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Mnemonic | Opcode | Masker | Naam | Categorie |
OPCDB260 | B260 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB261 | B261 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB264 | B264 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB266 | B266 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB267 | B267 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB272 | B272 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB27A | B27A | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB27B | B27B | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB27E | B27E | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB27F | B27F | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB2F6 | B2F6 | A Coupling Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB269 | B269 | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB26A | B26A | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB26B | B26B | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB26C | B26C | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB26D | B26D | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB26E | B26E | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
OPCDB26F | B26F | A Cryptographic Facility instruction | Machine Instructie | |
A | 5A | Add | Machine Instructie | |
ADB | ED1A | Add Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
ADBR | B31A | Add Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AD | 6A | Add Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
ADR | 2A | Add Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ADTR | B3D2 | Add Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ADTRA | B3D2 | Add Double Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
AEB | ED0A | Add Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
AEBR | B30A | Add Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AE | 7A | Add Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
AER | 3A | Add Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AXBR | B34A | Add eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AXR | 36 | Add eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AXTR | B3DA | Add eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AXTRA | B3DA | Add eXtended Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
AFI | C29 | Add Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
AG | E308 | Add Grande | Machine Instructie | |
AGR | B908 | Add Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
AGRK | B9E8 | Add Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
AGF | E318 | Add Grande with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
AGFI | C28 | Add Grande with Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
AGFR | B918 | Add Grande with Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
AGH | E338 | Add Grande with Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
AGHI | A7B | Add Grande with Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
AGHIK | ECD9 | Add Grande with Halfword Immediate Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
AGSI | EB7A | Add Grande with Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
AH | 4A | Add Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
AHI | A7A | Add Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
AHIK | ECD8 | Add Halfword Immediate Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
AHY | E37A | Add Halfword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
AHHHR | B9C8 | Add High and High to High Register | Machine Instructie | |
AHHLR | B9D8 | Add High and High to Low Register | Machine Instructie | |
AIH | CC8 | Add Immediate High | Machine Instructie | |
AL | 5E | Add Logical | Machine Instructie | |
ALFI | C2B | Add Logical Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
ALG | E30A | Add Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
ALGR | B90A | Add Logical Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALGRK | B9EA | Add Logical Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
ALGF | E31A | Add Logical Grande with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
ALGFI | C2A | Add Logical Grande with Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
ALGFR | B91A | Add Logical Grande with Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALGHSIK | ECDB | Add Logical Grande with Halfword Signed Immediate Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
ALGSI | EB7E | Add Logical Grande with Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
ALHHHR | B9CA | Add Logical High and High to High Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALHHLR | B9DA | Add Logical High and High to Low Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALR | 1E | Add Logical Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALRK | B9FA | Add Logical Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
ALC | E398 | Add Logical with Carry | Machine Instructie | |
ALCG | E388 | Add Logical with Carry Grande | Machine Instructie | |
ALCGR | B988 | Add Logical with Carry Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALCR | B998 | Add Logical with Carry Register | Machine Instructie | |
ALHSIK | ECDA | Add Logical with Halfword Signed Immediate Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
ALSI | EB6E | Add Logical with Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
ALSIH | CCA | Add Logical with Signed Immediate High | Machine Instructie | |
ALSIHN | CCB | Add Logical with Signed Immediate High No cc | Machine Instructie | |
ALY | E35E | Add Logical Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
AP | FA | Add Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
AR | 1A | Add Register | Machine Instructie | |
ARK | B9F8 | Add Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
AU | 7E | Add Unnormalized hfp | Machine Instructie | |
AUR | 3E | Add Unnormalized hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
AW | 6E | Add Wide unnormalized hfp | Machine Instructie | |
AWR | 2E | Add Wide unnormalized hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ASI | EB6A | Add with Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
AY | E35A | Add Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
AMODE | -- | Addressing MODE | Directive - assembler instructie | |
ALIAS | -- | ALIAS definition | Directive - assembler instructie | |
N | 54 | aNd | Machine Instructie | |
NC | D4 | aNd Characters | Machine Instructie | |
NG | E380 | aNd Grande | Machine Instructie | |
NGR | B980 | aNd Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
NGRK | B9E4 | aNd Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NHHR | EC54 | [00.1F.00] | aNd High with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NHLR | EC54 | [00.1F.20] | aNd High with Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NI | 94 | aNd Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
NIHF | C0A | aNd Immediate High with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
NIHH | A54 | aNd Immediate High-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
NIHL | A55 | aNd Immediate High-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
NILF | C0B | aNd Immediate Low with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
NILH | A56 | aNd Immediate Low-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
NILL | A57 | aNd Immediate Low-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
NIY | EB54 | aNd Immediate Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC005 | ???? | AND Logical Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
NLHR | EC54 | [20.3F.20] | aNd Low with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
AMCLHI | A34 | And MilliCode register Left High Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
NR | 14 | aNd Register | Machine Instructie | |
NRK | B9F4 | aNd Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
ASR | A34 | And Special Register | Machine Instructie | |
NCGRK | B9E5 | aNd with Complement Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NCRK | B9F5 | aNd with Complement Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NY | E354 | aNd Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
ACONTROL | -- | Assembler CONTROL | Directive - assembler instructie | |
ACTR | -- | Assembler CounTeR | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
AEJECT | -- | Assembler EJECT macro listing | Directive - assembler instructie | |
AGOB | -- | Assembler GO Backward | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
AGO | -- | Assembler GO to | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
AIF | -- | Assembler IF | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
AIFB | -- | Assembler IF Backward | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
AINSERT | -- | Assembler INSERT source line | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
ANOP | -- | Assembler No-OPeration | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
AREAD | -- | Assembler READ source record | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
ASPACE | -- | Assembler SPACE macro listing | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
ADATA | -- | Associated DATA | Directive - assembler instructie | |
B | 47 | 1111 | Branch | Extended Mnemonic |
BAL | 45 | Branch And Link | Machine Instructie | |
BALR | 05 | Branch And Link Register | Machine Instructie | |
BAS | 4D | Branch And Save | Machine Instructie | |
BASSM | 0C | Branch And Save and Set Mode | Machine Instructie | |
BASR | 0D | Branch And Save Register | Machine Instructie | |
BSA | B25A | Branch and Set Authority | Machine Instructie | |
BSM | 0B | Branch and Set Mode | Machine Instructie | |
BAKR | B240 | Branch And stacK Register | Machine Instructie | |
BSG | B258 | Branch in Subspace Group | Machine Instructie | |
BI | E347 | 1111 | Branch Indirect | Extended Mnemonic |
BIC | E347 | Branch Indirect on Condition | Machine Instructie | |
BIE | E347 | 1000 | Branch Indirect on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BIH | E347 | 0010 | Branch Indirect on High | Extended Mnemonic |
BIL | E347 | 0100 | Branch Indirect on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BIM | E347 | 0100 | Branch Indirect on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BINE | E347 | 0111 | Branch Indirect on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BINH | E347 | 1101 | Branch Indirect on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
BINL | E347 | 1011 | Branch Indirect on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BINM | E347 | 1011 | Branch Indirect on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BINO | E347 | 1110 | Branch Indirect on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BINP | E347 | 1101 | Branch Indirect on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BINZ | E347 | 0111 | Branch Indirect on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BIO | E347 | 0001 | Branch Indirect on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BIP | E347 | 0010 | Branch Indirect on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BIZ | E347 | 1000 | Branch Indirect on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BC | 47 | Branch on Condition | Machine Instructie | |
BCR | 07 | Branch on Condition Register | Machine Instructie | |
BCT | 46 | Branch on CounT | Machine Instructie | |
BCTG | E346 | Branch on CounT Grande | Machine Instructie | |
BCTGR | B946 | Branch on CounT Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
BCTR | 06 | Branch on CounT Register | Machine Instructie | |
BE | 47 | 1000 | Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BER | 07 | 1000 | Branch on Equal Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BRFLG | AA | BRanch on FLaGs | Machine Instructie | |
BH | 47 | 0010 | Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
BHR | 07 | 0010 | Branch on High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BXH | 86 | Branch on indeX High | Machine Instructie | |
BXHG | EB44 | Branch on indeX High Grande | Machine Instructie | |
BXLE | 87 | Branch on indeX Low or Equal | Machine Instructie | |
BXLEG | EB45 | Branch on indeX Low or Equal Grande | Machine Instructie | |
BL | 47 | 0100 | Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BLR | 07 | 0100 | Branch on Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BM | 47 | 0100 | Branch on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BMR | 07 | 0100 | Branch on Mixed / Minus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNE | 47 | 0111 | Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BNER | 07 | 0111 | Branch on Not Equal Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNH | 47 | 1101 | Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
BNHR | 07 | 1101 | Branch on Not High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNL | 47 | 1011 | Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BNLR | 07 | 1011 | Branch on Not Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNM | 47 | 1011 | Branch on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BNMR | 07 | 1011 | Branch on Not Mixed / Minus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNO | 47 | 1110 | Branch on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BNOR | 07 | 1110 | Branch on Not Ones / Overflow Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNP | 47 | 1101 | Branch on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BNPR | 07 | 1101 | Branch on Not Plus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNZ | 47 | 0111 | Branch on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BNZR | 07 | 0111 | Branch on Not Zero Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BO | 47 | 0001 | Branch on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BOR | 07 | 0001 | Branch on Ones / Overflow Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BP | 47 | 0010 | Branch on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BPR | 07 | 0010 | Branch on Plus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BZ | 47 | 1000 | Branch on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BZR | 07 | 1000 | Branch on Zero Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BPP | C7 | Branch Prediction Preload | Machine Instructie | |
BPRP | C5 | Branch Prediction Relative Preload | Machine Instructie | |
BR | 07 | 1111 | Branch Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BRAS | A75 | Branch Relative And Save | Machine Instructie | |
BRASL | C05 | Branch Relative And Save Long | Machine Instructie | |
BRC | A74 | Branch Relative on Condition | Machine Instructie | |
BRCL | C04 | Branch Relative on Condition Long | Machine Instructie | |
BRCT | A76 | Branch Relative on CounT | Machine Instructie | |
BRCTG | A77 | Branch Relative on CounT Grande | Machine Instructie | |
BRCTH | CC6 | Branch Relative on CounT High | Machine Instructie | |
BRE | A74 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BREL | C04 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Equal Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRH | A74 | 0010 | Branch Relative on High | Extended Mnemonic |
BRHL | C04 | 0010 | Branch Relative on High Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRXH | 84 | Branch Relative on indeX High | Machine Instructie | |
BRXHG | EC44 | Branch Relative on indeX High Grande | Machine Instructie | |
BRXLE | 85 | Branch Relative on indeX Low or Equal | Machine Instructie | |
BRXLG | EC45 | Branch Relative on indeX Low or equal Grande | Machine Instructie | |
BRL | A74 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BRLL | C04 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Low Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRM | A74 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRML | C04 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Mixed / Minus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNE | A74 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNEL | C04 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Equal Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNH | A74 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNHL | C04 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not High Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNL | A74 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNLL | C04 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Low Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNM | A74 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNML | C04 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Mixed / Minus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNO | A74 | 1110 | Branch Relative on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNOL | C04 | 1110 | Branch Relative on Not Ones / Overflow Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNP | A74 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNPL | C04 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not Plus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNZ | A74 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNZL | C04 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Zero Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRO | A74 | 0001 | Branch Relative on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BROL | C04 | 0001 | Branch Relative on Ones / Overflow Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRP | A74 | 0010 | Branch Relative on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRPL | C04 | 0010 | Branch Relative on Plus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRZ | A74 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BRZL | C04 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Zero Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRS | ???? | Branch Relative Special | Machine Instructie | |
BRU | A74 | 1111 | Branch Relative Unconditional | Extended Mnemonic |
BRUL | C04 | 1111 | Branch Relative Unconditional Long | Extended Mnemonic |
XSCH | B276 | cancel (eXit) SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
CCW | -- | Channel Command Word | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CCW0 | -- | Channel Command Word format-0 | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CCW1 | -- | Channel Command Word format-1 | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CKSM | B241 | ChecKSuM | Machine Instructie | |
KM | B92E | cipher (K) Message | Machine Instructie | |
KMA | B929 | cipher (K) Message with Authentication | Machine Instructie | |
KMC | B92F | cipher (K) Message with Chaining | Machine Instructie | |
KMF | B92A | cipher (K) Message with cipher Feedback | Machine Instructie | |
KMCTR | B92D | cipher (K) Message with CounTeR | Machine Instructie | |
KMO | B92B | cipher (K) Message with Output feedback | Machine Instructie | |
CATTR | -- | Class ATTRibutes | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CMSG | 0105 | Clear MeSsaGe | Machine Instructie | |
CMPS | 0109 | Clear Message Path State | Machine Instructie | |
CSCH | B230 | Clear SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
COM | -- | COMmon control section | Directive - assembler instructie | |
C | 59 | Compare | Machine Instructie | |
CFC | B21A | Compare and Form Codeword | Machine Instructie | |
CRDTE | B98F | Compare and Replace Dat Table Entry | Machine Instructie | |
CS | BA | Compare and Swap | Machine Instructie | |
CSP | B250 | Compare and Swap and Purge | Machine Instructie | |
CSPG | B98A | Compare and Swap and Purge Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CSST | C82 | Compare and Swap and STore | Machine Instructie | |
CSG | EB30 | Compare and Swap Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CSY | EB14 | Compare and Swap Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CEDTR | B3F4 | Compare biased Exponent Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEXTR | B3FC | Compare biased Exponent eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CCSB | B2CA | Compare Character String Bytes | Machine Instructie | |
CDS | BB | Compare Double and Swap | Machine Instructie | |
CDSG | EB3E | Compare Double and Swap Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CDSY | EB31 | Compare Double and Swap Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CDB | ED19 | Compare Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
CDBR | B319 | Compare Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CD | 69 | Compare Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
CDR | 29 | Compare Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDTR | B3E4 | Compare Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEB | ED09 | Compare Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
CEBR | B309 | Compare Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CE | 79 | Compare Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
CER | 39 | Compare Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXBR | B349 | Compare eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXR | B369 | Compare eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXTR | B3EC | Compare eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFI | C2D | Compare Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CG | E320 | Compare Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CGIB | ECFC | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CGIBE | ECFC | 1000 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBH | ECFC | 0010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBL | ECFC | 0100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBNE | ECFC | 0110 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBNH | ECFC | 1100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBNL | ECFC | 1010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJ | EC7C | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CGIJE | EC7C | 1000 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJH | EC7C | 0010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJL | EC7C | 0100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJNE | EC7C | 0110 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJNH | EC7C | 1100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJNL | EC7C | 1010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIT | EC70 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CGITE | EC70 | 1000 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITH | EC70 | 0010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITL | EC70 | 0100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITNE | EC70 | 0110 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITNH | EC70 | 1100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITNL | EC70 | 1010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGR | B920 | Compare Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGRB | ECE4 | Compare Grande Register and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CGRBE | ECE4 | 1000 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBH | ECE4 | 0010 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBL | ECE4 | 0100 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBNE | ECE4 | 0110 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBNH | ECE4 | 1100 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBNL | ECE4 | 1010 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJ | EC64 | Compare Grande Register and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CGRJE | EC64 | 1000 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJH | EC64 | 0010 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJL | EC64 | 0100 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJNE | EC64 | 0110 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJNH | EC64 | 1100 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJNL | EC64 | 1010 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRT | B960 | Compare Grande Register and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CGRTE | B960 | 1000 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTH | B960 | 0010 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTL | B960 | 0100 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTNE | B960 | 0110 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTNH | B960 | 1100 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTNL | B960 | 1010 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRL | C68 | Compare Grande Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CGF | E330 | Compare Grande with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
