Macro NTCR - Named Token CReation

Create a named token

© Copyright B.V. Bixoft 1999-2003. All rights reserved.

This software is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More information is available from the Free Software Foundation or the Open Source Initiative.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this software; if not, write to either of the following:

the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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phone: +31-6-22755401

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.*                                                                      00000100
.* This macro is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   00000200
.* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00000300
.* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License        00000400
.* or (at your option) any later version.                               00000500
.* The license text is available at the following internet addresses:   00000600
.* -                              00000700
.* -                                                     00000800
.* -                                              00000900
.*                                                                      00001000
.* This macro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        00001100
.* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       00001200
.* See the GNU General Public License for more details.                 00001400
.*                                                                      00001500
.* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    00001600
.* along with this program; if not, write to either of the following:   00001700
.* the Free Software Foundation, Inc.      B.V. Bixoft                  00001800
.* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330              Rogge 9                      00001900
.* Boston, MA 02111-1307                   7261 JA Ruurlo               00002000
.* United States of America                The Netherlands              00002100
.*                                                                      00002200
.*                                         e-mail:     00002300
.*                                         phone : +31-6-22755401       00002400
.*                                                                      00002500
.********************************************************************** 00010000
.*                                                                      00020000
.* Bixoft eXtended Assembly language                                    00030000
.* Licensed material - Property of B.V. Bixoft                          00040000
.*                                                                      00050000
.* This macro can be licensed or used on an as-is basis.                00060000
.* No warranty, neither implicit nor explicit, is given.                00070000
.* It remains your own responsibility to ensure the correct             00080000
.* working of any program using this macro.                             00090000
.*                                                                      00100000
.* Suggestions for improvement are always welcome at                    00110000
.*  or mail to                  00120000
.*                                                                      00130000
.* (C) Copyright B.V. Bixoft, 1999                                      00140000
.********************************************************************** 00150000
         MACRO                                                          00160000
.*                                                                      00170000
.* Create a name/token pair                                             00180000
.*                                                                      00190000
&LABEL   NTCR  &PAR1,                  * Parameter 1                   *00200000
               &PAR2,                  * Parameter 2                   *00210000
               &PAR3,                  * Parameter 3                   *00220000
               &PAR4,                  * Parameter 4                   *00230000
               &PAR5,                  * Parameter 5                   *00240000
               &LVL=,                  * Value for level parameter     *00250000
               &NAME=,                 * Value for token name          *00260000
               &TOKEN=,                * Value for token value         *00270000
               &PERSIST=,              * Value for persist option      *00280000
               &MF=                    * MF=L or MF=(E,list_addr)      *00290000
                                       *      or MF=(G,list_addr)       00300000
.*                                                                      00310000
.* &PAR1 (reg) or name of a fullword, containing the level              00320000
.*       if omitted LVL= must be specified.                             00330000
.* &PAR2 (reg) or name of a 16-byte area, containing the token name     00340000
.*       if omitted NAME= must be specified.                            00350000
.* &PAR3 (reg) or name of a 16-byte area, containing the token value    00360000
.*       if omitted TOKEN= must be specified.                           00370000
.* &PAR4 (reg) or name of a fullword, containing the persist option     00380000
.*       if omitted PERSIST= must be specified.                         00390000
.* &PAR5 (reg) or name of a fullword, where the returncode will go      00400000
.*       must not be omitted.                                           00410000
.*                                                                      00420000
.* &LVL     Literal, constant, or (reg). If specified, will be moved    00430000
.*          into the level parameter fullword.                          00440000
.* &NAME    Literal, constant, or (reg). If specified, will be moved    00450000
.*          into the token name parameter 16-byte area.                 00460000
.* &TOKEN   Literal, constant, or (reg). If specified, will be moved    00470000
.*          into the token value parameter 16-byte area.                00480000
