The list below contains: | Sort this list by: | Expand this list with: | Remove from this list: | Translate into: |
Mnemonic | Opcode | Mask | Name | Category |
AMODE | -- | Addressing MODE | Directive - assembler instruction | |
ALIAS | -- | ALIAS definition | Directive - assembler instruction | |
ACONTROL | -- | Assembler CONTROL | Directive - assembler instruction | |
ACTR | -- | Assembler CounTeR | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
AEJECT | -- | Assembler EJECT macro listing | Directive - assembler instruction | |
AGOB | -- | Assembler GO Backward | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
AGO | -- | Assembler GO to | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
AIF | -- | Assembler IF | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
AIFB | -- | Assembler IF Backward | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
AINSERT | -- | Assembler INSERT source line | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
ANOP | -- | Assembler No-OPeration | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
AREAD | -- | Assembler READ source record | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
ASPACE | -- | Assembler SPACE macro listing | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
ADATA | -- | Associated DATA | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CCW | -- | Channel Command Word | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CCW0 | -- | Channel Command Word format-0 | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CCW1 | -- | Channel Command Word format-1 | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CATTR | -- | Class ATTRibutes | Directive - assembler instruction | |
COM | -- | COMmon control section | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CNOP | -- | Computer No-OPeration | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CEJECT | -- | Conditional EJECT listing | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CSECT | -- | Control SECTion | Directive - assembler instruction | |
COPY | -- | COPY member | Directive - assembler instruction | |
CXD | -- | Cumulative eXternal Dummy length | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC | -- | Define Constant | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DXD | -- | Define eXternal Dummy section | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS | -- | Define Storage | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DROP | -- | DROP | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DSECT | -- | Dummy SECTion | Directive - assembler instruction | |
EJECT | -- | EJECT listing | Directive - assembler instruction | |
END | -- | END assembly | Directive - assembler instruction | |
ENTRY | -- | ENTRY point | Directive - assembler instruction | |
EQU | -- | EQUate | Directive - assembler instruction | |
EXITCTL | -- | EXIT ConTroL values | Directive - assembler instruction | |
XATTR | -- | eXternal ATTRibutes | Directive - assembler instruction | |
EXTRN | -- | EXTeRNal symbol | Directive - assembler instruction | |
GBLA | -- | GloBaL Arithmetic variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
GBLB | -- | GloBaL Boolean variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
GBLC | -- | GloBaL Character variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
ICTL | -- | Input ConTroL | Directive - assembler instruction | |
ISEQ | -- | Input SEQuence checking | Directive - assembler instruction | |
LTORG | -- | LiTeral pool ORiGin | Directive - assembler instruction | |
LCLA | -- | LoCaL Arithmetic variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
LCLB | -- | LoCaL Boolean variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
LCLC | -- | LoCaL Character variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
LOCTR | -- | LOCaToR | Directive - assembler instruction | |
MEND | -- | Macro END | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
MEXIT | -- | Macro EXIT | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
MHELP | -- | Macro HELP | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
MNOTE | -- | Macro NOTE | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
MACRO | -- | MACRO start | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
OPSYN | -- | OPcode SYNonym | Directive - assembler instruction | |
ORG | -- | ORiGin | Directive - assembler instruction | |
POP | -- | POP stacked status | Directive - assembler instruction | |
-- | PRINT settings | Directive - assembler instruction | ||
PROCESS | -- | PROCESSing options | Directive - assembler instruction | |
PUNCH | -- | PUNCH object record | Directive - assembler instruction | |
PUSH | -- | PUSH status onto stack | Directive - assembler instruction | |
RSECT | -- | Reenterable SECTion | Directive - assembler instruction | |
REPRO | -- | REPROduce as object record | Directive - assembler instruction | |
RMODE | -- | Residence MODE | Directive - assembler instruction | |
SETA | -- | SET Arithmetic variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
SETAF | -- | SET Arithmetic variable by external Function | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
SETB | -- | SET Boolean variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
SETC | -- | SET Character variable | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
SETCF | -- | SET Character variable by external Function | Directive - conditional assembler instruction | |
SPACE | -- | SPACE listing | Directive - assembler instruction | |
START | -- | START assembly | Directive - assembler instruction | |
TITLE | -- | TITLE definition | Directive - assembler instruction | |
USING | -- | USING | Directive - assembler instruction | |
WXTRN | -- | Weak eXTeRNal | Directive - assembler instruction |
There are 71 entries in this list.
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