CGFI | C2C | Compare Grande with Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CGFR | B930 | Compare Grande with Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGFRL | C6C | Compare Grande with Fullword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CGH | E334 | Compare Grande with Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
CGHI | A7F | Compare Grande with Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CGHRL | C64 | Compare Grande with Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CGHSI | E558 | Compare Grande with Halfword Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CH | 49 | Compare Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
CHI | A7E | Compare Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CHRL | C65 | Compare Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CHSI | E55C | Compare Halfword Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CHHSI | E554 | Compare Halfword with Halword Signed Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CHY | E379 | Compare Halfword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CHF | E3CD | Compare High and Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
CHHR | B9CD | Compare High and High Register | Machine Instructie | |
CHLR | B9DD | Compare High and Low Register | Machine Instructie | |
CIB | ECFE | Compare Immediate and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CIBE | ECFE | 1000 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBH | ECFE | 0010 | Compare Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBL | ECFE | 0100 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBNE | ECFE | 0110 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBNH | ECFE | 1100 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBNL | ECFE | 1010 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJ | EC7E | Compare Immediate and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CIJE | EC7E | 1000 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJH | EC7E | 0010 | Compare Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJL | EC7E | 0100 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJNE | EC7E | 0110 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJNH | EC7E | 1100 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJNL | EC7E | 1010 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIT | EC72 | Compare Immediate and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CITE | EC72 | 1000 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CITH | EC72 | 0010 | Compare Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CITL | EC72 | 0100 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CITNE | EC72 | 0110 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CITNH | EC72 | 1100 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CITNL | EC72 | 1010 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIH | CCD | Compare Immediate High | Machine Instructie | |
CL | 55 | Compare Logical | Machine Instructie | |
CLT | EB23 | Compare Logical and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CLTE | EB23 | 1000 | Compare Logical and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTH | EB23 | 0010 | Compare Logical and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTL | EB23 | 0100 | Compare Logical and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTNE | EB23 | 0110 | Compare Logical and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTNH | EB23 | 1100 | Compare Logical and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTNL | EB23 | 1010 | Compare Logical and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLC | D5 | Compare Logical Characters | Machine Instructie | |
CLCL | 0F | Compare Logical Characters Long | Machine Instructie | |
CLCLE | A9 | Compare Logical Characters Long Extended | Machine Instructie | |
CLCLU | EB8F | Compare Logical Characters Long Unicode | Machine Instructie | |
CLM | BD | Compare Logical characters under Mask | Machine Instructie | |
CLMH | EB20 | Compare Logical characters under Mask High | Machine Instructie | |
CLMY | EB21 | Compare Logical characters under Mask Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CLRNG | B2CB | Compare Logical for RaNGe check | Machine Instructie | |
CLFI | C2F | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CLFIT | EC73 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CLFITE | EC73 | 1000 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITH | EC73 | 0010 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITL | EC73 | 0100 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITNE | EC73 | 0110 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITNH | EC73 | 1100 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITNL | EC73 | 1010 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFHSI | E55D | Compare Logical Fullword with Halfword Signless Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CLG | E321 | Compare Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CLGT | EB2B | Compare Logical Grande and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CLGTE | EB2B | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTH | EB2B | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTL | EB2B | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTNE | EB2B | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTNH | EB2B | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTNL | EB2B | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIB | ECFD | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CLGIBE | ECFD | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBH | ECFD | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBL | ECFD | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBNE | ECFD | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBNH | ECFD | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBNL | ECFD | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJ | EC7D | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CLGIJE | EC7D | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJH | EC7D | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJL | EC7D | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJNE | EC7D | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJNH | EC7D | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJNL | EC7D | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIT | EC71 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CLGITE | EC71 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITH | EC71 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITL | EC71 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITNE | EC71 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITNH | EC71 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITNL | EC71 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGR | B921 | Compare Logical Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGRB | ECE5 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CLGRBE | ECE5 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBH | ECE5 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBL | ECE5 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBNE | ECE5 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBNH | ECE5 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBNL | ECE5 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJ | EC65 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CLGRJE | EC65 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJH | EC65 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJL | EC65 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJNE | EC65 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJNH | EC65 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJNL | EC65 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRT | B961 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CLGRTE | B961 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTH | B961 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTL | B961 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTNE | B961 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTNH | B961 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTNL | B961 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRL | C6A | Compare Logical Grande Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CLGF | E331 | Compare Logical Grande with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
CLGFI | C2E | Compare Logical Grande with Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CLGFR | B931 | Compare Logical Grande with Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGFRL | C6E | Compare Logical Grande with Fullword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CLGHRL | C66 | Compare Logical Grande with Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CLGHSI | E559 | Compare Logical Grande with Halfword Signless Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CLHHSI | E555 | Compare Logical Halfword with Halfword Signless Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CLHF | E3CF | Compare Logical High and Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
CLHHR | B9CF | Compare Logical High and High Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLHLR | B9DF | Compare Logical High and Low Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLI | 95 | Compare Logical Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
CLIB | ECFF | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CLIBE | ECFF | 1000 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBH | ECFF | 0010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBL | ECFF | 0100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBNE | ECFF | 0110 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBNH | ECFF | 1100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBNL | ECFF | 1010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJ | EC7F | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CLIJE | EC7F | 1000 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJH | EC7F | 0010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJL | EC7F | 0100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJNE | EC7F | 0110 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJNH | EC7F | 1100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJNL | EC7F | 1010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIH | CCF | Compare Logical Immediate High | Machine Instructie | |
CLIY | EB55 | Compare Logical Immediate Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CLR | 15 | Compare Logical Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLRB | ECF7 | Compare Logical Register and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CLRBE | ECF7 | 1000 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBH | ECF7 | 0010 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBL | ECF7 | 0100 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBNE | ECF7 | 0110 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBNH | ECF7 | 1100 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBNL | ECF7 | 1010 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJ | EC77 | Compare Logical Register and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CLRJE | EC77 | 1000 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJH | EC77 | 0010 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJL | EC77 | 0100 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJNE | EC77 | 0110 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJNH | EC77 | 1100 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJNL | EC77 | 1010 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRT | B973 | Compare Logical Register and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CLRTE | B973 | 1000 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTH | B973 | 0010 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTL | B973 | 0100 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTNE | B973 | 0110 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTNH | B973 | 1100 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTNL | B973 | 1010 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRL | C6F | Compare Logical Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CLST | B25D | Compare Logical STring | Machine Instructie | |
CLHRL | C67 | Compare Logical with Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CLY | E355 | Compare Logical Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CP | F9 | Compare Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
CR | 19 | Compare Register | Machine Instructie | |
CRB | ECF6 | Compare Register and Branch | Machine Instructie | |
CRBE | ECF6 | 1000 | Compare Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBH | ECF6 | 0010 | Compare Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBL | ECF6 | 0100 | Compare Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBNE | ECF6 | 0110 | Compare Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBNH | ECF6 | 1100 | Compare Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBNL | ECF6 | 1010 | Compare Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJ | EC76 | Compare Register and Jump | Machine Instructie | |
CRJE | EC76 | 1000 | Compare Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJH | EC76 | 0010 | Compare Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJL | EC76 | 0100 | Compare Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJNE | EC76 | 0110 | Compare Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJNH | EC76 | 1100 | Compare Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJNL | EC76 | 1010 | Compare Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRT | B972 | Compare Register and Trap | Machine Instructie | |
CRTE | B972 | 1000 | Compare Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTH | B972 | 0010 | Compare Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTL | B972 | 0100 | Compare Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTNE | B972 | 0110 | Compare Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTNH | B972 | 1100 | Compare Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTNL | B972 | 1010 | Compare Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRL | C6D | Compare Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
CUSE | B257 | Compare Until Substring Equal | Machine Instructie | |
CY | E359 | Compare Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CMPSC | B263 | CoMPreSsion Call | Machine Instructie | |
CNOP | -- | Computer No-OPeration | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CEJECT | -- | Conditional EJECT listing | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CSECT | -- | Control SECTion | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CDZT | EDAA | Convert Decimal to double tfp from Zoned creating Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CXPT | EDAF | Convert eXtended from Packed creating Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TBDR | B351 | convert To Bfp Double from double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
TBEDR | B350 | convert To Bfp Exponential from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CVB | 4F | ConVert to Binary | Machine Instructie | |
CVBY | E306 | ConVert to Binary from Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CVBG | E30E | ConVert to Binary Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CVD | 4E | ConVert to Decimal | Machine Instructie | |
CVDY | E326 | ConVert to Decimal from Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
CVDG | E32E | ConVert to Decimal Grande | Machine Instructie | |
CDFBR | B395 | Convert to Double bfp from Fixed creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDFBRA | B395 | Convert to Double bfp from Fixed creating Bfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CDGBR | B3A5 | Convert to Double bfp from Grande creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDGBRA | B3A5 | Convert to Double bfp from Grande creating Bfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CDLFBR | B391 | Convert to Double bfp from Logical Fullword creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDLGBR | B3A1 | Convert to Double bfp from Logical Grande creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDPT | EDAE | Convert to Double from Packed creating Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CDFR | B3B5 | Convert to Double hfp from Fixed Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDGR | B3C5 | Convert to Double hfp from Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDFTR | B951 | Convert to Double tfp from Fullword creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDGTR | B3F1 | Convert to Double tfp from Grande creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDGTRA | B3F1 | Convert to Double tfp from Grande creating Tfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CDLFTR | B953 | Convert to Double tfp from Logical Fullword creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDLGTR | B952 | Convert to Double tfp from Logical Grande creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDSTR | B3F3 | Convert to Double tfp from Signed packed creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CDUTR | B3F2 | Convert to Double tfp from Unsigned packed creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEFBR | B394 | Convert to Exponential from Fixed creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEFBRA | B394 | Convert to Exponential from Fixed creating Bfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CEGBR | B3A4 | Convert to Exponential from Grande creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEGBRA | B3A4 | Convert to Exponential from Grande creating Bfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CELFBR | B390 | Convert to Exponential from Logical Fullword creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CELGBR | B3A0 | Convert to Exponential from Logical Grande creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEFR | B3B4 | Convert to Exponential hfp from Fixed Register | Machine Instructie | |
CEGR | B3C4 | Convert to Exponential hfp from Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXLFBR | B392 | Convert to eXtended bfp from Logical Fullword creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXLGBR | B3A2 | Convert to eXtended bfp from Logical Grande creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXFBR | B396 | Convert to eXtended from Fixed creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXFBRA | B396 | Convert to eXtended from Fixed creating Bfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CXGBR | B3A6 | Convert to eXtended from Grande creating Bfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXGBRA | B3A6 | Convert to eXtended from Grande creating Bfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CXFR | B3B6 | Convert to eXtended hfp from Fixed Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXGR | B3C6 | Convert to eXtended hfp from Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXFTR | B959 | Convert to eXtended tfp from Fullword creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXGTR | B3F9 | Convert to eXtended tfp from Grande creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXGTRA | B3F9 | Convert to eXtended tfp from Grande creating Tfp from Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CXLFTR | B95B | Convert to eXtended tfp from Logical Fullword creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXLGTR | B95A | Convert to eXtended tfp from Logical Grande creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXSTR | B3FB | Convert to eXtended tfp from Signed packed creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXUTR | B3FA | Convert to eXtended tfp from Unsigned packed creating Tfp from Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXZT | EDAB | Convert to eXtended tfp from Zoned creating Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CFDBR | B399 | Convert to Fixed from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFDBRA | B399 | Convert to Fixed from Double Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CFDR | B3B9 | Convert to Fixed from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFDTR | B941 | Convert to Fixed from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFEBR | B398 | Convert to Fixed from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFEBRA | B398 | Convert to Fixed from Exponential Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CFER | B3B8 | Convert to Fixed from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFXBR | B39A | Convert to Fixed from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFXBRA | B39A | Convert to Fixed from eXtended Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CFXR | B3BA | Convert to Fixed from eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CFXTR | B949 | Convert to Fixed from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGDBR | B3A9 | Convert to Grande from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGDBRA | B3A9 | Convert to Grande from Double Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CGDR | B3C9 | Convert to Grande from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGDTR | B3E1 | Convert to Grande from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGDTRA | B3E1 | Convert to Grande from Double Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CGEBR | B3A8 | Convert to Grande from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGEBRA | B3A8 | Convert to Grande from Exponential Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CGER | B3C8 | Convert to Grande from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGXBR | B3AA | Convert to Grande from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGXBRA | B3AA | Convert to Grande from eXtended Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
CGXR | B3CA | Convert to Grande from eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGXTR | B3E9 | Convert to Grande from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CGXTRA | B3E9 | Convert to Grande from eXtended Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
THDR | B359 | convert To Hfp Double from double bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
THDER | B358 | convert To Hfp Double from Exponential bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLFDBR | B39D | Convert to Logical Fullword from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLFDTR | B943 | Convert to Logical Fullword from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLFEBR | B39C | Convert to Logical Fullword from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLFXBR | B39E | Convert to Logical Fullword from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLFXTR | B94B | Convert to Logical Fullword from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGDBR | B3AD | Convert to Logical Grande from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGDTR | B942 | Convert to Logical Grande from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGEBR | B3AC | Convert to Logical Grande from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGXBR | B3AE | Convert to Logical Grande from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CLGXTR | B94A | Convert to Logical Grande from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CPDT | EDAC | Convert to Packed from Double Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CPXT | EDAD | Convert to Packed from eXtended Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CSDTR | B3E3 | Convert to Signed packed from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CSXTR | B3EB | Convert to Signed packed from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CUDTR | B3E2 | Convert to Unsigned packed from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CUXTR | B3EA | Convert to Unsigned packed from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
CZDT | EDA8 | Convert to Zoned from Double Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CZXT | EDA9 | Convert to Zoned from eXtended Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
CU12 | B2A7 | Convert Unicode 1-byte to 2-byte | Machine Instructie | |
CU14 | B9B0 | Convert Unicode 1-byte to 4-byte | Machine Instructie | |
CU21 | B2A6 | Convert Unicode 2-byte to 1-byte | Machine Instructie | |