.* &PERSIST Literal, constant, or (reg). If specified, will be moved    00490000
.*          into the persistence option parameter fullword.             00500000
.* &MF      L or (L) for the list-form                                  00510000
.*          (E,list_addr) for the execute form                          00520000
.*          (G,list_addr) for the generate form                         00530000
.*                                                                      00540000
.* Declare variables                                                    00550000
         GBLC  &BXA_AMODE              * Current amode                  00560000
         LCLC  &_LABEL                 *                                00570000
         LCLC  &_MF1                   * 1st MF-subparm: L or E         00580000
         LCLC  &_MF2                   * 2nd MF-subparm: plist_address  00590000
         LCLB  &_MFL                   * On if MF=L                     00600000
         LCLB  &_MFE                   * On if MF=E                     00610000
         LCLB  &_MFG                   * On if MF=G                     00620000
         LCLB  &APPEND                 * On if fields appended to plist 00630000
         LCLA  &CTR                    * Counter for allocating fields  00640000
         LCLC  &_PAR1                  * &PAR1 or default               00650000
         LCLC  &_PAR2                  * &PAR2 or default               00660000
         LCLC  &_PAR3                  * &PAR3 or default               00670000
         LCLC  &_PAR4                  * &PAR4 or default               00680000
         LCLC  &_PAR5                  * &PAR5 or default               00690000
         LCLC  &_NAME                  * &NAME as unquoted string       00700000
         LCLC  &_TOKEN                 * &TOKEN as unquoted hex string  00710000
         LCLA  &I                      * Index into substrings          00720000
         LCLC  &BREG                   * Base register for plist        00730000
         LCLC  &PREG                   * Pointer register               00740000
         LCLC  &VREG                   * Value register                 00750000
         LCLC  &UNAM                   * USING name                     00760000
.*                                                                      00770000
.* Check positional parameters                                          00780000
         AIF   (N'&SYSLIST LE 5).NOERR1                                 00790000
         MNOTE 4,'Too many positional parameters: ignored'              00800000
.NOERR1  ANOP                                                           00810000
.*                                                                      00820000
.* Check the MF parameter                                               00830000
         AIF   (K'&MF EQ 0).ERR2A                                       00840000
&_MF1    SETC  '&MF'                   * Copy MF-value                  00850000
         AIF   ('&MF' EQ 'L').SETMFL   * MF=L: ok                       00860000
         AIF   ('&MF'(1,1) NE '(').ERR2B * MF=E must be in sublist      00870000
         AIF   (N'&MF EQ 0).ERR2B      *                                00880000
&_MF1    SETC  '&MF(1)'                * Copy MF-value                  00890000
         AIF   ('&_MF1' EQ 'L' AND N'&MF NE 1).ERR2B                    00900000
         AIF   ('&_MF1' EQ 'L').SETMFL * MF=(L): ok                     00910000
         AIF   (N'&MF NE 2).ERR2B      * Must have two sub-operands     00920000
&_MF2    SETC  '&MF(2)'                * Copy plist_address             00930000
         AIF   ('&_MF1' EQ 'E').SETMFE                                  00940000
         AIF   ('&_MF1' EQ 'G').SETMFG                                  00950000
         AGO   .ERR2B                                                   00960000
.SETMFG  ANOP                                                           00970000
&_MFG    SETB  1                       * Signal MF=G                    00980000
         AGO   .NOERR2                                                  00990000
.SETMFE  ANOP                                                           01000000
&_MFE    SETB  1                       * Signal MF=E                    01010000
         AGO   .NOERR2                                                  01020000
.SETMFL  ANOP                                                           01030000
&_MFL    SETB  1                       * Signal MF=E                    01040000
         AGO   .NOERR2                                                  01050000
.ERR2A   MNOTE 8,'Required parameter MF omitted'                        01060000
         AGO   .NOERR2                                                  01070000
.ERR2B   MNOTE 8,'Parameter MF must be L, (L), (E,plist_addr) or (G,pli*01080000
               st_addr)'                                                01090000
.NOERR2  ANOP                                                           01100000
.*                                                                      01110000
.* Check PAR1 (level field)                                             01120000
         AIF   (&_MFE).NOERR3                                           01130000
         AIF   (&_MFG AND K'&PAR1 NE 0 AND K'&LVL NE 0).NOERR3A         01140000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 EQ 0 AND K'&LVL EQ 0).ERR3A                     01150000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 NE 0 AND K'&LVL NE 0).ERR3A                     01160000
         AGO   .NOERR3A                                                 01170000
.ERR3A   MNOTE 8,'Either the first positional parameter or the LVL-para*01180000
               meter must be specified'                                 01190000
.NOERR3A ANOP                                                           01200000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 EQ 0).NOERR3B                                   01210000
         AIF   (&_MFG).NOERR3B                                          01220000
         AIF   ('&PAR1'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR3B                              01230000
         AGO   .NOERR3B                                                 01240000
