry.
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
Extended the application with data on commission for agents, in accordance with the Dutch Law on Consumer's Credits.
Subsequently took over the system management tasks from a colleague, including performance tuning, capacity planning and space management. Redesigned and rebuilt several complex OCL-procedures for this task.
At the same time - with an eye toward a future transition to AS/400 - spent time and effort on normalization, data model, etc. Developed a program to generate DDS-specs from IDDU.

Period 10: October 1990 through May 1991
Client: Software house, focused on local government
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP
Languages: Cobol, SDA, OCL
Tools: POP, FSedit, Link
Methods/Techniques: JSP, Jade
Datacom: WAN, EDI
Applications: Gidab
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
Gidab is a software package for administrating a county's population. Due to changes in legal requirements - amongst others regarding introduction of a national network for administration of the population - the application was seriously redeveloped.
Performed analysis, design and programming of required changes to the data-communication modules of the application. Designed and built amongst others a parser and interpreter for handling 'free-form' inquiries. Subsequently helped to analyze the changes required for the message-handling modules.

Period 9: January 1990 through April 1990
Client: Technical wholesaler
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP
Languages: RPG II, SDA, OCL
Tools: POP, FSedit, #GSORT, Query/36
Methods/Techniques: JSP, Jade
Database: n.a.
Applications: Hermes, Kronos, Argus
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
The client and a sister company were to be merged administratively as of april first, 1990. Conducted all preparations, the realization and the implementation of all required data conversions. This concerned the datasets of the applications Hermes, Kronos and Argus, sold by the software house mentioned in period 7.
Then designed and built programs for automatically changing existing RPG sources and OCL procedures to facilitate implementation of a new set of naming conventions.

Period 8: March 1988 through December 1989
Client: Bank
Environment: IBM mainframe (3090) with MVS/XA
Languages: Macro-assembler, PL/I, Cobol, JCL
Tools: TSO, ISPF/PDF, Script/DCF, Printerbox, ISAM, VSAM, MSP's Data-Manager (through a company-specific shell)
Methods/Techniques: VSP, SDM, Pseudo-code
Database: VSAM-KSDS
Applications: System for loans and mortgages
Assignment: Systems analyst and assembler programmer.
Maintenance and partial replacement for the batch-application for loans and mortgages. Created documentation from existing assembler sources. Created macros for handling output to printer using the company's printerbox.
Converted ISAM datasets to VSAM-KSDS. Created a technical design and built a new I/O interface (black box) for VSAM datasets. The target was to achieve a limited kind of database management, with the primary focus on disconnecting the logical record lay-outs from their physical storage representation. Management of logical record lay-out versions was made transparent to the application at the same time.

Period 7: December 1987 through February 1988
Client: Software house, focused on small and medium-sized companies
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP
Languages: RPG II, SDA, OCL
Tools: POP, FSedit, #GSORT
Methods/Techniques: JSP
Database: n.a.
Applications: Hermes, Kronos, Argus
Assignment: Systems analyst and programmer.
Customized standard applications to fit the needs of various customers: wholesale support (Hermes), bookkeeping (Kronos) and production support (Argus). Designed and built recursive explosion and implosion routines geared toward inventory management for the Argus application.

Period 6: September 1987 through September 1991
Client: Importer c.q. wholesaler
Environment: IBM S36 with SSP
Languages: RPG II, OCL, SDA
Tools: POP, FSedit, SMF/36
Methods/Techniques: Jade
Database: n.a.
Applications: Wholesale package
Assignment: Systems architect, analyst and programmer.
Designed and built from scratch a complete wholesale package, comprising inventory management, purchase support, sales support, invoicing and bookkeeping. All in real time.
Laid the foundations, designed the interfaces, wrote both functional and technical designs, built, tested and implemented the programs.

Period 5: Summer of 1987, two weeks
Client: IT-company of the government
Environment: IBM mainframe (30xx) with MVS/XA
Languages: Assembler, Cobol, JCL
Methods/Techniques: Reenterable programming
Database: n.a.
Applications: Print output distribution system
Assignment: Assembler and systems programmer.
Removed several concurrency bugs from reentrant assembler code for the output distribution system the client was developing.

Period 4: January 1987 through December 1987
Client: Software house, focused on small and medium-sized companies
Environment: IBM S34 and S36 with SSP
Languages: Assembler, Cobol, RPG II, SDA, OCL
Tools: POP, FSedit, SMF/36
Methods/Techniques: Jade
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Software architect, systems analyst and programmer.
Designed and developed a programming technique (Jade), various pre-compilers, a data dictionary, and an RPG II macro processor. Built various RPG exits in assembler/36 and various standardized routines for RPG II and Cobol too.
Also worked for short periods on various customer sites.

Period 3: March 1986 through October 1986
Client: Bank
Environment: IBM mainframe (30xx) with VM/CMS, MVS/XA, OS/VS1
Languages: Macro-assembler, Cobol, JCL, EXEC, EXEC2, XEDIT, REXX
Tools: Roscoe, Librarian, Script/DCF
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Planning and systems management.
Restructured and rewrote the department's own programs. Performed and automated various chores relating to systems management.

Period 2: May 1985 through February 1986
Client: IT-company of local government
Environment: IBM mainframe (43xx and 30xx) with VM/CMS, MVS/XA
Sperry S80 with OS/3
Languages: IBM: Macro-assembler, Cobol, EXEC, EXEC2, XEDIT, Forth
Sperry: Macro-assembler, Cobol
Tools: IBM: RSCS
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Systems programmer.
IBM: created user exits for UCC-7 (tape management system) in assembler. Built an interactive interpreter/compiler (Forth) in assembler. Built a system for planning man-hours in Cobol and EXEC2.
Sperry: Using Cobol built both a source generator for ICAM/IMS and a catalog-lister.

Period 1: December 1983 through April 1985
Client: IT-company of local government
Environment: IBM mainframe (43xx and 30xx) with VM/CMS, MVS/XA
Sperry S80 with OS/3
HP 3000 with MPE-4
Tools: IBM: RSCS
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: IBM: OGB, local taxes, PACOS
Sperry: NUMIS, public utilities
HP: OGB, local taxes
DEC: Library system LIBS/LAS
Assignment: Application manager and systems manager.
Interfaced between customers (counties, public utilities, libraries) and the production department. Developed procedures for improving efficiency.

Period: Until December 1983
Location: School, university, home
Environment: PCs
Languages: Basic, Forth, 6502 Assembler, Z80 Assembler
Tools: n.a.
Methods/Techniques: n.a.
Database: n.a.
Applications: n.a.
Assignment: Designed and programmed various applications: Function analysis, Manipulation of equations, Arithmetic module for very large numbers, Language generator, Disassembler for 6502.

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