CU24 | B9B1 | Convert Unicode 2-byte to 4-byte | Machine Instructie | |
CU41 | B9B2 | Convert Unicode 4-byte to 1-byte | Machine Instructie | |
CU42 | B9B3 | Convert Unicode 4-byte to 2-byte | Machine Instructie | |
CUUTF | B2A6 | Convert Unicode to UTF-8 | Machine Instructie | |
CUTFU | B2A7 | Convert UTF-8 to Unicode | Machine Instructie | |
CPYA | B24D | CoPY Access | Machine Instructie | |
COPY | -- | COPY member | Directive - assembler instructie | |
CPSDR | B372 | CoPy Sign Double floating point Register | Machine Instructie | |
CXD | -- | Cumulative eXternal Dummy length | Directive - assembler instructie | |
DC | -- | Define Constant | Directive - assembler instructie | |
DXD | -- | Define eXternal Dummy section | Directive - assembler instructie | |
DS | -- | Define Storage | Directive - assembler instructie | |
DV | B268 | Define Vector | Machine Instructie | |
DFLTCC | B939 | DeFLaTe Conversion Call | Machine Instructie | |
DQAP | B2AE | DeQueue Adjunct Processor | Machine Instructie | |
OPCD83 | 83 | Diagnose | Machine Instructie | |
D | 5D | Divide | Machine Instructie | |
DDB | ED1D | Divide Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
DDBR | B31D | Divide Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DD | 6D | Divide Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
DDR | 2D | Divide Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DDTR | B3D1 | Divide Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DDTRA | B3D1 | Divide Double Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
DEB | ED0D | Divide Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
DEBR | B30D | Divide Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DE | 7D | Divide Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
DER | 3D | Divide Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DXBR | B34D | Divide eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DXR | B22D | Divide eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DXTR | B3D9 | Divide eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DXTRA | B3D9 | Divide eXtended Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
DL | E397 | Divide Logical | Machine Instructie | |
DLG | E387 | Divide Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
DLGR | B987 | Divide Logical Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
DLR | B997 | Divide Logical Register | Machine Instructie | |
DP | FD | Divide Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
DPFET | E518 | Divide Packed FETch | Machine Instructie | |
DPQUO | B2EF | Divide Packed QUOtient | Machine Instructie | |
DPSTO | B291 | Divide Packed STOre | Machine Instructie | |
DR | 1D | Divide Register | Machine Instructie | |
DSG | E30D | Divide Single Grande | Machine Instructie | |
DSGF | E31D | Divide Single Grande by Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
DSGFR | B91D | Divide Single Grande by Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
DSGR | B90D | Divide Single Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
DIDBR | B35B | Divide to Integer Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DIEBR | B353 | Divide to Integer Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
DIP | ???? | Drain Instruction Pipeline | Machine Instructie | |
DROP | -- | DROP | Directive - assembler instructie | |
DSECT | -- | Dummy SECTion | Directive - assembler instructie | |
ED | DE | EDit | Machine Instructie | |
EDMK | DF | EDit and MarK | Machine Instructie | |
EDBYT | B2DF | EDit BYTe ??? | Machine Instructie | |
EJECT | -- | EJECT listing | Directive - assembler instructie | |
END | -- | END assembly | Directive - assembler instructie | |
NQAP | B2AD | eNQueue Adjunct Processor | Machine Instructie | |
ENTRY | -- | ENTRY point | Directive - assembler instructie | |
EQU | -- | EQUate | Directive - assembler instructie | |
X | 57 | eXclusive-or | Machine Instructie | |
XC | D7 | eXclusive-or Characters | Machine Instructie | |
XG | E382 | eXclusive-or Grande | Machine Instructie | |
XGR | B982 | eXclusive-or Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
XGRK | B9E7 | eXclusive-or Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
XHHR | EC57 | [00.1F.00] | eXclusive-or High with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
XHLR | EC57 | [00.1F.20] | eXclusive-or High with Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
XI | 97 | eXclusive-or Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
XIHF | C06 | eXclusive-or Immediate High with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
XILF | C07 | eXclusive-or Immediate Low with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
XIY | EB57 | eXclusive-or Immediate Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
XLHR | EC57 | [20.3F.20] | eXclusive-or Low with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
XR | 17 | eXclusive-or Register | Machine Instructie | |
XRK | B9F7 | eXclusive-or Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
XY | E357 | eXclusive-or Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
EX | 44 | EXecute another instruction | Machine Instructie | |
EXRL | C60 | EXecute Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
EXITCTL | -- | EXIT ConTroL values | Directive - assembler instructie | |
XATTR | -- | eXternal ATTRibutes | Directive - assembler instructie | |
EXTRN | -- | EXTeRNal symbol | Directive - assembler instructie | |
EAR | B24F | Extract Access Register | Machine Instructie | |
EXAR | ???? | EXtract Access Register | Machine Instructie | |
EXARI | ???? | EXtract Access Register Indirect | Machine Instructie | |
ESEA | B99D | Extract and Set Extended Authority | Machine Instructie | |
ESSA | B9AB | Extract and Set Storage Attributes | Machine Instructie | |
EEDTR | B3E5 | Extract biased Exponent from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
EEXTR | B3ED | Extract biased Exponent from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ECAG | EB4C | Extract Cache Attribute Grande | Machine Instructie | |
ECPGA | B2ED | Extract CoProcessor Group Address | Machine Instructie | |
ECCTR | B2E4 | Extract Cpu CounTeR | Machine Instructie | |
ECTG | C81 | Extract Cpu Time Grande | Machine Instructie | |
EFPC | B38C | Extract Floating Point Control register | Machine Instructie | |
EXINT | ???? | EXtract INTerrupt | Machine Instructie | |
EPCTR | B2E5 | Extract Peripheral CounTeR | Machine Instructie | |
EPAIR | B99A | Extract Primary Asn and Instance to Register | Machine Instructie | |
EPAR | B226 | Extract Primary Asn to Register | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC008 | ???? | EXtract program General Register | Machine Instructie | |
EXGRI | ???? | EXtract program General Register Indirect | Machine Instructie | |
EPSW | B98D | Extract Program Status Word | Machine Instructie | |
EQBS | B99C | Extract Qdio Buffer State | Machine Instructie | |
ESAIR | B99B | Extract Secondary Asn and Instance to Register | Machine Instructie | |
ESAR | B227 | Extract Secondary Asn to Register | Machine Instructie | |
ESDTR | B3E7 | Extract Significance from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ESXTR | B3EF | Extract Significance from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
EREG | B249 | Extract stacked REGisters | Machine Instructie | |
EREGG | B90E | Extract stacked REGisters Grande | Machine Instructie | |
ESTA | B24A | Extract stacked STAte | Machine Instructie | |
ETND | B2EC | Extract Transaction Nesting Depth | Machine Instructie | |
EXTV | ???? | EXTract Via register-operand register | Machine Instructie | |
FBE | B2CC | Find Byte Equal | Machine Instructie | |
FBED | B2CE | Find Byte Equal Double | Machine Instructie | |
FBN | B2CD | Find Byte Not equal | Machine Instructie | |
FBND | B2CF | Find Byte Not equal Double | Machine Instructie | |
FLOGR | B983 | Find Leftmost One Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
GBLA | -- | GloBaL Arithmetic variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
GBLB | -- | GloBaL Boolean variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
GBLC | -- | GloBaL Character variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
HSCH | B231 | Halt SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
HDR | 24 | Halve Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
HER | 34 | Halve Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ICTL | -- | Input ConTroL | Directive - assembler instructie | |
ISEQ | -- | Input SEQuence checking | Directive - assembler instructie | |
IAC | B224 | Insert Address space Control | Machine Instructie | |
IEDTR | B3F6 | Insert biased Exponent into Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
IEXTR | B3FE | Insert biased Exponent into eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
IC | 43 | Insert Character | Machine Instructie | |
ICY | E373 | Insert Character Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
ICM | BF | Insert Characters under Mask | Machine Instructie | |
ICMH | EB80 | Insert Characters under Mask High | Machine Instructie | |
ICMY | EB81 | Insert Characters under Mask Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
IIHF | C08 | Insert Immediate into High-order word, a Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
IIHH | A50 | Insert Immediate into High-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
IIHL | A51 | Insert Immediate into High-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
IILF | C09 | Insert Immediate into Low-order word, a Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
IILH | A52 | Insert Immediate into Low-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
IILL | A53 | Insert Immediate into Low-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC007 | ???? | Insert Immediate Special Register | Machine Instructie | |
IPM | B222 | Insert Program Mask | Machine Instructie | |
IPK | B20B | Insert Psw Key | Machine Instructie | |
IRBM | B9AC | Insert Reference Bits Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
ISKE | B229 | Insert Storage Key Extended | Machine Instructie | |
IVSK | B223 | Insert Virtual Storage Key | Machine Instructie | |
OPCD00 | 00 | Invalid Operation / Abend S0C1 | Machine Instructie | |
IDTE | B98E | Invalidate Dat Table Entry | Machine Instructie | |
IPTE | B221 | Invalidate Page Table Entry | Machine Instructie | |
J | A74 | 1111 | Jump | Extended Mnemonic |
JAS | A75 | Jump And Save | Machine Instructie | |
JASL | C05 | Jump And Save Long | Machine Instructie | |
JLNOP | C04 | 0000 | Jump Long No-OPeration | Extended Mnemonic |
JLC | C04 | Jump Long on Condition | Machine Instructie | |
JLE | C04 | 1000 | Jump Long on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JLH | C04 | 0010 | Jump Long on High | Extended Mnemonic |
JLL | C04 | 0100 | Jump Long on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JLM | C04 | 0100 | Jump Long on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNE | C04 | 0111 | Jump Long on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNH | C04 | 1101 | Jump Long on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNL | C04 | 1011 | Jump Long on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNM | C04 | 1011 | Jump Long on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNO | C04 | 1110 | Jump Long on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNP | C04 | 1101 | Jump Long on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNZ | C04 | 0111 | Jump Long on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
JLO | C04 | 0001 | Jump Long on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JLP | C04 | 0010 | Jump Long on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
JLZ | C04 | 1000 | Jump Long on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
JLU | C04 | 1111 | Jump Long Unconditional | Extended Mnemonic |
JNOP | A74 | 0000 | Jump No-OPeration | Extended Mnemonic |
JC | A74 | Jump on Condition | Machine Instructie | |
JCT | A76 | Jump on CounT | Machine Instructie | |
JCTG | A77 | Jump on CounT Grande | Machine Instructie | |
JCTH | CC6 | Jump on CounT High | Machine Instructie | |
JE | A74 | 1000 | Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JH | A74 | 0010 | Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
JXH | 84 | Jump on indeX High | Machine Instructie | |
JXHG | EC44 | Jump on indeX High Grande | Machine Instructie | |
JXLE | 85 | Jump on indeX Low or Equal | Machine Instructie | |
JXLEG | EC45 | Jump on indeX Low or Equal Grande | Machine Instructie | |
JL | A74 | 0100 | Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JM | A74 | 0100 | Jump on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
JNE | A74 | 0111 | Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JNH | A74 | 1101 | Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
JNL | A74 | 1011 | Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JNM | A74 | 1011 | Jump on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
JNO | A74 | 1110 | Jump on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JNP | A74 | 1101 | Jump on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
JNZ | A74 | 0111 | Jump on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
JO | A74 | 0001 | Jump on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JP | A74 | 0010 | Jump on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
JZ | A74 | 1000 | Jump on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
KDB | ED18 | Kompare and signal Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
KDBR | B318 | Kompare and signal Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
KDTR | B3E0 | Kompare and signal Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
KEB | ED08 | Kompare and signal Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
KEBR | B308 | Kompare and signal Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
KXBR | B348 | Kompare and signal eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
KXTR | B3E8 | Kompare and signal eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
KDSA | B93A | Kompute Digital Signature Authentication | Machine Instructie | |
KIMD | B93E | Kompute Intermediate Message Digest | Machine Instructie | |
KLMD | B93F | Kompute Last Message Digest | Machine Instructie | |
KMAC | B91E | Kompute Message Authentication Code | Machine Instructie | |
LTORG | -- | LiTeral pool ORiGin | Directive - assembler instructie | |
L | 58 | Load | Machine Instructie | |
LAM | 9A | Load Access Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
LAMY | EB9A | Load Access Multiple Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LA | 41 | Load Address | Machine Instructie | |
LAE | 51 | Load Address Extended | Machine Instructie | |
LAEY | E375 | Load Address Extended Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LARL | C00 | Load Address Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LASP | E500 | Load Address Space Parameters | Machine Instructie | |
LAY | E371 | Load Address Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LAA | EBF8 | Load And Add | Machine Instructie | |
LAAG | EBE8 | Load And Add Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LAAL | EBFA | Load And Add Logical | Machine Instructie | |
LAALG | EBEA | Load And Add Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LAN | EBF4 | Load And aNd | Machine Instructie | |
LANG | EBE4 | Load And aNd Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LAX | EBF7 | Load And eXclusive or | Machine Instructie | |
LAXG | EBE7 | Load And eXclusive or Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LAO | EBF6 | Load And Or | Machine Instructie | |
LAOG | EBE6 | Load And Or Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LT | E312 | Load and Test | Machine Instructie | |
LTA | A25 | Load and Test Access | Machine Instructie | |
LTDBR | B312 | Load and Test Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTDR | 22 | Load and Test Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTDTR | B3D6 | Load and Test Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTEBR | B302 | Load and Test Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTER | 32 | Load and Test Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTXBR | B342 | Load and Test eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTXR | B362 | Load and Test eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTXTR | B3DE | Load and Test eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTG | E302 | Load and Test Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LTGF | E332 | Load and Test Grande from Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LTGFR | B912 | Load and Test Grande from Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTGR | B902 | Load and Test Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LTR | 12 | Load and Test Register | Machine Instructie | |
LAT | E39F | Load And Trap | Machine Instructie | |
LZRF | E33B | Load and Zero Rightmost byte Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LZRG | E32A | Load and Zero Rightmost byte Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LBEAR | B200 | Load Breaking-Event-Address Register | Machine Instructie | |
LB | E376 | Load Byte | Machine Instructie | |
LBR | B926 | Load Byte from Register | Machine Instructie | |
LBH | E3C0 | Load Byte High | Machine Instructie | |
LCDBR | B313 | Load Complement Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCDFR | B373 | Load Complement Double Floating point Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCDR | 23 | Load Complement Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCEBR | B303 | Load Complement Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCER | 33 | Load Complement Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCXBR | B343 | Load Complement eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCXR | B363 | Load Complement eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCGFR | B913 | Load Complement Grande from Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCGR | B903 | Load Complement Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCR | 13 | Load Complement Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCTL | B7 | Load ConTroL | Machine Instructie | |
LCTLG | EB2F | Load ConTroL Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LCBB | E727 | Load Count to Block Boundary | Machine Instructie | |
LCCTL | B284 | Load Cpu-counter-set ConTroLs | Machine Instructie | |
LDGR | B3C1 | Load Double floating point from Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LD | 68 | Load Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
LDY | ED65 | Load Double hfp from Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LDR | 28 | Load Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LDRV | E604 | 0011 | Load Double ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
LE | 78 | Load Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
LEY | ED64 | Load Exponential hfp from Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LER | 38 | Load Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LXR | B365 | Load eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LFAS | B2BD | Load Floating point control And Signal | Machine Instructie | |
LFPC | B29D | Load Floating Point Control register | Machine Instructie | |
FIDBR | B35F | load Floating point Integer from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIDBRA | B35F | load Floating point Integer from Double Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
FIDR | B37F | load Floating point Integer from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIDTR | B3D7 | load Floating point Integer from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIEBR | B357 | load Floating point Integer from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIEBRA | B357 | load Floating point Integer from Exponential Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
FIER | B377 | load Floating point Integer from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIXBR | B347 | load Floating point Integer from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIXBRA | B347 | load Floating point Integer from eXtended Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
FIXR | B367 | load Floating point Integer from eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
FIXTR | B3DF | load Floating point Integer from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LFH | E3CA | Load Fullword High | Machine Instructie | |
LFHAT | E3C8 | Load Fullword High And Trap | Machine Instructie | |
LFI | C09 | Load Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LG | E304 | Load Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LGAT | E385 | Load Grande And Trap | Machine Instructie | |
LGB | E377 | Load Grande from Byte | Machine Instructie | |
LGBR | B906 | Load Grande from Byte in Register | Machine Instructie | |
LGDR | B3CD | Load Grande from Double floating point Register | Machine Instructie | |
LGF | E314 | Load Grande from Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LGFI | C01 | Load Grande from Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LGFR | B914 | Load Grande from Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LGFRL | C4C | Load Grande from Fullword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LGH | E315 | Load Grande from Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LGHI | A79 | Load Grande from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LGHR | B907 | Load Grande from Halfword in Register | Machine Instructie | |
LGHRL | C44 | Load Grande from Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LGR | B904 | Load Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LGRL | C48 | Load Grande Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LGG | E34C | Load Guarded Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LGSC | E34D | Load Guarded Storage Controls | Machine Instructie | |
LH | 48 | Load Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LHH | E3C4 | Load Halfword High | Machine Instructie | |
LHI | A78 | Load Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LHR | B927 | Load Halfword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LHRL | C45 | Load Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LHY | E378 | Load Halfword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LHHR | EC5D | [00.9F.00] | Load High from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LHLR | EC5D | [00.9F.20] | Load High from Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LERV | E604 | 0110 | Load lEftmost word ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
LDEB | ED04 | Load lengthened Double bfp from Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
LDEBR | B304 | Load lengthened Double bfp from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LDE | ED24 | Load lengthened Double hfp from Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
LDER | B324 | Load lengthened Double hfp from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LDETR | B3D4 | Load lengthened Double tfp from Exponential Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LXDB | ED05 | Load lengthened eXtended bfp from Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
LXDBR | B305 | Load lengthened eXtended bfp from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LXEB | ED06 | Load lengthened eXtended bfp from Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
LXEBR | B306 | Load lengthened eXtended bfp from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LXD | ED25 | Load lengthened eXtended hfp from Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
LXDR | B325 | Load lengthened eXtended hfp from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LXE | ED26 | Load lengthened eXtended hfp from Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
LXER | B326 | Load lengthened eXtended hfp from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LXDTR | B3DC | Load lengthened eXtended tfp from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLZRGF | E33A | Load Logical and Zero Rightmost byte, Grande from Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LLC | E394 | Load Logical Character | Machine Instructie | |
LLCH | E3C2 | Load Logical Character High | Machine Instructie | |