.ERR3B   MNOTE 8,'Positional parameter 1 must not specify (reg) with MF*01250000
               =L'                                                      01260000
.NOERR3B ANOP                                                           01270000
.NOERR3  ANOP                                                           01280000
.*                                                                      01290000
.* Check PAR2 (name field)                                              01300000
         AIF   (&_MFE).NOERR4                                           01310000
         AIF   (&_MFG AND K'&PAR2 NE 0 AND K'&NAME NE 0).NOERR4A        01320000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 EQ 0 AND K'&NAME EQ 0).ERR4A                    01330000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 NE 0 AND K'&NAME NE 0).ERR4A                    01340000
         AGO   .NOERR4A                                                 01350000
.ERR4A   MNOTE 8,'Either the second positional parameter or the NAME-pa*01360000
               rameter must be specified'                               01370000
.NOERR4A ANOP                                                           01380000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 EQ 0).NOERR4B                                   01390000
         AIF   (&_MFG).NOERR4B                                          01400000
         AIF   ('&PAR2'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR4B                              01410000
         AGO   .NOERR4B                                                 01420000
.ERR4B   MNOTE 8,'Positional parameter 2 must not specify (reg) with MF*01430000
               =L'                                                      01440000
.NOERR4B ANOP                                                           01450000
.NOERR4  ANOP                                                           01460000
.*                                                                      01470000
.* Check PAR3 (token field)                                             01480000
         AIF   (&_MFE).NOERR5                                           01490000
         AIF   (&_MFG AND K'&PAR3 NE 0 AND K'&TOKEN NE 0).NOERR5A       01500000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 EQ 0 AND K'&TOKEN EQ 0).ERR5A                   01510000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 NE 0 AND K'&TOKEN NE 0).ERR5A                   01520000
         AGO   .NOERR5A                                                 01530000
.ERR5A   MNOTE 8,'Either the third positional parameter or the TOKEN-pa*01540000
               rameter must be specified'                               01550000
.NOERR5A ANOP                                                           01560000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 EQ 0).NOERR5B                                   01570000
         AIF   (&_MFG).NOERR5B                                          01580000
         AIF   ('&PAR3'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR5B                              01590000
         AGO   .NOERR5B                                                 01600000
.ERR5B   MNOTE 8,'Positional parameter 3 must not specify (reg) with MF*01610000
               =L'                                                      01620000
.NOERR5B ANOP                                                           01630000
.NOERR5  ANOP                                                           01640000
.*                                                                      01650000
.* Check PAR4 (persist field)                                           01660000
         AIF   (&_MFE).NOERR6                                           01670000
         AIF   (&_MFG AND K'&PAR4 NE 0 AND K'&PERSIST NE 0).NOERR6A     01680000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 EQ 0 AND K'&PERSIST EQ 0).ERR6A                 01690000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 NE 0 AND K'&PERSIST NE 0).ERR6A                 01700000
         AGO   .NOERR6A                                                 01710000
.ERR6A   MNOTE 8,'Either the fourth positional parameter or the PERSIST*01720000
               -parameter must be specified'                            01730000
.NOERR6A ANOP                                                           01740000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 EQ 0).NOERR6B                                   01750000
         AIF   (&_MFG).NOERR6B                                          01760000
         AIF   ('&PAR4'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR6B                              01770000
         AGO   .NOERR6B                                                 01780000
.ERR6B   MNOTE 8,'Positional parameter 4 must not specify (reg) with MF*01790000
               =L'                                                      01800000
.NOERR6B ANOP                                                           01810000
.NOERR6  ANOP                                                           01820000
.*                                                                      01830000
.* Check PAR5 (returncode field)                                        01840000
         AIF   (&_MFE).NOERR7                                           01850000
         AIF   (K'&PAR5 EQ 0).ERR7A                                     01860000
         AGO   .NOERR7A                                                 01870000
.ERR7A   MNOTE 8,'The fifth positional parameter must be specified'     01880000
.NOERR7A ANOP                                                           01890000
         AIF   (K'&PAR5 EQ 0).NOERR7B                                   01900000
         AIF   (&_MFG).NOERR7B                                          01910000
         AIF   ('&PAR5'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR7B                              01920000
         AGO   .NOERR7B                                                 01930000
.ERR7B   MNOTE 8,'Positional parameter 5 must not specify (reg) with MF*01940000
               =L'                                                      01950000
.NOERR7B ANOP                                                           01960000