LLCHHR | EC5D | [18.9F.00] | Load Logical Character High from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLCHLR | EC5D | [18.9F.20] | Load Logical Character High from Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLCLHR | EC51 | [18.9F.20] | Load Logical Character Low from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLCR | B994 | Load Logical from Character in Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLH | E395 | Load Logical from Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LLHR | B995 | Load Logical from Halfword in Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLGC | E390 | Load Logical Grande from Character | Machine Instructie | |
LLGCR | B984 | Load Logical Grande from Character in Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLGF | E316 | Load Logical Grande from Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LLGFAT | E39D | Load Logical Grande from Fullword And Trap | Machine Instructie | |
LLGFI | C0F | Load Logical Grande from Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LLGFR | B916 | Load Logical Grande from Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLGFRL | C4E | Load Logical Grande from Fullword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LLGH | E391 | Load Logical Grande from Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LLGHR | B985 | Load Logical Grande from Halfword in Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLGHRL | C46 | Load Logical Grande from Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LLGT | E317 | Load Logical Grande from Thirty-one bits | Machine Instructie | |
LLGTAT | E39C | Load Logical Grande from Thirty-one bits And Trap | Machine Instructie | |
LLGTR | B917 | Load Logical Grande from Thirty-one bits Register | Machine Instructie | |
LLGFSG | E348 | Load Logical Guarded Fullword Shifted to Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LLHH | E3C6 | Load Logical Halfword High | Machine Instructie | |
LLHHHR | EC5D | [10.9F.00] | Load Logical Halfword High from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHHLR | EC5D | [10.9F.20] | Load Logical Halfword High from Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHLHR | EC51 | [10.9F.20] | Load Logical Halfword Low from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHRL | C42 | Load Logical Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LLIHF | C0E | Load Logical Immediate High-order word from Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LLIHH | A5C | Load Logical Immediate High-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LLIHL | A5D | Load Logical Immediate High-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LLILF | C0F | Load Logical Immediate Low-order word from Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
LLILH | A5E | Load Logical Immediate Low-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LLILL | A5F | Load Logical Immediate Low-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LLHFR | EC51 | [00.9F.20] | Load Low from High Fullword Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LM | 98 | Load Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
LMD | EF | Load Multiple Disjoint | Machine Instructie | |
LMG | EB04 | Load Multiple Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LMH | EB96 | Load Multiple High | Machine Instructie | |
LMY | EB98 | Load Multiple Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LNDBR | B311 | Load Negative Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNDFR | B371 | Load Negative Double Floating point Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNDR | 21 | Load Negative Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNEBR | B301 | Load Negative Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNER | 31 | Load Negative Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNXBR | B341 | Load Negative eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNXR | B361 | Load Negative eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNGFR | B911 | Load Negative Grande from Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNGR | B901 | Load Negative Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LNR | 11 | Load Negative Register | Machine Instructie | |
LOC | EBF2 | Load On Condition | Machine Instructie | |
LOCE | EBF2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHI | EC42 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LOCHIE | EC42 | 1000 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIH | EC42 | 0010 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIL | EC42 | 0100 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIM | EC42 | 0100 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINE | EC42 | 0111 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINH | EC42 | 1101 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINL | EC42 | 1011 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINM | EC42 | 1011 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINO | EC42 | 1110 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINP | EC42 | 1101 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINZ | EC42 | 0111 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIO | EC42 | 0001 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIP | EC42 | 0010 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIZ | EC42 | 1000 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFH | EBE0 | Load On Condition Fullword High | Machine Instructie | |
LOCHHI | EC4E | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LOCHHIE | EC4E | 1000 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIH | EC4E | 0010 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIL | EC4E | 0100 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIM | EC4E | 0100 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINE | EC4E | 0111 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINH | EC4E | 1101 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINL | EC4E | 1011 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINM | EC4E | 1011 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINO | EC4E | 1110 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINP | EC4E | 1101 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINZ | EC4E | 0111 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIO | EC4E | 0001 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIP | EC4E | 0010 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIZ | EC4E | 1000 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHE | EBE0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHH | EBE0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHL | EBE0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHM | EBE0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNE | EBE0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNH | EBE0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNL | EBE0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNM | EBE0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNO | EBE0 | 1110 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNP | EBE0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNZ | EBE0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHO | EBE0 | 0001 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHP | EBE0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHZ | EBE0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHR | B9E0 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register | Machine Instructie | |
LOCFHRE | B9E0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRH | B9E0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRL | B9E0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRM | B9E0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNE | B9E0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNH | B9E0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNL | B9E0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNM | B9E0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNO | B9E0 | 1110 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNP | B9E0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNZ | B9E0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRO | B9E0 | 0001 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRP | B9E0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRZ | B9E0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCG | EBE2 | Load On Condition Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LOCGHI | EC46 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
LOCGHIE | EC46 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIH | EC46 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIL | EC46 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIM | EC46 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINE | EC46 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINH | EC46 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINL | EC46 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINM | EC46 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINO | EC46 | 1110 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINP | EC46 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINZ | EC46 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIO | EC46 | 0001 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIP | EC46 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIZ | EC46 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGE | EBE2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGH | EBE2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGL | EBE2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGM | EBE2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNE | EBE2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNH | EBE2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNL | EBE2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNM | EBE2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNO | EBE2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNP | EBE2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNZ | EBE2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGO | EBE2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Grande if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGP | EBE2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGZ | EBE2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGR | B9E2 | Load On Condition Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LOCGRE | B9E2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRH | B9E2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande Register if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRL | B9E2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRM | B9E2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNE | B9E2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNH | B9E2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNL | B9E2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNM | B9E2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNO | B9E2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNP | B9E2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNZ | B9E2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRO | B9E2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRP | B9E2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRZ | B9E2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCH | EBF2 | 0010 | Load On Condition High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCL | EBF2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCM | EBF2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Minus / Mixed | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNE | EBF2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNH | EBF2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNL | EBF2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNM | EBF2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Not Minus / Mixed | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNO | EBF2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNP | EBF2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNZ | EBF2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCO | EBF2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCP | EBF2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCR | B9F2 | Load On Condition Register | Machine Instructie | |
LOCRE | B9F2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Register if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRH | B9F2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Register if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRL | B9F2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Register if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRM | B9F2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Register if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNE | B9F2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Register if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNH | B9F2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Register if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNL | B9F2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Register if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNM | B9F2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Register if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNO | B9F2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Register if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNP | B9F2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Register if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNZ | B9F2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Register if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRO | B9F2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Register if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRP | B9F2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Register if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRZ | B9F2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Register if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCZ | EBF2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LPTEA | B9AA | Load Page Table Entry Address | Machine Instructie | |
LPD | C84 | Load Pair Disjoint | Machine Instructie | |
LPDG | C85 | Load Pair Disjoint Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LPQ | E38F | Load Pair from Quadword | Machine Instructie | |
LPCTL | B285 | Load Peripheral-counter-set ConTroLs | Machine Instructie | |
LPDBR | B310 | Load Positive Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPDFR | B370 | Load Positive Double Floating point Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPDR | 20 | Load Positive Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPEBR | B300 | Load Positive Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPER | 30 | Load Positive Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPXBR | B340 | Load Positive eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPXR | B360 | Load Positive eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPGFR | B910 | Load Positive Grande from Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPGR | B900 | Load Positive Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPR | 10 | Load Positive Register | Machine Instructie | |
LPP | B280 | Load Program Parameter | Machine Instructie | |
LPSW | 82 | Load Program Status Word | Machine Instructie | |
LPSWE | B2B2 | Load Program Status Word Extended | Machine Instructie | |
LPSWEY | EB71 | Load Program Status Word Extended Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LRA | B1 | Load Real Address | Machine Instructie | |
LRAG | E303 | Load Real Address Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LRAY | E313 | Load Real Address Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LR | 18 | Load Register | Machine Instructie | |
LRL | C4D | Load Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
LRV | E31E | Load ReVersed | Machine Instructie | |
LRVG | E30F | Load ReVersed Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LRVGR | B90F | Load ReVersed Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
LRVH | E31F | Load ReVersed Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
LRVR | B91F | Load ReVersed Register | Machine Instructie | |
LDXBR | B345 | Load rounded Double bfp from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LDXBRA | B345 | Load rounded Double bfp from eXtended Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
LDXR | 25 | Load rounded Double hfp from eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LRDR | 25 | Load Rounded Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LDXTR | B3DD | Load rounded Double tfp from eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LEDBR | B344 | Load rounded Exponential bfp from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LEDBRA | B344 | Load rounded Exponential bfp from Double Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
LEXBR | B346 | Load rounded Exponential bfp from eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LEXBRA | B346 | Load rounded Exponential bfp from eXtended Bfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
LEDR | 35 | Load rounded Exponential hfp from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LEXR | B366 | Load rounded Exponential hfp from eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LRER | 35 | Load Rounded Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LEDTR | B3D5 | Load rounded Exponential tfp from Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LSCTL | B287 | Load Sampling ConTroLs | Machine Instructie | |
LURA | B24B | Load Using Real Address | Machine Instructie | |
LURAG | B905 | Load Using Real Address Grande | Machine Instructie | |
LY | E358 | Load Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
LZDR | B375 | Load Zero into Double hfp/bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LZER | B374 | Load Zero into Exponential hfp/bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LZXR | B376 | Load Zero into eXtended hfp/bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
LCLA | -- | LoCaL Arithmetic variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
LCLB | -- | LoCaL Boolean variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
LCLC | -- | LoCaL Character variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
UNKCF012 | ???? | Locate Channel Buffer | Machine Instructie | |
LOCTR | -- | LOCaToR | Directive - assembler instructie | |
MEND | -- | Macro END | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
MEXIT | -- | Macro EXIT | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
MHELP | -- | Macro HELP | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
MNOTE | -- | Macro NOTE | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
MACRO | -- | MACRO start | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
MCEND | ???? | MilliCode END | Machine Instructie | |
MSET | ???? | Millicode SET via register-operand register | Machine Instructie | |
MSTA | B247 | Modify stacked STAte | Machine Instructie | |
MSCH | B232 | Modify SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
MC | AF | Monitor Call | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF011 | ???? | Move Channel Buffer Data | Machine Instructie | |
MCBDM | B2A4 | Move Channel Buffer Data Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
MVC | D2 | MoVe Characters | Machine Instructie | |
MVCX | ???? | MoVe Characters eXecution | Machine Instructie | |
MVCIN | E8 | MoVe Characters INverse | Machine Instructie | |
MVCL | 0E | MoVe Characters Long | Machine Instructie | |
MVCLE | A8 | MoVe Characters Long Extended | Machine Instructie | |
MVCLU | EB8E | MoVe Characters Long Unicode | Machine Instructie | |
MVCRL | E50A | MoVe Characters Right to Left | Machine Instructie | |
MVCP | DA | MoVe Characters to Primary | Machine Instructie | |
MVCS | DB | MoVe Characters to Secondary | Machine Instructie | |
MVCDK | E50F | MoVe Characters with Destination Key | Machine Instructie | |
MVCK | D9 | MoVe Characters with Key | Machine Instructie | |
MVCOS | C80 | MoVe Characters with Optional Specifications | Machine Instructie | |
MVCSK | E50E | MoVe Characters with Source Key | Machine Instructie | |
MVHI | E54C | MoVe fullword from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MVGHI | E548 | MoVe Grande from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MVHHI | E544 | MoVe Halfword from Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MVI | 92 | MoVe Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MVIY | EB52 | MoVe Immediate Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
MVN | D1 | MoVe Numerics | Machine Instructie | |
MVPG | B254 | MoVe PaGe | Machine Instructie | |
MVST | B255 | MoVe STring | Machine Instructie | |
MVO | F1 | MoVe with Offset | Machine Instructie | |
MVZ | D3 | MoVe Zones | Machine Instructie | |
MSGFI | C20 | Mulitply Single Grande with Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
M | 5C | Multiply | Machine Instructie | |
MADB | ED1E | Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MADBR | B31E | Multiply and Add Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MAD | ED3E | Multiply and Add Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MADR | B33E | Multiply and Add Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MAEB | ED0E | Multiply and Add Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MAEBR | B30E | Multiply and Add Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MAE | ED2E | Multiply and Add Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MAER | B32E | Multiply and Add Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MAY | ED3A | Multiply and Add Yucky unnormalized extended hfp from long hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MAYR | B33A | Multiply and Add Yucky unnormalized extended hfp from long hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MAYH | ED3C | Multiply and Add Yucky unnormalized extended hfp High from long hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MAYHR | B33C | Multiply and Add Yucky unnormalized extended hfp High from long hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MAYL | ED38 | Multiply and Add Yucky unnormalized extended hfp Low from long hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MAYLR | B338 | Multiply and Add Yucky unnormalized extended hfp Low from long hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSDB | ED1F | Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MSDBR | B31F | Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSD | ED3F | Multiply and Subtract Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MSDR | B33F | Multiply and Subtract Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSEB | ED0F | Multiply and Subtract Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MSEBR | B30F | Multiply and Subtract Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSE | ED2F | Multiply and Subtract Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MSER | B32F | Multiply and Subtract Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MDB | ED1C | Multiply Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MDEB | ED0C | Multiply Double bfp from Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MDEBR | B30C | Multiply Double bfp from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MDBR | B31C | Multiply Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MD | 6C | Multiply Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MDE | 7C | Multiply Double hfp from Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MDER | 3C | Multiply Double hfp from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MDR | 2C | Multiply Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MDTR | B3D0 | Multiply Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MDTRA | B3D0 | Multiply Double Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
MEEB | ED17 | Multiply Exponential bfp from Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MEEBR | B317 | Multiply Exponential bfp from Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
ME | 7C | Multiply Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MEE | ED37 | Multiply Exponential hfp from Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MEER | B337 | Multiply Exponential hfp from Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MER | 3C | Multiply Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MXDB | ED07 | Multiply eXtended bfp from Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
MXDBR | B307 | Multiply eXtended bfp from Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MXBR | B34C | Multiply eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MXD | 67 | Multiply eXtended hfp from Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MXDR | 27 | Multiply eXtended hfp from Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MXR | 26 | Multiply eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MXTR | B3D8 | Multiply eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MXTRA | B3D8 | Multiply eXtended Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
MFY | E35C | Multiply Fullword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
MG | E384 | Multiply Grande | Machine Instructie | |
MGRK | B9EC | Multiply Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
MGH | E33C | Multiply Grande with Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
MGHI | A7D | Multiply Grande with Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MH | 4C | Multiply Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
MHI | A7C | Multiply Halfword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MHY | E37C | Multiply Halfword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
ML | E396 | Multiply Logical | Machine Instructie | |
MLG | E386 | Multiply Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
MLGR | B986 | Multiply Logical Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
MLR | B996 | Multiply Logical Register | Machine Instructie | |
MP | FC | Multiply Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
MR | 1C | Multiply Register | Machine Instructie | |
MS | 71 | Multiply Single | Machine Instructie | |
MSC | E353 | Multiply Single and Check | Machine Instructie | |
MSG | E30C | Multiply Single Grande | Machine Instructie | |
MSGC | E383 | Multiply Single Grande and Check | Machine Instructie | |
MSGR | B90C | Multiply Single Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSGRKC | B9ED | Multiply Single Grande Register Keeping source data and Check | Machine Instructie | |
MSGF | E31C | Multiply Single Grande with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
MSGFR | B91C | Multiply Single Grande with Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSR | B252 | Multiply Single Register | Machine Instructie | |
MSRKC | B9FD | Multiply Single Register Keeping source data and Check | Machine Instructie | |
MSFI | C21 | Multiply Single with Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
MSY | E351 | Multiply Single Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
MY | ED3B | Multiply Yucky unnormalized extended hfp from long hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MYR | B33B | Multiply Yucky unnormalized extended hfp from long hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MYH | ED3D | Multiply Yucky unnormalized extended hfp High from long hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MYHR | B33D | Multiply Yucky unnormalized extended hfp High from long hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
MYL | ED39 | Multiply Yucky unnormalized extended hfp Low from long hfp | Machine Instructie | |
MYLR | B339 | Multiply Yucky unnormalized extended hfp Low from long hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
NNPA | B93B | Neural Network Processing Assist | Machine Instructie | |
NIAI | B2FA | Next Instruction Access Intent | Machine Instructie | |
NOP | 47 | 0000 | No-OPeration | Extended Mnemonic |
NOPR | 07 | 0000 | No-OPeration Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NTSTG | E325 | Non-Transactional STore Grande | Machine Instructie | |
NNGRK | B964 | Not aNd Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NNRK | B974 | Not aNd Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NXGRK | B967 | Not eXclusive-or Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NXRK | B977 | Not eXclusive-or Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NOTGR | B966 | -- | NOT Grande Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NOGRK | B966 | Not Or Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NORK | B976 | Not Or Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
NOTR | B976 | -- | NOT Register | Extended Mnemonic |
OPSYN | -- | OPcode SYNonym | Directive - assembler instructie | |
O | 56 | Or | Machine Instructie | |
OC | D6 | Or Characters | Machine Instructie | |
OG | E381 | Or Grande | Machine Instructie | |
OGR | B981 | Or Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
OGRK | B9E6 | Or Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
OHHR | EC56 | [00.1F.00] | Or High with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
OHLR | EC56 | [00.1F.20] | Or High with Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
OI | 96 | Or Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
OIHF | C0C | Or Immediate High-order word with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
OIHH | A58 | Or Immediate High-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
OIHL | A59 | Or Immediate High-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
OILF | C0D | Or Immediate Low-order word with Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
OILH | A5A | Or Immediate Low-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
OILL | A5B | Or Immediate Low-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
OIY | EB56 | Or Immediate Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC006 | ???? | OR Logical Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
OLHR | EC56 | [20.3F.20] | Or Low with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
OR | 16 | Or Register | Machine Instructie | |
ORK | B9F6 | Or Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
OSR | ???? | Or Special Register | Machine Instructie | |
OCGRK | B965 | Or with Complement Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
OCRK | B975 | Or with Complement Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
OY | E356 | Or Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
ORG | -- | ORiGin | Directive - assembler instructie | |
PACK | F2 | PACK | Machine Instructie | |
PKA | E9 | PacK Ascii | Machine Instructie | |
PKU | E1 | PacK Unicode | Machine Instructie | |
PGIN | B22E | PaGe IN | Machine Instructie | |
PGOUT | B22F | PaGe OUT | Machine Instructie | |
PCC | B92C | Perform Cryptographic Computation | Machine Instructie | |
PCKMO | B928 | Perform Cryptographic Key Management Operation | Machine Instructie | |
PFPO | 010A | Perform Floating Point Operation | Machine Instructie | |
PFMF | B9AF | Perform Frame Management Function | Machine Instructie | |
PLO | EE | Perform Locked Operation | Machine Instructie | |
PPA | B2E8 | Perform Processor Assist | Machine Instructie | |
PPNO | B93C | Perform Pseudorandom Number Operation | Machine Instructie | |
PRNO | B93C | Perform Random Number Operation | Machine Instructie | |
PTFF | 0104 | Perform Timing Facility Function | Machine Instructie | |
PTF | B9A2 | Perform Topology Function | Machine Instructie | |
PXLO | ???? | Perform trans(X)Lator Operation | Machine Instructie | |
POP | -- | POP stacked status | Directive - assembler instructie | |
POPCNT | B9E1 | POPulation CouNT | Machine Instructie | |
PFD | E336 | PreFetch Data | Machine Instructie | |
PFDRL | C62 | PreFetch Data Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF008 | ???? | Prepare Channel Buffer | Machine Instructie | |
-- | PRINT settings | Directive - assembler instructie | ||
PQAP | B2AF | Process Queue Adjunct Processor | Machine Instructie | |
PROCESS | -- | PROCESSing options | Directive - assembler instructie | |
PC | B218 | Program Call | Machine Instructie | |
PR | 0101 | Program Return | Machine Instructie | |
PT | B228 | Program Transfer | Machine Instructie | |
PTI | B99E | Program Transfer with Instance | Machine Instructie | |
PUNCH | -- | PUNCH object record | Directive - assembler instructie | |
PALB | B248 | Purge Art Lookaside Buffer | Machine Instructie | |
PTLB | B20D | Purge Translation Lookaside Buffer | Machine Instructie | |
PUSH | -- | PUSH status onto stack | Directive - assembler instructie | |
QADTR | B3F5 | QuAntize Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
QAXTR | B3FD | QuAntize eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
QCTRI | B28E | Query CounTeR Information | Machine Instructie | |
QPACI | B28F | Query Processor Activity Counter Information | Machine Instructie | |
QSI | B286 | Query Sampling Information | Machine Instructie | |
RCR | A34 | Read Control Register | Machine Instructie | |
RSR | A31 | Read Special Register | Machine Instructie | |
RSECT | -- | Reenterable SECTion | Directive - assembler instructie | |
RBD | B2C9 | Replicate Byte Double | Machine Instructie | |
REPRO | -- | REPROduce as object record | Directive - assembler instructie | |
RRDTR | B3F7 | ReRound Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
RRXTR | B3FF | ReRound eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
RCHP | B23B | Reset CHannel Path | Machine Instructie | |
RDP | B98B | Reset Dat Protection | Machine Instructie | |
RIRPT | ???? | Reset InterRuPTion | Machine Instructie | |
RRBE | B22A | Reset Reference Bit Extended | Machine Instructie | |
RRBM | B9AE | Reset Reference Bits Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
RMODE | -- | Residence MODE | Directive - assembler instructie | |
RP | B277 | Resume Program | Machine Instructie | |
RSCH | B238 | Resume SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
RLL | EB1D | Rotate Left single Logical | Machine Instructie | |
RLLG | EB1C | Rotate Left single Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
RNSBG | EC54 | Rotate then aNd Selected Bits Grande | Machine Instructie | |
RNSBGT | EC54 | [|80.--.--] | Rotate then aNd Selected Bits Grande for Test only | Extended Mnemonic |
RXSBG | EC57 | Rotate then eXclusive or Selected Bits Grande | Machine Instructie | |
RXSBGT | EC57 | [|80.--.--] | Rotate then eXclusive or Selected Bits Grande for Test only | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBG | EC55 | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Grande | Machine Instructie | |
RISBGN | EC59 | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Grande No cc change | Machine Instructie | |
RISBGNZ | EC59 | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Grande No cc change with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBGZ | EC55 | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Grande with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBHG | EC5D | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits High from Grande | Machine Instructie | |
RISBHGZ | EC5D | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits High from Grande with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBLG | EC51 | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Low from Grande | Machine Instructie | |
RISBLGZ | EC51 | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Low from Grande with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
ROSBG | EC56 | Rotate then Or Selected Bits Grande | Machine Instructie | |
ROSBGT | EC56 | [|80.--.--] | Rotate then Or Selected Bits Grande for Test only | Extended Mnemonic |
SRST | B25E | SeaRch STring | Machine Instructie | |
SRSTU | B9BE | SeaRch STring Unicode | Machine Instructie | |
SELFHR | B9C0 | SELect Fullword High Register | Machine Instructie | |
SELFHRE | B9C0 | 1000 | SELect Fullword High Register on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRH | B9C0 | 0010 | SELect Fullword High Register on High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRL | B9C0 | 0100 | SELect Fullword High Register on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRM | B9C0 | 0100 | SELect Fullword High Register on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNE | B9C0 | 0111 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNH | B9C0 | 1101 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNL | B9C0 | 1011 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNM | B9C0 | 1011 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNO | B9C0 | 1110 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNP | B9C0 | 1101 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNZ | B9C0 | 0111 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRO | B9C0 | 0001 | SELect Fullword High Register on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRP | B9C0 | 0010 | SELect Fullword High Register on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRZ | B9C0 | 1000 | SELect Fullword High Register on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGR | B9E3 | SELect Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
SELGRE | B9E3 | 1000 | SELect Grande Register on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRH | B9E3 | 0010 | SELect Grande Register on High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRL | B9E3 | 0100 | SELect Grande Register on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRM | B9E3 | 0100 | SELect Grande Register on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNE | B9E3 | 0111 | SELect Grande Register on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNH | B9E3 | 1101 | SELect Grande Register on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNL | B9E3 | 1011 | SELect Grande Register on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNM | B9E3 | 1011 | SELect Grande Register on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNO | B9E3 | 1110 | SELect Grande Register on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNP | B9E3 | 1101 | SELect Grande Register on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNZ | B9E3 | 0111 | SELect Grande Register on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRO | B9E3 | 0001 | SELect Grande Register on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRP | B9E3 | 0010 | SELect Grande Register on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRZ | B9E3 | 1000 | SELect Grande Register on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELR | B9F0 | SELect Register | Machine Instructie | |
SELRE | B9F0 | 1000 | SELect Register on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRH | B9F0 | 0010 | SELect Register on High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRL | B9F0 | 0100 | SELect Register on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRM | B9F0 | 0100 | SELect Register on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNE | B9F0 | 0111 | SELect Register on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNH | B9F0 | 1101 | SELect Register on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNL | B9F0 | 1011 | SELect Register on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNM | B9F0 | 1011 | SELect Register on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNO | B9F0 | 1110 | SELect Register on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNP | B9F0 | 1101 | SELect Register on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNZ | B9F0 | 0111 | SELect Register on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRO | B9F0 | 0001 | SELect Register on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRP | B9F0 | 0010 | SELect Register on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRZ | B9F0 | 1000 | SELect Register on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
UNKCF006 | ???? | Send Message | Machine Instructie | |
SAR | B24E | Set Access Register | Machine Instructie | |
SAL | B237 | Set Address Limit | Machine Instructie | |
SAC | B219 | Set Address space Control | Machine Instructie | |
SACF | B279 | Set Address space Control Fast | Machine Instructie | |
SAM24 | 010C | Set Addressing Mode 24 | Machine Instructie | |
SAM31 | 010D | Set Addressing Mode 31 | Machine Instructie | |
SAM64 | 010E | Set Addressing Mode 64 | Machine Instructie | |
SETA | -- | SET Arithmetic variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
SETAF | -- | SET Arithmetic variable by external Function | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
SETB | -- | SET Boolean variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
SCHM | B23C | Set CHannel Monitor | Machine Instructie | |
SETC | -- | SET Character variable | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
SETCF | -- | SET Character variable by external Function | Directive - conditionele assembler instructie | |
SCK | B204 | Set ClocK | Machine Instructie | |
SCKC | B206 | Set ClocK Comparator | Machine Instructie | |
SCKPF | 0107 | Set ClocK Programmable Field | Machine Instructie | |
SCCTR | B2E0 | Set Cpu CounTeR | Machine Instructie | |
SFPC | B384 | Set Floating Point Control register | Machine Instructie | |
SFASR | B385 | Set Floating point control register And Signal (Register) | Machine Instructie | |
SPCTR | B2E1 | Set Peripheral CounTeR | Machine Instructie | |
SPX | B210 | Set PrefiX register | Machine Instructie | |
SPT | B208 | Set Processor Timer | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC012 | ???? | Set Program Access Register | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC013 | ???? | Set Program Access Register Indirect | Machine Instructie | |
UNKMC009 | ???? | Set Program General Register | Machine Instructie | |
SPGRI | ???? | Set Program General Register Indirect | Machine Instructie | |
SPM | 04 | Set Program Mask | Machine Instructie | |
SPKA | B20A | Set Psw Key from Address | Machine Instructie | |
SQBS | EB8A | Set Qdio Buffer State | Machine Instructie | |
SRNM | B299 | Set RouNding Mode bfp | Machine Instructie | |
SRNMB | B2B8 | Set RouNding Mode Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
SRNMT | B2B9 | Set RouNding Mode Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
SSAR | B225 | Set Secondary Asn from Register | Machine Instructie | |
SSAIR | B99F | Set Secondary Asn with Instance from Register | Machine Instructie | |
SSKE | B22B | Set Storage Key Extended | Machine Instructie | |
SSM | 80 | Set System Mask | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF003 | ???? | Set Vector Entry | Machine Instructie | |
SVS | B265 | Set Vector Summary | Machine Instructie | |
SRP | F0 | Shift and Round Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
SLDA | 8F | Shift Left Double Arithmetic | Machine Instructie | |
SLDL | 8D | Shift Left Double Logical | Machine Instructie | |
SLLHH | EC5D | [00.1F-.--] | Shift Left Logical High from High | Extended Mnemonic |
SLLHL | EC5D | [00.1F-.20+] | Shift Left Logical High from Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SLLLH | EC51 | [00.9F-.20+] | Shift Left Logical Low from High | Extended Mnemonic |
SLA | 8B | Shift Left single Arithmetic | Machine Instructie | |
SLAG | EB0B | Shift Left single Arithmetic Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SLAK | EBDD | Shift Left single Arithmetic Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SLL | 89 | Shift Left single Logical | Machine Instructie | |
SLLG | EB0D | Shift Left single Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SLLK | EBDF | Shift Left single Logical Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SRDA | 8E | Shift Right Double Arithmetic | Machine Instructie | |
SRDL | 8C | Shift Right Double Logical | Machine Instructie | |
SRLHH | EC5D | [--.1F.00-] | Shift Right Logical High from High | Extended Mnemonic |
SRLHL | EC5D | [--.1F.20-] | Shift Right Logical High from Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SRLLH | EC51 | [--.9F.20-] | Shift Right Logical Low from High | Extended Mnemonic |
SRA | 8A | Shift Right single Arithmetic | Machine Instructie | |
SRAG | EB0A | Shift Right single Arithmetic Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SRAK | EBDC | Shift Right single Arithmetic Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SRL | 88 | Shift Right single Logical | Machine Instructie | |
SRLG | EB0C | Shift Right single Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SRLK | EBDE | Shift Right single Logical Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SLDT | ED40 | Shift significand Left Double Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
SLXT | ED48 | Shift significand Left eXtended Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
SRDT | ED41 | Shift significand Right Double Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
SRXT | ED49 | Shift significand Right eXtended Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF009 | ???? | Signal Channel buffer | Machine Instructie | |
SIGP | AE | SIGnal Processor | Machine Instructie | |
SORTL | B938 | SORT Lists | Machine Instructie | |
SPACE | -- | SPACE listing | Directive - assembler instructie | |
SQDB | ED15 | SQuare root of Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
SQDBR | B315 | SQuare root of Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SQD | ED35 | SQuare root of Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
SQDR | B244 | SQuare root of Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SQEB | ED14 | SQuare root of Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
SQEBR | B314 | SQuare root of Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SQE | ED34 | SQuare root of Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
SQER | B245 | SQuare root of Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SQXBR | B316 | SQuare root of eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SQXR | B336 | SQuare root of eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
START | -- | START assembly | Directive - assembler instructie | |
SSCH | B233 | Start SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
ST | 50 | STore | Machine Instructie | |
STAM | 9B | STore Access Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
STAMY | EB9B | STore Access Multiple Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STAP | B212 | STore Address of Processor | Machine Instructie | |
STBEAR | B201 | STore Breaking-Event-Address Register | Machine Instructie | |
STCPS | B23A | STore Channel Path Status | Machine Instructie | |
STCRW | B239 | STore Channel Report Word | Machine Instructie | |
STC | 42 | STore Character | Machine Instructie | |
STCH | E3C3 | STore Character High | Machine Instructie | |
STCY | E372 | STore Character Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STCM | BE | STore Characters under Mask | Machine Instructie | |
STCMH | EB2C | STore Characters under Mask High | Machine Instructie | |
STCMY | EB2D | STore Characters under Mask Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STCK | B205 | STore ClocK | Machine Instructie | |
STCKC | B207 | STore ClocK Comparator | Machine Instructie | |
STCKE | B278 | STore ClocK Extended | Machine Instructie | |
STCKF | B27C | STore ClocK Fast | Machine Instructie | |
STCTL | B6 | STore ConTroL | Machine Instructie | |
STCTG | EB25 | STore ConTrol Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STIDP | B202 | STore cpu ID of Processor | Machine Instructie | |
STD | 60 | STore Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
STDRV | E60A | 0000 | STore Double hfp byte ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
STDY | ED67 | STore Double hfp Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STE | 70 | STore Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
STERV | E60B | 0000 | STore Exponential hfp byte ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
STEY | ED66 | STore Exponential hfp Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STEAI | B2B3 | STore External timer reference Attachment Information | Machine Instructie | |
STFL | B2B1 | STore Facility List | Machine Instructie | |
STFLE | B2B0 | STore Facility List Extended | Machine Instructie | |
STFPC | B29C | STore Floating Point Control register | Machine Instructie | |
STFH | E3CB | STore Fullword High | Machine Instructie | |
STG | E324 | STore Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STGRL | C4B | STore Grande Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
STGSC | E349 | STore Guarded Storage Controls | Machine Instructie | |
STH | 40 | STore Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
STHH | E3C7 | STore Halfword High | Machine Instructie | |
STHRL | C47 | STore Halfword Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
STHY | E370 | STore Halfword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STM | 90 | STore Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
STMG | EB24 | STore Multiple Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STMH | EB26 | STore Multiple High | Machine Instructie | |