.NOERR7  ANOP                                                           01970000
.*                                                                      01980000
.* Check the LVL parameter                                              01990000
         AIF   (K'&LVL EQ 0).NOERR8                                     02000000
         AIF   (&_MFL AND '&LVL'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR8A                     02010000
         AGO   .NOERR8                                                  02020000
.ERR8A   MNOTE 8,'LVL-parameter must not specify (reg) when MF=L'       02030000
.NOERR8  ANOP                                                           02040000
.*                                                                      02050000
.* Check the NAME parameter                                             02060000
         AIF   (K'&NAME EQ 0).NOERR9                                    02070000
         AIF   (&_MFL AND '&NAME'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR9A                    02080000
         AGO   .NOERR9A                                                 02090000
.ERR9A   MNOTE 8,'NAME-parameter must not specify (reg) when MF=L'      02100000
.NOERR9A ANOP                                                           02110000
         AIF   ('&NAME'(1,1) EQ '(').NOERR9 * (reg): no literal check   02120000
&_NAME   SETC  '&NAME'                 * Assume name correct            02130000
&I       SETA  K'&NAME                 *                                02140000
         AIF   ('&NAME'(&I,1) NE '''').NOERR9 * Unquoted string ok      02150000
         AIF   ('&NAME'(1,1) NE 'C').NAMNOTC                            02160000
&_NAME   SETC  '&_NAME'(2,&I-1)        * Remove leading C               02170000
&I       SETA  &I-1                    *                                02180000
.NAMNOTC ANOP                                                           02190000
         AIF   ('&NAME'(1,1) NE '''').ERR9B                             02200000
&_NAME   SETC  '&_NAME'(2,&I-2)        * Remove lead/trail quotes       02210000
         AGO   .NOERR9                                                  02220000
.ERR9B   MNOTE 8,'Name must be specified as (un)quoted string or C-type*02230000
                constant without L-modifier'                            02240000
.NOERR9  ANOP                                                           02250000
.*                                                                      02260000
.* Check the TOKEN parameter                                            02270000
         AIF   (K'&TOKEN EQ 0).NOERR10                                  02280000
         AIF   (&_MFL AND '&TOKEN'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR10A                  02290000
         AGO   .NOERR10A                                                02300000
.ERR10A  MNOTE 8,'TOKEN-parameter must not specify (reg) when MF=L'     02310000
.NOERR10A ANOP                                                          02320000
         AIF   ('&TOKEN'(1,1) NE '(').NOERR10 * (reg) no literal check  02330000
&_TOKEN  SETC  '&TOKEN'                * Assume token correct           02340000
&I       SETA  K'&TOKEN                *                                02350000
         AIF   ('&TOKEN'(&I,1) NE '''').NOERR10B * Unquoted string ok   02360000
         AIF   ('&TOKEN'(1,1) NE 'X').TOKNOTX                           02370000
&_TOKEN  SETC  '&_TOKEN'(2,&I-1)       * Remove leading X               02380000
&I       SETA  &I-1                    *                                02390000
.TOKNOTX ANOP                                                           02400000
         AIF   ('&TOKEN'(1,1) NE '''').ERR10B                           02410000
&_TOKEN  SETC  '&_TOKEN'(2,&I-2)       * Remove lead/trail quotes       02420000
         AGO   .NOERR10B                                                02430000
.ERR10B  MNOTE 8,'Name must be specified as (un)quoted string or C-type*02440000
                constant without L-modifier'                            02450000
.NOERR10B ANOP                                                          02460000
         CHKNUM MACRO=NTCR,            * Check the resulting string    *02470000
               NAME=TOKEN,             * in parameter TOKEN            *02480000
               VAL=&_TOKEN             *                                02490000
.NOERR10 ANOP                                                           02500000
.*                                                                      02510000
.* Check the PERSIST parameter                                          02520000
         AIF   (K'&PERSIST EQ 0).NOERR11                                02530000
         AIF   (&_MFL AND '&PERSIST'(1,1) EQ '(').ERR11A                02540000
         AGO   .NOERR11                                                 02550000
.ERR11A  MNOTE 8,'PERSIST-parameter must not specify (reg) when MF=L'   02560000
.NOERR11 ANOP                                                           02570000
.*                                                                      02580000
.* Check the current amode                                              02590000
         AIF   ('&BXA_AMODE' EQ '31').NOERR12                           02600000
.ERR12   MNOTE 8,'NTCR-macro cannot be issued when in Amode 24'         02610000
.NOERR12 ANOP                                                           02620000
.*                                                                      02630000
.* Include mapping macro for plist                                      02640000
         GENMAPS IEANT                 * Map unless already mapped      02650000
         AIF   (&_MFE).MFE                                              02660000
.********************************************************************** 02670000
.*                                                                      02680000
.* Generate code for MF=L                                               02690000
.* First part also used for MF=G                                        02700000
.*                                                                      02710000
.********************************************************************** 02720000
.*                                                                      02730000
.* All fields not specified on the positional parameter by default      02740000
.* will be appended to the Plist proper                                 02750000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 EQ 0 OR K'&PAR2 EQ 0 OR K'&PAR3 EQ 0).APPEND    02760000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 EQ 0 OR K'&PAR5 EQ 0).APPEND                    02770000
         AGO   .NOAPPEND                                                02780000
.APPEND  ANOP                                                           02790000
&APPEND  SETB  1                                                        02800000
.NOAPPEND ANOP                                                          02810000
.*                                                                      02820000
.* For defaulted fields a label is required                             02830000
         AIF   (NOT &_MFG).LABEL       * MF=L? normal label processing  02840000
         AIF   ('&_MF2'(1,1) EQ '(').GLBLREG * MF=(G,(reg)): register!  02850000
&_LABEL  SETC  'CRPL.NTCRPL'                                            02860000
         AGO   .LABELOK                                                 02870000
.GLBLREG ANOP  ,                       * Plist addressed with register  02880000
&_BREG   SETC  '&MF(2,1)'              * Extract pointer register       02890000
&_LABEL  SETC  '(&_BREG)'              * Points to plist                02900000
         AGO   .LABELOK                                                 02910000
.LABEL   ANOP                                                           02920000
&_LABEL  SETC  '&LABEL'                                                 02930000
         AIF   (NOT &APPEND).LABELOK                                    02940000
         AIF   (K'&LABEL NE 0).LABELOK                                  02950000
&_LABEL  SETC  '_NTCR&SYSNDX'                                           02960000
.LABELOK ANOP                                                           02970000
&CTR     SETA  20                      * Plist length                   02980000
.*                                                                      02990000
.* Determine defaulted positions for unspecified fields                 03000000
.* PAR1: level field (fullword)                                         03010000
&_PAR1   SETC  '&PAR1'                 * Copy specified field location  03020000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 NE 0).LPAR1OK  * If not specified               03030000
&_PAR1   SETC  '&_LABEL.+&CTR'         *  append field to plist         03040000
         AIF   ('&_LABEL'(1,1) NE '(').LPAR1AD * Unless (reg)           03050000
&_PAR1   SETC  '&CTR.&_LABEL'          *  append field to plist         03060000
.LPAR1AD ANOP                                                           03070000
&CTR     SETA  &CTR+4                  * Advance to next free position  03080000
.LPAR1OK ANOP                                                           03090000
.*                                                                      03100000
.* PAR2: name field (16 characters)                                     03110000
&_PAR2   SETC  '&PAR2'                 * Copy specified field location  03120000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 NE 0).LPAR2OK  * If not specified               03130000
&_PAR2   SETC  '&_LABEL.+&CTR'         *  append field to plist         03140000
         AIF   ('&_LABEL'(1,1) NE '(').LPAR2AD * Unless (reg)           03150000
&_PAR2   SETC  '&CTR.&_LABEL'          *  append field to plist         03160000
.LPAR2AD ANOP                                                           03170000
&CTR     SETA  &CTR+16                 * Advance to next free position  03180000
.LPAR2OK ANOP                                                           03190000
.*                                                                      03200000
.* PAR3: token field (16 bytes)                                         03210000
&_PAR3   SETC  '&PAR3'                 * Copy specified field location  03220000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 NE 0).LPAR3OK  * If not specified               03230000
&_PAR3   SETC  '&_LABEL.+&CTR'         *  append field to plist         03240000
         AIF   ('&_LABEL'(1,1) NE '(').LPAR3AD * Unless (reg)           03250000
&_PAR3   SETC  '&CTR.&_LABEL'          *  append field to plist         03260000
.LPAR3AD ANOP                                                           03270000
&CTR     SETA  &CTR+16                 * Advance to next free position  03280000
.LPAR3OK ANOP                                                           03290000
.*                                                                      03300000
.* PAR4: persist field (fullword)                                       03310000
&_PAR4   SETC  '&PAR4'                 * Copy specified field location  03320000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 NE 0).LPAR4OK  * If not specified               03330000
&_PAR4   SETC  '&_LABEL.+&CTR'         *  append field to plist         03340000
         AIF   ('&_LABEL'(1,1) NE '(').LPAR4AD * Unless (reg)           03350000
&_PAR4   SETC  '&CTR.&_LABEL'          *  append field to plist         03360000
.LPAR4AD ANOP                                                           03370000
&CTR     SETA  &CTR+4                  * Advance to next free position  03380000
.LPAR4OK ANOP                                                           03390000
.*                                                                      03400000
.* PAR5: return field (fullword)                                        03410000
&_PAR5   SETC  '&PAR5'                 * Copy specified field location  03420000
         AIF   (K'&PAR5 NE 0).LPAR5OK  * If not specified               03430000
&_PAR5   SETC  '&_LABEL.+&CTR'         *  append field to plist         03440000
         AIF   ('&_LABEL'(1,1) NE '(').LPAR5AD * Unless (reg)           03450000
&_PAR5   SETC  '&CTR.&_LABEL'          *  append field to plist         03460000
.LPAR5AD ANOP                                                           03470000
&CTR     SETA  &CTR+4                  * Advance to next free position  03480000