STMY | EB90 | STore Multiple Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
STOC | EBF3 | STore On Condition | Machine Instructie | |
STOCE | EBF3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFH | EBE1 | STore On Condition Fullword High | Machine Instructie | |
STOCFHE | EBE1 | 1000 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHH | EBE1 | 0010 | STore On Condition Fullword High if High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHL | EBE1 | 0100 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHM | EBE1 | 0100 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNE | EBE1 | 0111 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNH | EBE1 | 1101 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNL | EBE1 | 1011 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNM | EBE1 | 1011 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNO | EBE1 | 1110 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNP | EBE1 | 1101 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNZ | EBE1 | 0111 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHO | EBE1 | 0001 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHP | EBE1 | 0010 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHZ | EBE1 | 1000 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCG | EBE3 | STore On Condition Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STOCGE | EBE3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Grande if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGH | EBE3 | 0010 | STore On Condition Grande if High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGL | EBE3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Grande if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGM | EBE3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Grande if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNE | EBE3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNH | EBE3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Grande if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNL | EBE3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNM | EBE3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNO | EBE3 | 1110 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNP | EBE3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNZ | EBE3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGO | EBE3 | 0001 | STore On Condition Grande if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGP | EBE3 | 0010 | STore On Condition Grande if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGZ | EBE3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Grande if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCH | EBF3 | 0010 | STore On Condition High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCL | EBF3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCM | EBF3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNE | EBF3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNH | EBF3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNL | EBF3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNM | EBF3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNO | EBF3 | 1110 | STore On Condition Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNP | EBF3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNZ | EBF3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCO | EBF3 | 0001 | STore On Condition Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCP | EBF3 | 0010 | STore On Condition Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCZ | EBF3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STPQ | E38E | STore Pair to Quadword | Machine Instructie | |
STPX | B211 | STore PrefiX register | Machine Instructie | |
STPT | B209 | STore Processor Timer | Machine Instructie | |
STRAG | E502 | STore Real Address Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STRL | C4F | STore Relative Long | Machine Instructie | |
STRV | E33E | STore ReVersed | Machine Instructie | |
STRVG | E32F | STore ReVersed Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STRVH | E33F | STore ReVersed Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
STSCH | B234 | STore SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
STSI | B27D | STore System Information | Machine Instructie | |
STNSM | AC | STore then aNd System Mask | Machine Instructie | |
STOSM | AD | STore then Or System Mask | Machine Instructie | |
STURA | B246 | STore Using Real Address | Machine Instructie | |
STURG | B925 | STore Using Real address Grande | Machine Instructie | |
STY | E350 | STore Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
S | 5B | Subtract | Machine Instructie | |
SDB | ED1B | Subtract Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
SDBR | B31B | Subtract Double Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SD | 6B | Subtract Double hfp | Machine Instructie | |
SDR | 2B | Subtract Double hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SDTR | B3D3 | Subtract Double Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SDTRA | B3D3 | Subtract Double Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
SEB | ED0B | Subtract Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
SEBR | B30B | Subtract Exponential Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SE | 7B | Subtract Exponential hfp | Machine Instructie | |
SER | 3B | Subtract Exponential hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SXBR | B34B | Subtract eXtended Bfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SXR | 37 | Subtract eXtended hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SXTR | B3DB | Subtract eXtended Tfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SXTRA | B3DB | Subtract eXtended Tfp Register Alternative | Machine Instructie | |
SGF | E319 | Subtract from Grande a Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
SGFR | B919 | Subtract from Grande a Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
SGH | E339 | Subtract from Grande a Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
SG | E309 | Subtract Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SGR | B909 | Subtract Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
SGRK | B9E9 | Subtract Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SH | 4B | Subtract Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
SHY | E37B | Subtract Halfword Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
SHHHR | B9C9 | Subtract High from High and High Registers | Machine Instructie | |
SHHLR | B9D9 | Subtract High from High and Low Registers | Machine Instructie | |
SL | 5F | Subtract Logical | Machine Instructie | |
SLGF | E31B | Subtract Logical from Grande a Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
SLGFI | C24 | Subtract Logical from Grande a Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
SLGFR | B91B | Subtract Logical from Grande a Fullword Register | Machine Instructie | |
SLFI | C25 | Subtract Logical Fullword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
SLG | E30B | Subtract Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SLGR | B90B | Subtract Logical Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
SLGRK | B9EB | Subtract Logical Grande Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SLHHHR | B9CB | Subtract Logical High from High and High Registers | Machine Instructie | |
SLHHLR | B9DB | Subtract Logical High from High and Low Registers | Machine Instructie | |
SLR | 1F | Subtract Logical Register | Machine Instructie | |
SLRK | B9FB | Subtract Logical Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SLB | E399 | Subtract Logical with Borrow | Machine Instructie | |
SLBG | E389 | Subtract Logical with Borrow Grande | Machine Instructie | |
SLBGR | B989 | Subtract Logical with Borrow Grande Register | Machine Instructie | |
SLBR | B999 | Subtract Logical with Borrow Register | Machine Instructie | |
SLY | E35F | Subtract Logical Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
SP | FB | Subtract Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
SR | 1B | Subtract Register | Machine Instructie | |
SRK | B9F9 | Subtract Register Keeping source data | Machine Instructie | |
SU | 7F | Subtract Unnormalized hfp | Machine Instructie | |
SUR | 3F | Subtract Unnormalized hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SW | 6F | Subtract Wide unnormalized hfp | Machine Instructie | |
SWR | 2F | Subtract Wide unnormalized hfp Register | Machine Instructie | |
SY | E35B | Subtract Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
SVC | 0A | SuperVisor Call | Machine Instructie | |
SYSOP | ???? | SYStem OPeration | Machine Instructie | |
TAR | B24C | Test Access Register | Machine Instructie | |
TAM | 010B | Test Addressing Mode | Machine Instructie | |
TS | 93 | Test and Set | Machine Instructie | |
TB | B22C | Test Block | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF010 | ???? | Test Channel Buffer | Machine Instructie | |
TCDB | ED11 | Test data Class for Double Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
TDCDT | ED54 | Test Data Class for Double Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TCEB | ED10 | Test data Class for Exponential Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
TDCET | ED50 | Test Data Class for Exponential Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TCXB | ED12 | Test data Class for eXtended Bfp | Machine Instructie | |
TDCXT | ED58 | Test Data Class for eXtended Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TDGDT | ED55 | Test Data Group for Double Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TDGET | ED51 | Test Data Group for Exponential Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TDGXT | ED59 | Test Data Group for eXtended Tfp | Machine Instructie | |
TMSG | 0106 | Test MeSsaGe | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF007 | ???? | test message | Machine Instructie | |
TMPS | 0108 | Test Message Path State | Machine Instructie | |
TMBP | ???? | Test Millicode Branch Points | Machine Instructie | |
TP | EBC0 | Test Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
TPEI | B9A1 | Test Pending External Interruption | Machine Instructie | |
TPI | B236 | Test Pending Interruption | Machine Instructie | |
TPSW | A3D | Test Program Status Word | Machine Instructie | |
TPROT | E501 | Test PROTection | Machine Instructie | |
TSCH | B235 | Test SubCHannel | Machine Instructie | |
TM | 91 | Test under Mask | Machine Instructie | |
TMHH | A72 | Test under Mask High-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
TMHL | A73 | Test under Mask High-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
TMH | A70 | Test under Mask Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
TMLH | A70 | Test under Mask Low-order word, Higher halfword | Machine Instructie | |
TMLL | A71 | Test under Mask Low-order word, Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
TML | A71 | Test under Mask Lower halfword | Machine Instructie | |
TMY | EB51 | Test under Mask Yonder | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF002 | ???? | Test Vector Entry | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF004 | ???? | Test Vector Summary | Machine Instructie | |
TITLE | -- | TITLE definition | Directive - assembler instructie | |
TRACE | 99 | TRACE | Machine Instructie | |
TRACG | EB0F | TRACe Grande | Machine Instructie | |
TABORT | B2FC | Transaction ABORT | Machine Instructie | |
TBEGIN | E560 | Transaction BEGIN | Machine Instructie | |
TBEGINC | E561 | Transaction BEGIN Constrained | Machine Instructie | |
TEND | B2F8 | Transaction END | Machine Instructie | |
UNKCF013 | ???? | Transfer Structure | Machine Instructie | |
TR | DC | TRanslate | Machine Instructie | |
TRT | DD | TRanslate and Test | Machine Instructie | |
TRTX | B2E9 | TRanslate and Test eXit | Machine Instructie | |
TRTE | B9BF | TRanslate and Test Extended | Machine Instructie | |
TRTR | D0 | TRanslate and Test Reverse | Machine Instructie | |
TRTRE | B9BD | TRanslate and Test Reverse Extended | Machine Instructie | |
TRE | B2A5 | TRanslate Extended | Machine Instructie | |
TRFET | A0 | TRanslate FETch | Machine Instructie | |
TROO | B993 | TRanslate One to One | Machine Instructie | |
TROT | B992 | TRanslate One to Two | Machine Instructie | |
TRTO | B991 | TRanslate Two to One | Machine Instructie | |
TRTT | B990 | TRanslate Two to Two | Machine Instructie | |
TRAP2 | 01FF | TRAP 2-byte version | Machine Instructie | |
TRAP4 | B2FF | TRAP 4-byte version | Machine Instructie | |
UNPK | F3 | UNPacK | Machine Instructie | |
UNPKA | EA | UNPacK Ascii | Machine Instructie | |
UNPKU | E2 | UNPacK Unicode | Machine Instructie | |
UPT | 0102 | UPdate Tree | Machine Instructie | |
USING | -- | USING | Directive - assembler instructie | |
VNX | E76C | Vecctor Not-eXclusive-or | Machine Instructie | |
VA | E7F3 | Vector Add | Machine Instructie | |
VAB | E7F3 | 0000 | Vector Add Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VACC | E7F1 | Vector Add Compute Carry | Machine Instructie | |
VACCB | E7F1 | 0000 | Vector Add Compute Carry Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCF | E7F1 | 0010 | Vector Add Compute Carry Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCG | E7F1 | 0011 | Vector Add Compute Carry Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCH | E7F1 | 0001 | Vector Add Compute Carry Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCQ | E7F1 | 0100 | Vector Add Compute Carry Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAF | E7F3 | 0010 | Vector Add Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAG | E7F3 | 0011 | Vector Add Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VAH | E7F3 | 0001 | Vector Add Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAP | E671 | Vector Add Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VAQ | E7F3 | 0100 | Vector Add Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAC | E7BB | Vector Add with Carry | Machine Instructie | |
VACCC | E7B9 | Vector Add with Carry Compute Carry | Machine Instructie | |
VACCCQ | E7B9 | 0100 | Vector Add with Carry Compute Carry Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VACQ | E7BB | 0100 | Vector Add with Carry Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VN | E768 | Vector aNd | Machine Instructie | |
VNC | E769 | Vector aNd with Complement | Machine Instructie | |
VAVG | E7F2 | Vector AVeraGe | Machine Instructie | |
VAVGB | E7F2 | 0000 | Vector AVeraGe Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGF | E7F2 | 0010 | Vector AVeraGe Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGG | E7F2 | 0011 | Vector AVeraGe Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGH | E7F2 | 0001 | Vector AVeraGe Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGL | E7F0 | Vector AVeraGe Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VAVGLB | E7F0 | 0000 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLF | E7F0 | 0010 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLG | E7F0 | 0011 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLH | E7F0 | 0001 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VBPERM | E785 | Vector Bit PERMute | Machine Instructie | |
VCKSM | E766 | Vector ChecKSuM | Machine Instructie | |
VCEQ | E7F8 | Vector Compare EQual | Machine Instructie | |
VCEQB | E7F8 | 0000.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQBS | E7F8 | 0000.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQF | E7F8 | 0010.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQFS | E7F8 | 0010.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Fullword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQG | E7F8 | 0011.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQGS | E7F8 | 0011.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Grande Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQH | E7F8 | 0001.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQHS | E7F8 | 0001.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Halfword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCH | E7FB | Vector Compare High | Machine Instructie | |
VCHB | E7FB | 0000.0000 | Vector Compare High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHBS | E7FB | 0000.0001 | Vector Compare High Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHF | E7FB | 0010.0000 | Vector Compare High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHFS | E7FB | 0010.0001 | Vector Compare High Fullword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHG | E7FB | 0011.0000 | Vector Compare High Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHGS | E7FB | 0011.0001 | Vector Compare High Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHH | E7FB | 0001.0000 | Vector Compare High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHHS | E7FB | 0001.0001 | Vector Compare High Halfword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHL | E7F9 | Vector Compare High Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VCHLB | E7F9 | 0000.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLBS | E7F9 | 0000.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLF | E7F9 | 0010.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLFS | E7F9 | 0010.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLG | E7F9 | 0011.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLGS | E7F9 | 0011.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLH | E7F9 | 0001.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLHS | E7F9 | 0001.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCP | E677 | Vector Compare Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VCLFNH | E656 | Vector Convert and Lengthen Floating point from Neural-nnp High | Machine Instructie | |
VCLFNL | E65E | Vector Convert and Lengthen Floating point from Neural-nnp Low | Machine Instructie | |
VCRNF | E675 | Vector Convert and Round Neural-nnp from Floating point | Machine Instructie | |
VCDG | E7C3 | Vector Convert Double bfp from Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VCDGB | E7C3 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Double bfp from Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCDLG | E7C1 | Vector Convert Double bfp from Logical Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VCDLGB | E7C1 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Double bfp from Logical Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEFB | E7C3 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Exponential bfp from Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCELFB | E7C1 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Exponential bfp from Logical Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCFPL | E7C1 | Vector Convert Floating Point from Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VCFN | E65D | Vector Convert Floating point from Neural-nnp | Machine Instructie | |
VCFPS | E7C3 | Vector Convert Floating Point from Signed | Machine Instructie | |
VCFEB | E7C2 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCGD | E7C2 | Vector Convert Grande from Double bfp | Machine Instructie | |
VCGDB | E7C2 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLFP | E7C0 | Vector Convert Logical from Floating Point | Machine Instructie | |
VCLFEB | E7C0 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Logical Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLGD | E7C0 | Vector Convert Logical Grande from Double bfp | Machine Instructie | |
VCLGDB | E7C0 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Logical Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCNF | E655 | Vector Convert Neural-nnp from Floating point | Machine Instructie | |
VCSPH | E67D | Vector Convert Scaled Packed decimal from Hex floating point | Machine Instructie | |
VCSFP | E7C2 | Vector Convert Signed from Floating Point | Machine Instructie | |
VCVB | E650 | Vector ConVert to Binary | Machine Instructie | |
VCVBG | E652 | Vector ConVert to Binary Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VCVD | E658 | Vector ConVert to Decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VCVDG | E65A | Vector ConVert to Decimal Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VCLZDP | E651 | Vector Count Leading Zero Digits Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VCLZ | E753 | Vector Count Leading Zeros | Machine Instructie | |
VCLZB | E753 | 0000 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZF | E753 | 0010 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZG | E753 | 0011 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZH | E753 | 0001 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZ | E752 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros | Machine Instructie | |
VCTZB | E752 | 0000 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZF | E752 | 0010 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZG | E752 | 0011 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZH | E752 | 0001 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VDP | E67A | Vector Divide Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VEC | E7DB | Vector Element Compare | Machine Instructie | |
VECB | E7DB | 0000 | Vector Element Compare Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VECF | E7DB | 0010 | Vector Element Compare Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECG | E7DB | 0011 | Vector Element Compare Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VECH | E7DB | 0001 | Vector Element Compare Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECL | E7D9 | Vector Element Compare Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VECLB | E7D9 | 0000 | Vector Element Compare Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLF | E7D9 | 0010 | Vector Element Compare Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLG | E7D9 | 0011 | Vector Element Compare Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLH | E7D9 | 0001 | Vector Element Compare Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIM | E772 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask | Machine Instructie | |
VERIMB | E772 | 0000 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMF | E772 | 0010 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMG | E772 | 0011 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMH | E772 | 0001 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLL | E733 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VERLLB | E733 | 0000 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLF | E733 | 0010 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLG | E733 | 0011 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLH | E733 | 0001 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLV | E773 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified | Machine Instructie | |
VERLLVB | E773 | 0000 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVF | E773 | 0010 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVG | E773 | 0011 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVH | E773 | 0001 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESL | E730 | Vector Element Shift Left | Machine Instructie | |
VESLB | E730 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Left Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLF | E730 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Left Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLG | E730 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Left Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLH | E730 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Left Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLV | E770 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified | Machine Instructie | |
VESLVB | E770 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVF | E770 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVG | E770 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVH | E770 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRA | E73A | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic | Machine Instructie | |
VESRAB | E73A | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAF | E73A | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAG | E73A | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAH | E73A | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAV | E77A | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified | Machine Instructie | |
VESRAVB | E77A | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVF | E77A | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVG | E77A | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVH | E77A | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRL | E738 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VESRLB | E738 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLF | E738 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLG | E738 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLH | E738 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLV | E778 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified | Machine Instructie | |
VESRLVB | E778 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVF | E778 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVG | E778 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVH | E778 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VX | E76D | Vector eXclusive-or | Machine Instructie | |
VFAE | E782 | Vector Find Any element Equal | Machine Instructie | |
VFAEB | E782 | 0000 | Vector Find Any element Equal Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEBS | E782 | 0000.0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEF | E782 | 0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEFS | E782 | 0010.0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEH | E782 | 0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEHS | E782 | 0001.0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZB | E782 | 0000.0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZBS | E782 | 0000.0011 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZF | E782 | 0010.0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZFS | E782 | 0010.0011 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZH | E782 | 0001.0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZHS | E782 | 0001.0011 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEE | E780 | Vector Find Element Equal | Machine Instructie | |
VFEEB | E780 | 0000 | Vector Find Element Equal Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEBS | E780 | 0000.0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEF | E780 | 0010 | Vector Find Element Equal Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEFS | E780 | 0010.0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEH | E780 | 0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEHS | E780 | 0001.0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZB | E780 | 0000.0010 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZBS | E780 | 0000.0011 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZF | E780 | 0010.0010 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZFS | E780 | 0010.0011 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZH | E780 | 0001.0010 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZHS | E780 | 0001.0011 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENE | E781 | Vector Find Element Not Equal | Machine Instructie | |
VFENEB | E781 | 0000 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEBS | E781 | 0000.0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEF | E781 | 0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEFS | E781 | 0010.0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEH | E781 | 0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEHS | E781 | 0001.0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZB | E781 | 0000.0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZBS | E781 | 0000.0011 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZF | E781 | 0010.0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZFS | E781 | 0010.0011 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZH | E781 | 0001.0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZHS | E781 | 0001.0011 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFA | E7E3 | Vector Floating point Add | Machine Instructie | |
VFADB | E7E3 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFASB | E7E3 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCE | E7E8 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal | Machine Instructie | |
VFCEDB | E7E8 | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCESB | E7E8 | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCESBS | E7E8 | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCH | E7EB | Vector Floating point Compare High | Machine Instructie | |
VFCHDB | E7EB | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHDBS | E7EB | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHE | E7EA | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal | Machine Instructie | |
VFCHEDB | E7EA | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHESB | E7EA | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHESBS | E7EA | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHSB | E7EB | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHSBS | E7EB | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFD | E7E5 | Vector Floating point Divide | Machine Instructie | |
VFDDB | E7E5 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Divide Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFDSB | E7E5 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Divide Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKEDB | E7E8 | 0011.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKESB | E7E8 | 0010.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKESBS | E7E8 | 0010.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHDB | E7EB | 0011.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHDBS | E7EB | 0011.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHEDB | E7EA | 0011.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHESB | E7EA | 0010.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHESBS | E7EA | 0010.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHSB | E7EB | 0010.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHSBS | E7EB | 0010.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLCDB | E7CC | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Complement Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLCSB | E7CC | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Complement Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLL | E7C4 | Vector Floating point Load Lengthened | Machine Instructie | |
VFLLS | E7C4 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Lengthened Single bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLNDB | E7CC | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Load Negative Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLNSB | E7CC | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Load Negative Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLPDB | E7CC | 0011.0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Load Positive Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLPSB | E7CC | 0010.0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Load Positive Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLR | E7C5 | Vector Floating point Load Rounded | Machine Instructie | |
VFLRD | E7C5 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Rounded Double bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VLED | E7C5 | Vector floating point Load rounded Exponential from Double | Machine Instructie | |
VLEDB | E7C5 | 0011.0000 | Vector floating point Load rounded Exponential from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMAX | E7EF | Vector Floating point MAXimum | Machine Instructie | |
VFMAXDB | E7EF | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point MAXimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMAXSB | E7EF | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point MAXimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMIN | E7EE | Vector Floating point MINimum | Machine Instructie | |
VFMINDB | E7EE | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point MINimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMINSB | E7EE | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point MINimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFM | E7E7 | Vector Floating point Multiply | Machine Instructie | |
VFMA | E78F | Vector Floating point Multiply and Add | Machine Instructie | |
VFMADB | E78F | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMASB | E78F | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMS | E78E | Vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract | Machine Instructie | |
VFMSDB | E78E | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMSSB | E78E | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMDB | E7E7 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Multiply Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMSB | E7E7 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Multiply Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMA | E79F | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add | Machine Instructie | |
VFNMADB | E79F | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMASB | E79F | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMS | E79E | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract | Machine Instructie | |
VFNMSDB | E79E | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMSSB | E79E | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFPSO | E7CC | Vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation | Machine Instructie | |
VFPSODB | E7CC | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFPSOSB | E7CC | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSQ | E7CE | Vector Floating point SQuare root | Machine Instructie | |
VFSQDB | E7CE | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point SQuare root Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSQSB | E7CE | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point SQuare root Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFS | E7E2 | Vector Floating point Subtract | Machine Instructie | |
VFSDB | E7E2 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSSB | E7E2 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFTCI | E74A | Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
VFTCIDB | E74A | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFTCISB | E74A | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFM | E7B4 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum | Machine Instructie | |
VGFMA | E7BC | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate | Machine Instructie | |
VGFMAB | E7BC | 0000 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAF | E7BC | 0010 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAG | E7BC | 0011 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAH | E7BC | 0001 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMB | E7B4 | 0000 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMF | E7B4 | 0010 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMG | E7B4 | 0011 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMH | E7B4 | 0001 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGEF | E713 | Vector Gather Element Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VGEG | E712 | Vector Gather Element Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VGBM | E744 | Vector Generate Byte Mask | Machine Instructie | |
VGM | E746 | Vector Generate Mask | Machine Instructie | |
VGMB | E746 | 0000 | Vector Generate Mask Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMF | E746 | 0010 | Vector Generate Mask Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMG | E746 | 0011 | Vector Generate Mask Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMH | E746 | 0001 | Vector Generate Mask Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTR | E75C | Vector Isolate STRing | Machine Instructie | |
VISTRB | E75C | 0000 | Vector Isolate STRing Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRBS | E75C | 0000.0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRF | E75C | 0010 | Vector Isolate STRing Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRFS | E75C | 0010.0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRH | E75C | 0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRHS | E75C | 0001.0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VL | E706 | Vector Load | Machine Instructie | |
VLREP | E705 | Vector Load and REPlicate | Machine Instructie | |
VLREPB | E705 | 0000 | Vector Load and REPlicate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPF | E705 | 0010 | Vector Load and REPlicate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPG | E705 | 0011 | Vector Load and REPlicate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPH | E705 | 0001 | Vector Load and REPlicate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRREP | E605 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate | Machine Instructie | |
VLBRREPF | E605 | 0010 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRREPG | E605 | 0011 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRREPH | E605 | 0001 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBR | E606 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements | Machine Instructie | |
VLBRF | E606 | 0010 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRG | E606 | 0011 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRH | E606 | 0001 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRQ | E606 | 0100 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLC | E7DE | Vector Load Complement | Machine Instructie | |
VLCB | E7DE | 0000 | Vector Load Complement Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCF | E7DE | 0010 | Vector Load Complement Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCG | E7DE | 0011 | Vector Load Complement Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCH | E7DE | 0001 | Vector Load Complement Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLEB | E700 | Vector Load Element Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VLEBRF | E603 | Vector Load Element Byte Reversed Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VLEBRG | E602 | Vector Load Element Byte Reversed Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VLEBRH | E601 | Vector Load Element Byte Reversed Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
VLEF | E703 | Vector Load Element Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VLEG | E702 | Vector Load Element Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VLEH | E701 | Vector Load Element Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
VLEIB | E740 | Vector Load Element Immediate Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VLEIF | E743 | Vector Load Element Immediate Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VLEIG | E742 | Vector Load Element Immediate Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VLEIH | E741 | Vector Load Element Immediate Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
VLER | E607 | Vector Load Elements Reversed | Machine Instructie | |
VLERF | E607 | 0010 | Vector Load Elements Reversed Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLERG | E607 | 0011 | Vector Load Elements Reversed Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLERH | E607 | 0001 | Vector Load Elements Reversed Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFI | E7C7 | Vector load Floating point Integer | Machine Instructie | |
VFIDB | E7C7 | 0011.0000 | Vector load Floating point Integer Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFISB | E7C7 | 0010.0000 | Vector load Floating point Integer Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGV | E721 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element | Machine Instructie | |
VLGVB | E721 | 0000 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVF | E721 | 0010 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVG | E721 | 0011 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVH | E721 | 0001 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLIP | E649 | Vector Load Immediate Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VLDE | E7C4 | Vector Load lengthened Double from Exponential | Machine Instructie | |
VLDEB | E7C4 | 0010.0000 | Vector Load lengthened Double from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZ | E704 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero | Machine Instructie | |
VLLEZB | E704 | 0000 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZF | E704 | 0010 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZG | E704 | 0011 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZH | E704 | 0001 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZLF | E704 | 0110 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Left-aligned Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZ | E604 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero | Machine Instructie | |
VLLEBRZF | E604 | 0010 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZG | E604 | 0011 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZH | E604 | 0001 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZE | E604 | 0110 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero lEftmost word | Extended Mnemonic |
VLM | E736 | Vector Load Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
VLP | E7DF | Vector Load Positive | Machine Instructie | |
VLPB | E7DF | 0000 | Vector Load Positive Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPF | E7DF | 0010 | Vector Load Positive Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPG | E7DF | 0011 | Vector Load Positive Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPH | E7DF | 0001 | Vector Load Positive Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLR | E756 | Vector Load Register | Machine Instructie | |
VLRL | E635 | Vector Load Rightmost with Length | Machine Instructie | |
VLRLR | E637 | Vector Load Rightmost with Length Register | Machine Instructie | |
VLBB | E707 | Vector Load to Block Boundary | Machine Instructie | |
VLVG | E722 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr | Machine Instructie | |
VLVGB | E722 | 0000 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGF | E722 | 0010 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGG | E722 | 0011 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGH | E722 | 0001 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGP | E762 | Vector Load Vector register from Gpr disjoint after Pairing | Machine Instructie | |
VLL | E737 | Vector Load with Length | Machine Instructie | |
VMX | E7FF | Vector MaXimum | Machine Instructie | |
VMXB | E7FF | 0000 | Vector MaXimum Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXF | E7FF | 0010 | Vector MaXimum Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXG | E7FF | 0011 | Vector MaXimum Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXH | E7FF | 0001 | Vector MaXimum Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXL | E7FD | Vector MaXimum Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VMXLB | E7FD | 0000 | Vector MaXimum Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLF | E7FD | 0010 | Vector MaXimum Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLG | E7FD | 0011 | Vector MaXimum Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLH | E7FD | 0001 | Vector MaXimum Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRH | E761 | Vector MeRge High | Machine Instructie | |
VMRHB | E761 | 0000 | Vector MeRge High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHF | E761 | 0010 | Vector MeRge High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHG | E761 | 0011 | Vector MeRge High Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHH | E761 | 0001 | Vector MeRge High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRL | E760 | Vector MeRge Low | Machine Instructie | |
VMRLB | E760 | 0000 | Vector MeRge Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLF | E760 | 0010 | Vector MeRge Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLG | E760 | 0011 | Vector MeRge Low Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLH | E760 | 0001 | Vector MeRge Low Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMN | E7FE | Vector MiNimum | Machine Instructie | |
VMNB | E7FE | 0000 | Vector MiNimum Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNF | E7FE | 0010 | Vector MiNimum Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNG | E7FE | 0011 | Vector MiNimum Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNH | E7FE | 0001 | Vector MiNimum Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNL | E7FC | Vector MiNimum Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VMNLB | E7FC | 0000 | Vector MiNimum Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLF | E7FC | 0010 | Vector MiNimum Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLG | E7FC | 0011 | Vector MiNimum Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLH | E7FC | 0001 | Vector MiNimum Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMSP | E679 | Vector Multiply an Shift Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VMAE | E7AE | Vector Multiply and Add Even | Machine Instructie | |
VMAEB | E7AE | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAEF | E7AE | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAEH | E7AE | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAH | E7AB | Vector Multiply and Add High | Machine Instructie | |
VMAHB | E7AB | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAHF | E7AB | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAHH | E7AB | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALE | E7AC | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even | Machine Instructie | |
VMALEB | E7AC | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALEF | E7AC | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALEH | E7AC | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALH | E7A9 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High | Machine Instructie | |
VMALHB | E7A9 | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHF | E7A9 | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHH | E7A9 | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALO | E7AD | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd | Machine Instructie | |
VMALOB | E7AD | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALOF | E7AD | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALOH | E7AD | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAL | E7AA | Vector Multiply and Add Low | Machine Instructie | |
VMALB | E7AA | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALF | E7AA | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHW | E7AA | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Low HalfWord | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAO | E7AF | Vector Multiply and Add Odd | Machine Instructie | |
VMAOB | E7AF | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAOF | E7AF | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAOH | E7AF | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMH | E7A3 | Vector Multiply High | Machine Instructie | |
VMHB | E7A3 | 0000 | Vector Multiply High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMHF | E7A3 | 0010 | Vector Multiply High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMHH | E7A3 | 0001 | Vector Multiply High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLE | E7A4 | Vector Multiply Logical Even | Machine Instructie | |
VMLEB | E7A4 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Logical Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLEF | E7A4 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Logical Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLEH | E7A4 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Logical Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLH | E7A1 | Vector Multiply Logical High | Machine Instructie | |
VMLHB | E7A1 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Logical High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHF | E7A1 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Logical High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHH | E7A1 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Logical High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLO | E7A5 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd | Machine Instructie | |