.LPAR5OK ANOP                                                           03490000
.*                                                                      03500000
.* Plist generation for MF=G follows rules of MF=E                      03510000
.* If there are any defaulted positional parameters: reinvoke NTCR      03520000
         AIF   (&_MFL).MFL                                              03530000
         AIF   (NOT &APPEND).MFE                                        03540000
&LABEL   NTCR  &_PAR1,&_PAR2,&_PAR3,&_PAR4,&_PAR5,                     *03550000
               LVL=&LVL,               *                               *03560000
               NAME=&NAME,             *                               *03570000
               TOKEN=&TOKEN,           *                               *03580000
               PERSIST=&PERSIST,       *                               *03590000
               MF=(G,&_MF2)            *                                03600000
         AGO   .LWARN                                                   03610000
.*                                                                      03620000
.MFL     ANOP                                                           03630000
.*                                                                      03640000
.* Generate code for MF=L                                               03650000
         DS    0F                      * Align on fullword              03660000
&_LABEL  EQU   *,&CTR                  *                                03670000
         DC    AL4(&_PAR1)             * Level pointer                  03680000
         DC    AL4(&_PAR2)             * Name pointer                   03690000
         DC    AL4(&_PAR3)             * Token pointer                  03700000
         DC    AL4(&_PAR4)             * Persist option pointer         03710000
         DC    AL4(&_PAR5)             * Returncode pointer             03720000
.*                                                                      03730000
.* Generate defaulted level field                                       03740000
         AIF   ('&_PAR1' EQ '&PAR1').LNOPAR1                            03750000
         DC    AL4(&LVL)                                                03760000
.LNOPAR1 ANOP                                                           03770000
.*                                                                      03780000
.* Generate defaulted name field                                        03790000
         AIF   ('&_PAR2' EQ '&PAR2').LNOPAR2                            03800000
         DC    CL16'&_NAME'                                             03810000
.LNOPAR2 ANOP                                                           03820000
.*                                                                      03830000
.* Generate defaulted token field                                       03840000
         AIF   ('&_PAR3' EQ '&PAR3').LNOPAR3                            03850000
         DC    XL16'&_TOKEN'                                            03860000
.LNOPAR3 ANOP                                                           03870000
.*                                                                      03880000
.* Generate defaulted persist option field                              03890000
         AIF   ('&_PAR4' EQ '&PAR4').LNOPAR4                            03900000
         DC    AL4(&PERSIST)                                            03910000
.LNOPAR4 ANOP                                                           03920000
.*                                                                      03930000
.* Generate defaulted return code field (violates reentrancy)           03940000
         AIF   ('&_PAR5' EQ '&PAR5').LNOPAR5                            03950000
         DC    AL4(0)                                                   03960000
.LNOPAR5 ANOP                                                           03970000
.*                                                                      03980000
.* Generate warning with length of plist                                03990000
.LWARN   ANOP                                                           04000000
         AIF   (NOT &APPEND).EXIT                                       04010000
         MNOTE *,'Generated Plist and areas for NTCR: &CTR bytes'       04020000
         AGO   .MEXIT                                                   04030000
.*********************************************************************  04040000
.*                                                                      04050000
.* Generate coding for MF=E                                             04060000
.*                                                                      04070000
.*********************************************************************  04080000
.MFE     ANOP                                                           04090000
&LABEL   LABEL ,                       *                                04100000
.*                                                                      04110000
.* If no overriding parameters are specified: skip plist modification   04120000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 NE 0).EMODPL                                    04130000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 NE 0 OR K'&LVL NE 0).EMODPL                     04140000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 NE 0 OR K'&NAME NE 0).EMODPL                    04150000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 NE 0 OR K'&TOKEN NE 0).EMODPL                   04160000
         AIF   (K'&PAR5 NE 0 OR K'&PERSIST NE 0).EMODPL                 04170000
         AGO   .ENOMOD                                                  04180000
.*                                                                      04190000
.* Make parmlist addressable                                            04200000
.EMODPL  ANOP  ,                       * Modify Plist before call       04210000
         AIF   ('&_MF2'(1,1) EQ '(').EREG                               04220000
CRPL     USE   NTCRPL,&_MF2            * Set plist addressable          04230000
&UNAM    SETC  'CRPL.'                                                  04240000