VMLOB | E7A5 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLOF | E7A5 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLOH | E7A5 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VML | E7A2 | Vector Multiply Low | Machine Instructie | |
VMLB | E7A2 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLF | E7A2 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHW | E7A2 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Low HlafWord | Extended Mnemonic |
VMO | E7A7 | Vector Multiply Odd | Machine Instructie | |
VMOB | E7A7 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMOF | E7A7 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMOH | E7A7 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMP | E678 | Vector Multiply Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VMSL | E7B8 | Vector Multiply Sum Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VMSLG | E7B8 | 0011 | Vector Multiply Sum Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VME | E7A6 | Vector Multipy Even | Machine Instructie | |
VMEB | E7A6 | 0000 | Vector Multipy Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMEF | E7A6 | 0010 | Vector Multipy Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMEH | E7A6 | 0001 | Vector Multipy Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VNOT | E76B | -- | Vector NOT | Extended Mnemonic |
VNN | E76E | Vector Not-aNd | Machine Instructie | |
VNO | E76B | Vector Not-Or | Machine Instructie | |
VO | E76A | Vector Or | Machine Instructie | |
VOC | E76F | Vector Or with Complement | Machine Instructie | |
VPK | E794 | Vector PacK | Machine Instructie | |
VPKF | E794 | 0010 | Vector PacK Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKG | E794 | 0011 | Vector PacK Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKH | E794 | 0001 | Vector PacK Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLS | E795 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate | Machine Instructie | |
VPKLSF | E795 | 0010.0000 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSFS | E795 | 0010.0001 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSG | E795 | 0011.0000 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSGS | E795 | 0011.0001 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSH | E795 | 0001.0000 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSHS | E795 | 0001.0001 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKS | E797 | Vector PacK Saturate | Machine Instructie | |
VPKSF | E797 | 0010.0000 | Vector PacK Saturate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSFS | E797 | 0010.0001 | Vector PacK Saturate Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSG | E797 | 0011.0000 | Vector PacK Saturate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSGS | E797 | 0011.0001 | Vector PacK Saturate Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSH | E797 | 0001.0000 | Vector PacK Saturate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSHS | E797 | 0001.0001 | Vector PacK Saturate Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKZ | E634 | Vector PacK Zoned | Machine Instructie | |
VPKZR | E670 | Vector PacK Zoned Register | Machine Instructie | |
VPSOP | E65B | Vector Perform Sign Operation Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VPERM | E78C | Vector PERMute | Machine Instructie | |
VPDI | E784 | Vector Permute Doubleword Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
VPOPCT | E750 | Vector POPulation CounT | Machine Instructie | |
VPOPCTB | E750 | 0000 | Vector POPulation CounT Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTF | E750 | 0010 | Vector POPulation CounT Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTG | E750 | 0011 | Vector POPulation CounT Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTH | E750 | 0001 | Vector POPulation CounT Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VRP | E67B | Vector Remainder Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VREP | E74D | Vector REPlicate | Machine Instructie | |
VREPB | E74D | 0000 | Vector REPlicate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPF | E74D | 0010 | Vector REPlicate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPG | E74D | 0011 | Vector REPlicate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPH | E74D | 0001 | Vector REPlicate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPI | E745 | Vector REPlicate Immediate | Machine Instructie | |
VREPIB | E745 | 0000 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIF | E745 | 0010 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIG | E745 | 0011 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIH | E745 | 0001 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCSHP | E67C | Vector Scale and Convert and Split Hex floating point from Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VSCHDP | E674 | 0011 | Vector Scale and Convert Hex Double floating point from Packed decimal | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCHXP | E674 | 0100 | Vector Scale and Convert Hex eXtended floating point from Packed decimal | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCHSP | E674 | 0010 | Vector Scale and Convert Hex Short floating point from Packed decimal | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCHP | E674 | Vector Scale and Convert Hfp from Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VSCEF | E71B | Vector SCatter Element Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VSCEG | E71A | Vector SCatter Element Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VSEL | E78D | Vector SELect | Machine Instructie | |
VONE | E744 | -- | Vector set to all ONEs | Extended Mnemonic |
VZERO | E744 | -- | Vector set to all ZEROes | Extended Mnemonic |
VSDP | E67E | Vector Shift and Divide Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VSRP | E659 | Vector Shift and Round Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VSRPR | E672 | Vector Shift and Round Packed decimal Register | Machine Instructie | |
VSL | E774 | Vector Shift Left | Machine Instructie | |
VSLB | E775 | Vector Shift Left by Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VSLD | E786 | Vector Shift Left Double | Machine Instructie | |
VSLDB | E777 | Vector Shift Left Double by Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VSRA | E77E | Vector Shift Right Arithmetic | Machine Instructie | |
VSRAB | E77F | Vector Shift Right Arithmetic by Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VSRD | E787 | Vector Shift Right Double | Machine Instructie | |
VSRL | E77C | Vector Shift Right Logical | Machine Instructie | |
VSRLB | E77D | Vector Shift Right Logical by Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VSEG | E75F | Vector Sign Extend to Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VSEGB | E75F | 0000 | Vector Sign Extend to Grande from Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSEGF | E75F | 0010 | Vector Sign Extend to Grande from Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSEGH | E75F | 0001 | Vector Sign Extend to Grande from Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VST | E70E | Vector STore | Machine Instructie | |
VSTBR | E60E | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements | Machine Instructie | |
VSTBRF | E60E | 0010 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRG | E60E | 0011 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRH | E60E | 0001 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRQ | E60E | 0100 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTEB | E708 | Vector STore Element Byte | Machine Instructie | |
VSTEBRF | E60B | Vector STore Element Byte Reversed Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VSTEBRG | E60A | Vector STore Element Byte Reversed Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VSTEBRH | E609 | Vector STore Element Byte Reversed Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
VSTEF | E70B | Vector STore Element Fullword | Machine Instructie | |
VSTEG | E70A | Vector STore Element Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VSTEH | E709 | Vector STore Element Halfword | Machine Instructie | |
VSTER | E60F | Vector STore Elements Reversed | Machine Instructie | |
VSTERF | E60F | 0010 | Vector STore Elements Reversed Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTERG | E60F | 0011 | Vector STore Elements Reversed Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTERH | E60F | 0001 | Vector STore Elements Reversed Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTM | E73E | Vector STore Multiple | Machine Instructie | |
VSTRL | E63D | Vector STore Rightmost with Length | Machine Instructie | |
VSTRLR | E63F | Vector STore Rightmost with Length Register | Machine Instructie | |
VSTL | E73F | Vector STore with Length | Machine Instructie | |
VSTRC | E78A | Vector STRing range Compare | Machine Instructie | |
VSTRCB | E78A | 0000 | Vector STRing range Compare Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCBS | E78A | 0000.0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCF | E78A | 0010 | Vector STRing range Compare Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCFS | E78A | 0010.0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCH | E78A | 0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCHS | E78A | 0001.0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZB | E78A | 0000.0010 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZBS | E78A | 0000.0011 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZF | E78A | 0010.0010 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZFS | E78A | 0010.0011 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZH | E78A | 0001.0010 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZHS | E78A | 0001.0011 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRS | E78B | Vector STRing Search | Machine Instructie | |
VSTRSB | E78B | 0000 | Vector STRing Search Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSF | E78B | 0010 | Vector STRing Search Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSH | E78B | 0001 | Vector STRing Search Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSZB | E78B | 0000.0010 | Vector STRing Search Zero-delimited Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSZF | E78B | 0010.0010 | Vector STRing Search Zero-delimited Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSZH | E78B | 0001.0010 | Vector STRing Search Zero-delimited Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VS | E7F7 | Vector Subtract | Machine Instructie | |
VSB | E7F7 | 0000 | Vector Subtract Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBI | E7F5 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication | Machine Instructie | |
VSCBIB | E7F5 | 0000 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIF | E7F5 | 0010 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIG | E7F5 | 0011 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIH | E7F5 | 0001 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIQ | E7F5 | 0100 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSF | E7F7 | 0010 | Vector Subtract Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSG | E7F7 | 0011 | Vector Subtract Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSH | E7F7 | 0001 | Vector Subtract Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSP | E673 | Vector Subtract Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VSQ | E7F7 | 0100 | Vector Subtract Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSBCBI | E7BD | Vector Subtract with Borrow Compute Borrow Indication | Machine Instructie | |
VSBCBIQ | E7BD | 0100 | Vector Subtract with Borrow Compute Borrow Indication Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSBI | E7BF | Vector Subtract with Borrow Indication | Machine Instructie | |
VSBIQ | E7BF | 0100 | Vector Subtract with Borrow Indication Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMG | E765 | Vector SUM across Grande | Machine Instructie | |
VSUMGF | E765 | 0010 | Vector SUM across Grande per Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMGH | E765 | 0001 | Vector SUM across Grande per Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMQ | E767 | Vector SUM across Quadword | Machine Instructie | |
VSUMQF | E767 | 0010 | Vector SUM across Quadword per Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMQG | E767 | 0011 | Vector SUM across Quadword per Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUM | E764 | Vector SUM across word | Machine Instructie | |
VSUMB | E764 | 0000 | Vector SUM across word per Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMH | E764 | 0001 | Vector SUM across word per Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VTP | E65F | Vector Test Packed decimal | Machine Instructie | |
VTM | E7D8 | Vector Test under Mask | Machine Instructie | |
VUPH | E7D7 | Vector UnPack High | Machine Instructie | |
VUPHB | E7D7 | 0000 | Vector UnPack High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPHF | E7D7 | 0010 | Vector UnPack High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPHH | E7D7 | 0001 | Vector UnPack High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLH | E7D5 | Vector UnPack Logical High | Machine Instructie | |
VUPLHB | E7D5 | 0000 | Vector UnPack Logical High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHF | E7D5 | 0010 | Vector UnPack Logical High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHH | E7D5 | 0001 | Vector UnPack Logical High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLL | E7D4 | Vector UnPack Logical Low | Machine Instructie | |
VUPLLB | E7D4 | 0000 | Vector UnPack Logical Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLLF | E7D4 | 0010 | Vector UnPack Logical Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLLH | E7D4 | 0001 | Vector UnPack Logical Low Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPL | E7D6 | Vector UnPack Low | Machine Instructie | |
VUPLB | E7D6 | 0000 | Vector UnPack Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLF | E7D6 | 0010 | Vector UnPack Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHW | E7D6 | 0001 | Vector UnPack Low HalfWord | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPKZ | E63C | Vector UnPacK Zoned | Machine Instructie | |
VUPKZH | E654 | Vector UnPacK Zoned High | Machine Instructie | |
VUPKZL | E65C | Vector UnPacK Zoned Low | Machine Instructie | |
WXTRN | -- | Weak eXTeRNal | Directive - assembler instructie | |
WCDGB | E7C3 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Double bfp from Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCDLGB | E7C1 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Double bfp from Logical Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCEFB | E7C3 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Exponential bfp from Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCELFB | E7C1 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Exponential bfp from Logical Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCFEB | E7C2 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCGDB | E7C2 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCLFEB | E7C0 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Logical Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCLGDB | E7C0 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Logical Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFADB | E7E3 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFAXB | E7E3 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Add eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFASB | E7E3 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEDB | E7E8 | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEXB | E7E8 | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEXBS | E7E8 | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCESB | E7E8 | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCESBS | E7E8 | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHDB | E7EB | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHDBS | E7EB | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHXB | E7EB | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHXBS | E7EB | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEDB | E7EA | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEXB | E7EA | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEXBS | E7EA | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHESB | E7EA | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHESBS | E7EA | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHSB | E7EB | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHSBS | E7EB | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFC | E7CB | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar | Machine Instructie | |
WFCDB | E7CB | 0011.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCXB | E7CB | 0100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCSB | E7CB | 0010.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFDDB | E7E5 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Divide Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFDXB | E7E5 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Divide eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFDSB | E7E5 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Divide Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEDB | E7E8 | 0011.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEXB | E7E8 | 0100.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEXBS | E7E8 | 0100.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKESB | E7E8 | 0010.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKESBS | E7E8 | 0010.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHDB | E7EB | 0011.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHDBS | E7EB | 0011.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHXB | E7EB | 0100.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHXBS | E7EB | 0100.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEDB | E7EA | 0011.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEXB | E7EA | 0100.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEXBS | E7EA | 0100.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHESB | E7EA | 0010.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHESBS | E7EA | 0010.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHSB | E7EB | 0010.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHSBS | E7EB | 0010.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFK | E7CA | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar | Machine Instructie | |
WFKDB | E7CA | 0011.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKXB | E7CA | 0100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKSB | E7CA | 0010.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLCDB | E7CC | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Complement Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLCXB | E7CC | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Complement eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLCSB | E7CC | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Complement Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLLD | E7C4 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Lengthened Double bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLLS | E7C4 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Lengthened Single bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLNDB | E7CC | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Negative Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLNXB | E7CC | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Negative eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLNSB | E7CC | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Negative Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLPDB | E7CC | 0011.1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Positive Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLPXB | E7CC | 0100.1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Positive eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLPSB | E7CC | 0010.1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Positive Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLRD | E7C5 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Rounded Double bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WLEDB | E7C5 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector floating point Load rounded Exponential from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLRX | E7C5 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Rounded eXtended bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXDB | E7EF | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MAXimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXXB | E7EF | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MAXimum eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXSB | E7EF | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MAXimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMINDB | E7EE | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MINimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMINXB | E7EE | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MINimum eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMINSB | E7EE | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MINimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMADB | E78F | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXB | E78F | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Add eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMASB | E78F | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSDB | E78E | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSXB | E78E | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSSB | E78E | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMDB | E7E7 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMXB | E7E7 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSB | E7E7 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMADB | E79F | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMAXB | E79F | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMASB | E79F | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMSDB | E79E | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMSXB | E79E | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMSSB | E79E | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFPSODB | E7CC | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFPSOXB | E7CC | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFPSOSB | E7CC | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSQDB | E7CE | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point SQuare root Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSQXB | E7CE | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point SQuare root eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSQSB | E7CE | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point SQuare root Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSDB | E7E2 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSXB | E7E2 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Subtract eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSSB | E7E2 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFTCIXB | E74A | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFTCISB | E74A | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFTCIDB | E74A | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Test dataClass Immediate Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFIDB | E7C7 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector load Floating point Integer Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFIXB | E7C7 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector load Floating point Integer eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFISB | E7C7 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector load Floating point Integer Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WLDEB | E7C4 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Load lengthened Double from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WSR | A30 | Write Special Register | Machine Instructie | |
WSRS | A38 | Write Special Register Short | Machine Instructie | |
ZAP | F8 | Zero and Add Packed decimal | Machine Instructie |
Totaal 2468 regels in deze lijst.
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