         AGO   .EUSEOK                                                  04250000
.EREG    ANOP                                                           04260000
&BREG    SETC  '&MF(2,1)'              * Extract register number        04270000
         USE   NTCRPL,&BREG            * And set plist addressable      04280000
.EUSEOK  ANOP                                                           04290000
.*                                                                      04300000
.* If PAR1 specified insert address of level field into plist           04310000
&PREG    SETC  'R15'                   * Set register to use as pointer 04320000
&VREG    SETC  'R0'                    * Set register to use for value  04330000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 EQ 0).ENOPAR1                                   04340000
         AIF   ('&PAR1'(1,1) EQ '(').EPAR1R * Register specified?       04350000
         LA    &PREG,&PAR1             * Point to level field           04360000
         AGO   .EPAR1OK                                                 04370000
.EPAR1R  ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             04380000
&PREG    SETC  '&PAR1(1)'              * Extract level field pointer    04390000
.EPAR1OK ANOP                                                           04400000
         ST    &PREG,&UNAM.NTCRLVL     * Put pointer into plist         04410000
.ENOPAR1 ANOP                                                           04420000
.*                                                                      04430000
.* If LVL specified insert value into field                             04440000
         AIF   (K'&LVL EQ 0).ENOLVL                                     04450000
         AIF   (K'&PAR1 NE 0).EPTR1OK  * Pointer already loaded?        04460000
         L     &PREG,NTCRLVL           * Point to level field           04470000
.EPTR1OK ANOP                                                           04480000
         AIF   ('&LVL'(1,1) EQ '(').ELVLR * Register specified?         04490000
         LA    &VREG,&LVL              * Load level value               04500000
         AGO   .ELVLOK                                                  04510000
.ELVLR   ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             04520000
&VREG    SETC  '&LVL(1)'               * Extract level value register   04530000
.ELVLOK  ANOP                                                           04540000
         ST    &VREG,0(,&PREG)         * And put into level field       04550000
.ENOLVL  ANOP                                                           04560000
.*                                                                      04570000
.* If PAR2 specified insert address of name field into plist            04580000
&PREG    SETC  'R15'                   * Set register to use as pointer 04590000
&VREG    SETC  'R0'                    * Set register to use for value  04600000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 EQ 0).ENOPAR2                                   04610000
         AIF   ('&PAR2'(1,1) EQ '(').EPAR2R * Register specified?       04620000
         LA    &PREG,&PAR2             * Point to name field            04630000
         AGO   .EPAR2OK                                                 04640000
.EPAR2R  ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             04650000
&PREG    SETC  '&PAR2(1)'              * Extract name field pointer     04660000
.EPAR2OK ANOP                                                           04670000
         ST    &PREG,&UNAM.NTCRNAM     * Put pointer into plist         04680000
.ENOPAR2 ANOP                                                           04690000
.*                                                                      04700000
.* If NAME specified insert value into field                            04710000
         AIF   (K'&NAME EQ 0).ENONAM                                    04720000
         AIF   (K'&PAR2 NE 0).EPTR2OK  * Pointer already loaded?        04730000
         L     &PREG,NTCRNAM           * Point to name field            04740000
.EPTR2OK ANOP                                                           04750000
         AIF   ('&NAME'(1,1) EQ '(').ENAMR * Register specified?        04760000
         MVC   0(16,&PREG),=CL16'&_NAME' * Move name into field         04770000
         AGO   .ENONAM                                                  04780000
.ENAMR   ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             04790000
&VREG    SETC  '&NAME(1)'              * Extract name value register    04800000
         MVC   0(16,&PREG),0(&VREG)    * Move name into field           04810000
.ENONAM  ANOP                                                           04820000
.*                                                                      04830000
.* If PAR3 specified insert address of token field into plist           04840000
&PREG    SETC  'R15'                   * Set register to use as pointer 04850000
&VREG    SETC  'R0'                    * Set register to use for value  04860000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 EQ 0).ENOPAR3                                   04870000
         AIF   ('&PAR3'(1,1) EQ '(').EPAR3R * Register specified?       04880000
         LA    &PREG,&PAR3             * Point to token field           04890000
         AGO   .EPAR3OK                                                 04900000
.EPAR3R  ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             04910000
&PREG    SETC  '&PAR3(1)'              * Extract token field pointer    04920000
.EPAR3OK ANOP                                                           04930000
         ST    &PREG,&UNAM.NTCRTOK     * Put pointer into plist         04940000
.ENOPAR3 ANOP                                                           04950000
.*                                                                      04960000
.* If TOKEN specified insert value into field                           04970000
         AIF   (K'&TOKEN EQ 0).ENOTOK                                   04980000
         AIF   (K'&PAR3 NE 0).EPTR3OK  * Pointer already loaded?        04990000
         L     &PREG,NTCRTOK           * Point to token field           05000000
.EPTR3OK ANOP                                                           05010000
         AIF   ('&TOKEN'(1,1) EQ '(').ETOKR * Register specified?       05020000
         MVC   0(16,&PREG),=XL16'&_TOKEN' * Move token into field       05030000
         AGO   .ENOTOK                                                  05040000
.ETOKR   ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             05050000
&VREG    SETC  '&TOKEN(1)'             * Extract token value register   05060000
         MVC   0(16,&PREG),0(&VREG)    * Move token into field          05070000
.ENOTOK  ANOP                                                           05080000
.*                                                                      05090000
.* If PAR4 specified insert address of persist option field into plist  05100000
&PREG    SETC  'R15'                   * Set register to use as pointer 05110000
&VREG    SETC  'R0'                    * Set register to use for value  05120000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 EQ 0).ENOPAR4                                   05130000
         AIF   ('&PAR4'(1,1) EQ '(').EPAR4R * Register specified?       05140000
         LA    &PREG,&PAR4             * Point to option field          05150000
         AGO   .EPAR4OK                                                 05160000
.EPAR4R  ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             05170000
&PREG    SETC  '&PAR4(1)'              * Extract option field pointer   05180000
.EPAR4OK ANOP                                                           05190000
         ST    &PREG,&UNAM.NTCRPOPT    * Put pointer into plist         05200000
.ENOPAR4 ANOP                                                           05210000
.*                                                                      05220000
.* If PERSIST specified insert value into field                         05230000
         AIF   (K'&PERSIST EQ 0).ENOPER                                 05240000
         AIF   (K'&PAR4 NE 0).EPTR4OK  * Pointer already loaded?        05250000
         L     &PREG,NTCRPOPT          * Point to option field          05260000
.EPTR4OK ANOP                                                           05270000
         AIF   ('&PERSIST'(1,1) EQ '(').EPERR * Register specified?     05280000
         LA    &VREG,&PERSIST          * Load persistence option value  05290000
         AGO   .EPEROK                                                  05300000
.EPERR   ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             05310000
&VREG    SETC  '&PERSIST(1)'           * Extract option value register  05320000
.EPEROK  ANOP                                                           05330000
         ST    &VREG,0(,&PREG)         * And put into option field      05340000
.ENOPER  ANOP                                                           05350000
.*                                                                      05360000
.* If PAR5 specified insert address of returncode field into plist      05370000
&PREG    SETC  'R15'                   * Set register to use as pointer 05380000
&VREG    SETC  'R0'                    * Set register to use for value  05390000
         AIF   (K'&PAR5 EQ 0).ENOPAR5                                   05400000
         AIF   ('&PAR5'(1,1) EQ '(').EPAR5R * Register specified?       05410000
         LA    &PREG,&PAR5             * Point to retcode field         05420000
         AGO   .EPAR5OK                                                 05430000
.EPAR5R  ANOP  ,                       * Specified as (reg)             05440000
&PREG    SETC  '&PAR5(1)'              * Extract retcode pointer        05450000
.EPAR5OK ANOP                                                           05460000
         ST    &PREG,&UNAM.NTCRRCD     * Put pointer into plist         05470000
.ENOPAR5 ANOP                                                           05480000
.*                                                                      05490000
.* Plist is now complete                                                05500000
         AIF   ('&_MF2'(1,1) EQ '(').EDROPR                             05510000
         DROP  CRPL                    * NTCRPL                         05520000
         AGO   .EDROPOK                                                 05530000
.EDROPR  DROP  &BREG                   * NTCRPL                         05540000
.EDROPOK ANOP                                                           05550000
.ENOMOD  ANOP  ,                       * No modifications to plist      05560000
.*                                                                      05570000
.* For MF=G we're done                                                  05580000
         AIF   (&_MFG).MEXIT                                            05590000
.*                                                                      05600000
.* Invoke Name/Token service IEANTCR                                    05610000
         AIF   (K'&BREG EQ 0).ELAR1                                     05620000
         LR    R1,&BREG                * R1 must point to plist         05630000
         AGO   .ER1OK                                                   05640000
.ELAR1   ANOP                                                           05650000
         LA    R1,&_MF2                * R1 must point to plist         05660000
.ER1OK   ANOP                                                           05670000
.*                                                                      05680000
         L     R15,X'010'              * Retrieve                       05690000
         L     R15,X'220'(,R15)        *  address                       05700000
         L     R15,X'014'(,R15)        *   of                           05710000
         L     R15,X'004'(,R15)        *    IEANTCR                     05720000
         BASR  R14,R15                 * And call it                    05730000
.*                                                                      05740000
.MEXIT   ANOP                                                           05750000
         MEND                                                           05760000

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